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CDMSBats Overview

CDMSBats is a set of packages used to process raw data. CDMSBats does this by reading a raw pulse from a detector module and then analyzing it by applying cuts and filtering background noise. The CDMSBats framework is comprised of various programs a user may want to use:

BatNoise: Applies various filtering algorithms and cuts to raw data to produce histograms, such as the Power Spectral Density (PSD) from selected noise traces. Also, BatNoise calculates other useful quantities we would want to use in the following stage of the CDMSBats process, such as the Optimal filter, signal-to-noise ratio, etc. The BatNoise program stores histograms and quantities needed for BatRoot in a filter file, which is in ROOT Format.

BatRoot: The first tier of data processing. Takes raw data and outputs estimated physics quantities. Uses raw data files for input, and outputs ROOT RQ files. BatRoot applies analysis algorithms to distinguish between background noise and essential data. You can also turn the processing on and off for specific detectors or components of the experiment from within the processing settings.

BatCalib: The second tier of data processing. Applies calibration constants to RQ ROOT files and generates RRQs ("Refined Reduced Quantities" such as time delay, or energy and yield).

BatFaker: Contains tools designed to produce fake raw data files, primarily for use in data salting. Currently only supports the Soudan data format.

BatViewer: A utility that calls on ROOT to display an interactive TCanvas to view a single raw data file, or series raw data folder.

An analyzer cannot look directly at the raw data collected from detector modules and immediately understand what is happening within the module; we must refine the noise-ridden raw data with the help of BatNoise, BatRoot, and BatCalib.

CDMSBats Flowchart

The overall work flow of cdmsbats is summarized in the flow chart below:


Detailed explanation of what each component does and what each output file contains is available in the subpackage documentation for BatNoise, BatRoot and BatCalib.

CDMSBats Homepage

For developers, analyzers, and users working closely with CDMSBats visit the CDMSBats Homepage. The hompage will contain useful resources such as training for new developers, CDMSBats site specific instructions, developer meeting information, information on CDMSBats usage on specific computing sites, a log of documentation issues, and more.