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Contributions Overview

If you have any questions about contributing or using BatCommon, you will find help at the same places as cdmsbats. This is because Batcommon and cdmsbats development go hand-in-hand and share a common pool of experts and developers. So please direct all your questions first to the #cdmsbats Slack channel. You can find instructions for joining the CDMS Slack here.

Contribute to Documentation

To get started with documentation contributions, see the documentation contribution guide.

Aditi Pradeep is the documentation maintainer and can be reached at @aditi on the #cdmsbats Slack channel or for documentation specific questions in the cdmsbats-documentation channel. You can also add her to JIRA tickets about documentation.

Develop BatCommon Code

To get started with BatCommon code development, see the developer contribution guide.

You can reach development experts on the #cdmsbats Slack channel.