Top Cited Articles during 2002 in gr-qc
Top Cited Articles during 2002 in gr-qc
The 50 most highly cited papers during 2002 in the gr-qc archive
Keep in mind that citation counts can never be exact,
there is something like a 5% error in most of these numbers. Please do not fret
about number 32 versus 33, as this is often not a statistically
significant difference. Remember the detailed warning
about the accuracy of these counts.
Also note that the counts shown, and used in the rankings, are the
counts as of Fri 16-Feb-2007. Further, the counts shown by the ranking are only the cites satisfying the
criteria for that list.
Actual citation numbers in the database may change as corrections are made and papers
are added, the links will take you to the updated numbers. The lists, however, will not update.
- 93
- The Einstein equation on the 3-brane world
By Tetsuya Shiromizu (Cambridge U., DAMTP & Tokyo U. & Tokyo U., RESCEU), Kei-ichi
Maeda (Newton Inst. Math. Sci., Cambridge & Waseda U.), Misao Sasaki (Newton Inst.
Math. Sci., Cambridge & Tokyo U. & Osaka U.).
- Published in:Phys.Rev.D62:024012,2000
[arXiv: gr-qc/9910076]
[683 Total citations in HEP]
- 86
- Dimensional reduction in quantum gravity
By Gerard 't Hooft (Utrecht U.).
- HEP Record
[arXiv: gr-qc/9310026]
[666 Total citations in HEP]
- 59
- Relativity in space-times with short distance structure governed by an
observer independent (Planckian) length scale
By Giovanni Amelino-Camelia (Rome U.).
- Published in:Int.J.Mod.Phys.D11:35-60,2002
[arXiv: gr-qc/0012051]
[273 Total citations in HEP]
- 55
- Classical black hole production in high-energy collisions
By Douglas M. Eardley, Steven B. Giddings (UC, Santa Barbara).
- Published in:Phys.Rev.D66:044011,2002
[arXiv: gr-qc/0201034]
[221 Total citations in HEP]
- 47
- Brane world cosmology
By Daisuke Ida (Kyoto U.).
- Published in:JHEP
[arXiv: gr-qc/9912002]
[247 Total citations in HEP]
- 39
- Geometry of the (2+1) black hole
By Maximo Banados (CECS, Valdivia & Chile U., Santiago & CECS, Valdivia & Brussels
U. & CECS, Valdivia & Chile U., Santiago & Princeton, Inst. Advanced Study & CECS,
Valdivia & Chile U., Santiago), Marc Henneaux (CECS, Valdivia & Brussels U.),
Claudio Teitelboim (CECS, Valdivia & Chile U., Santiago & Princeton, Inst.
Advanced Study), Jorge Zanelli (CECS, Valdivia & Chile U., Santiago).
- Published in:Phys.Rev.D48:1506-1525,1993
[arXiv: gr-qc/9302012]
[611 Total citations in HEP]
- 36
- Introduction to modern canonical quantum general relativity
By Thomas Thiemann (Potsdam, Max Planck Inst.).
- HEP Record
[arXiv: gr-qc/0110034]
[242 Total citations in HEP]
- 34
- Metric affine gauge theory of gravity: Field equations, Noether identities,
world spinors, and breaking of dilation invariance
By Friedrich W. Hehl (Cologne U.), J.Dermott McCrea (University Coll., Dublin &
Dublin Inst.), Eckehard W. Mielke (Cologne U.), Yuval Neeman (Tel Aviv U. & Texas
- Published in:Phys.Rept.258:1-171,1995
[arXiv: gr-qc/9402012]
[377 Total citations in HEP]
- 34
- Nonstandard optics from quantum space-time
By Rodolfo Gambini (Republica U., Montevideo), Jorge Pullin (Penn State U.).
- Published in:Phys.Rev.D59:124021,1999
[arXiv: gr-qc/9809038]
[245 Total citations in HEP]
- 33
- Quantum geometry and black hole entropy
By A. Ashtekar (Penn State U.), J. Baez (UC, Riverside), A. Corichi (Penn State U.
& Mexico U., ICN), Kirill Krasnov (Penn State U.).
- Published in:Phys.Rev.Lett.80:904-907,1998
[arXiv: gr-qc/9710007]
[311 Total citations in HEP]
- 33
- Loop quantum gravity
By Carlo Rovelli (Pittsburgh U.).
- Published in:Living
[arXiv: gr-qc/9710008]
[282 Total citations in HEP]
- 33
- Exponential potentials and cosmological scaling solutions
By Edmund J. Copeland, Andrew R Liddle (Sussex U.), David Wands (Portsmouth U.).
- Published in:Phys.Rev.D57:4686-4690,1998
[arXiv: gr-qc/9711068]
[310 Total citations in HEP]
- 32
- The Confrontation between general relativity and experiment
By Clifford M. Will (Washington U., St. Louis).
- Published in:Living
[arXiv: gr-qc/0103036]
[243 Total citations in HEP]
- 31
- Discreteness of area and volume in quantum gravity
By Carlo Rovelli (Pittsburgh U.), Lee Smolin (Penn State U.).
- Published in:Nucl.Phys.B442:593-622,1995,
[arXiv: gr-qc/9411005]
[402 Total citations in HEP]
- 30
- Quantum gravity corrections to neutrino propagation
By Jorge Alfaro (Chile U., Catolica), Hugo A. Morales-Tecotl (Mexico City U.,
Iztapalapa), Luis F. Urrutia (Mexico U., ICN).
- Published in:Phys.Rev.Lett.84:2318-2321,2000
[arXiv: gr-qc/9909079]
[167 Total citations in HEP]
- 29
- Geometry and dynamics of the brane world
By Roy Maartens (Portsmouth U.).
- HEP Record
[arXiv: gr-qc/0101059]
[109 Total citations in HEP]
- 28
- Quantum theory of geometry. 1: Area operators
By Abhay Ashtekar (Penn State U.), Jerzy Lewandowski (Warsaw U. & Potsdam, Max
Planck Inst.).
- Published in:Class.Quant.Grav.14:A55-A82,1997
[arXiv: gr-qc/9602046]
[237 Total citations in HEP]
- 28
- Extending the lifetime of 3-D black hole computations with a new hyperbolic
system of evolution equations
By Lawrence E. Kidder, Mark A. Scheel, Saul A. Teukolsky (Cornell U., Radio. Space
Res. Ctr.).
- Published in:Phys.Rev.D64:064017,2001
[arXiv: gr-qc/0105031]
[97 Total citations in HEP]
- 27
- A New class of unstable modes of rotating relativistic stars
By Nils Andersson (Washington U., St. Louis).
- Published in:Astrophys.J.502:708-713,1998
[arXiv: gr-qc/9706075]
[213 Total citations in HEP]
- 27
- An Alternative to quintessence
By Alexander Yu. Kamenshchik (Landau Inst. & Landau Network Centro Volta), Ugo
Moschella (Insubria U., Como & INFN, Milan), Vincent Pasquier (Saclay).
- Published in:Phys.Lett.B511:265-268,2001
[arXiv: gr-qc/0103004]
[346 Total citations in HEP]
- 26
- Superluminary universe: A Possible solution to the initial value problem in
By J.W. Moffat (Toronto U.).
- Published in:Int.J.Mod.Phys.D2:351-366,1993
[arXiv: gr-qc/9211020]
[132 Total citations in HEP]
- 25
- On the numerical integration of Einstein's field equations
By Thomas W. Baumgarte (Illinois U., Urbana), Stuart L. Shapiro (Illinois U.,
Urbana, Astron. Dept.).
- Published in:Phys.Rev.D59:024007,1999
[arXiv: gr-qc/9810065]
[181 Total citations in HEP]
- 25
- Limits to quantum gravity effects from observations of TeV flares in active
By S.D. Biller, A.C. Breslin, J. Buckley, M. Catanese, M. Carson, D.A.
Carter-Lewis, M.F. Cawley, D.J. Fegan, J. Finley, J.A. Gaidos, A.M. Hillas, F.
Krennrich, R.C. Lamb, R. Lessard, C. Masterson, J.E. McEnery, B. McKernan, P.
Moriarty, J. Quinn, H.J. Rose, F. Samuelson, G. Sembroski, P. Skelton, T.C.
Weekes (Oxford U. & University Coll., Dublin & Washington U., St. Louis & Iowa
State U. & NUIM, Maynooth & Purdue U. & Leeds U. & Caltech & Utah U. & Galway-Mayo
Inst. of Tech. & Whipple Observ.).
- Published in:Phys.Rev.Lett.83:2108-2111,1999
[arXiv: gr-qc/9810044]
[157 Total citations in HEP]
- 24
- Relativistic spin networks and quantum gravity
By John W. Barrett (Nottingham U.), Louis Crane (Kansas State U.).
- Published in:J.Math.Phys.39:3296-3302,1998
[arXiv: gr-qc/9709028]
[177 Total citations in HEP]
- 24
- Quantum gravity: A Progress report
By S. Carlip (UC, Davis).
- Published in:Rept.Prog.Phys.64:885,2001
[arXiv: gr-qc/0108040]
[99 Total citations in HEP]
- 23
- The Gravitational Hamiltonian, action, entropy and surface terms
By S.W. Hawking (Cambridge U.), Gary T. Horowitz (UC, Santa Barbara).
- Published in:Class.Quant.Grav.13:1487-1498,1996
[arXiv: gr-qc/9501014]
[259 Total citations in HEP]
- 22
- Black hole entropy in the Noether charge
By Robert M. Wald (Chicago U., EFI & Chicago U.).
- Published in:Phys.Rev.D48:3427-3431,1993
[arXiv: gr-qc/9307038]
[299 Total citations in HEP]
- 22
- Axial instability of rotating relativistic stars
By John L. Friedman, Sharon M. Morsink (Wisconsin U., Milwaukee).
- Published in:Astrophys.J.502:714-720,1998
[arXiv: gr-qc/9706073]
[161 Total citations in HEP]
- 22
- General relativity as an effective field theory: The leading quantum
By John F. Donoghue (Massachusetts U., Amherst).
- Published in:Phys.Rev.D50:3874-3888,1994
[arXiv: gr-qc/9405057]
[213 Total citations in HEP]
- 21
- Quantum geometry of isolated horizons and black hole entropy
By A. Ashtekar (Penn State U. & Santa Barbara, KITP), John C. Baez (UC, Riverside
& Penn State U.), Kirill Krasnov (UC, Santa Barbara & Santa Barbara, KITP).
- Published in:Adv.Theor.Math.Phys.4:1-94,2000
[arXiv: gr-qc/0005126]
[174 Total citations in HEP]
- 21
- A Lorentzian signature model for quantum general relativity
By John W. Barrett (Nottingham U.), Louis Crane (Kansas State U.).
- Published in:Class.Quant.Grav.17:3101-3118,2000
[arXiv: gr-qc/9904025]
[117 Total citations in HEP]
- 21
- Logarithmic corrections to black hole entropy from the Cardy formula
By S. Carlip (UC, Davis).
- Published in:Class.Quant.Grav.17:4175-4186,2000
[arXiv: gr-qc/0005017]
[96 Total citations in HEP]
- 21
- Spectroscopy of the quantum black hole
By Jacob D. Bekenstein (Hebrew U.), Viatcheslav F. Mukhanov (Zurich, ETH).
- Published in:Phys.Lett.B360:7-12,1995
[arXiv: gr-qc/9505012]
[193 Total citations in HEP]
- 20
- Numerical relativity: A Review
By Luis Lehner (British Columbia U. & British Columbia U., PIMS).
- Published in:Class.Quant.Grav.18:R25-R86,2001
[arXiv: gr-qc/0106072]
[69 Total citations in HEP]
- 20
- Quantum spin dynamics (QSD)
By T. Thiemann (Harvard U.).
- Published in:Class.Quant.Grav.15:839-873,1998
[arXiv: gr-qc/9606089]
[231 Total citations in HEP]
- 20
- Critical phenomena in gravitational collapse
By Carsten Gundlach (Chicago U., EFI & Southampton U.).
- Published in:Living
[arXiv: gr-qc/0001046]
[69 Total citations in HEP]
- 20
- Generalized Lorentz invariance with an invariant energy scale
By Joao Magueijo (Imperial Coll., London), Lee Smolin (Perimeter Inst. Theor.
Phys. & Waterloo U.).
- Published in:Phys.Rev.D67:044017,2003
[arXiv: gr-qc/0207085]
[142 Total citations in HEP]
- 20
- Kaluza-Klein gravity
By J.M. Overduin (Victoria U.), P.S. Wesson (Waterloo U. & Stanford U., HEPL).
- Published in:Phys.Rept.283:303-380,1997
[arXiv: gr-qc/9805018]
[223 Total citations in HEP]
- 20
- Some properties of Noether charge and a proposal for dynamical black hole
By Vivek Iyer, Robert M. Wald (Chicago U., EFI & Chicago U.).
- Published in:Phys.Rev.D50:846-864,1994
[arXiv: gr-qc/9403028]
[289 Total citations in HEP]
- 19
- Nonminimal coupling and quintessence
By O. Bertolami (New York U.), P.J. Martins (Lisbon, IST).
- Published in:Phys.Rev.D61:064007,2000
[arXiv: gr-qc/9910056]
[104 Total citations in HEP]
- 19
- Conservation laws in 'Doubly special relativity'
By Simon Judes (Oxford U.), Matt Visser (Victoria U.).
- Published in:Phys.Rev.D68:045001,2003
[arXiv: gr-qc/0205067]
[69 Total citations in HEP]
- 19
- Entropy from conformal field theory at Killing horizons
By S. Carlip (UC, Davis).
- Published in:Class.Quant.Grav.16:3327-3348,1999
[arXiv: gr-qc/9906126]
[120 Total citations in HEP]
- 19
- Measuring gravitational waves from binary black hole coalescences: 1.
Signal-to-noise for inspiral, merger, and ringdown
By Eanna E. Flanagan (Cornell U., LNS), Scott A. Hughes (Caltech).
- Published in:Phys.Rev.D57:4535-4565,1998
[arXiv: gr-qc/9701039]
[180 Total citations in HEP]
- 19
- Are we at the dawn of quantum gravity phenomenology?
By Giovanni Amelino-Camelia (CERN).
- Published in:Lect.Notes
[arXiv: gr-qc/9910089]
[92 Total citations in HEP]
- 18
- Anisotropy dissipation in brane world inflation
By Roy Maartens (Portsmouth U.), Varun Sahni, Tarun Deep Saini (IUCAA, Pune).
- Published in:Phys.Rev.D63:063509,2001
[arXiv: gr-qc/0011105]
[60 Total citations in HEP]
- 18
- Cosmic topology
By Marc Lachieze-Rey (DAPNIA, Saclay), Jean-Pierre Luminet (Meudon Observ.).
- Published in:Phys.Rept.254:135-214,1995
[arXiv: gr-qc/9605010]
[166 Total citations in HEP]
- 18
- Quantization of diffeomorphism invariant theories of connections with local
degrees of freedom
By Abhay Ashtekar (Penn State U.), Jerzy Lewandowski (Warsaw U.), Donald Marolf
(UC, Santa Barbara), Jose Mourao (Algarve U.), Thomas Thiemann (Penn State U.).
- Published in:J.Math.Phys.36:6456-6493,1995
[arXiv: gr-qc/9504018]
[260 Total citations in HEP]
- 18
- Spin foam models
By John C. Baez (UC, Riverside).
- Published in:Class.Quant.Grav.15:1827-1858,1998
[arXiv: gr-qc/9709052]
[155 Total citations in HEP]
- 18
- Gravitational waves from hot young rapidly rotating neutron stars
By Benjamin J. Owen, Lee Lindblom (Caltech), Curt Cutler, Bernard F. Schutz,
Alberto Vecchio (Potsdam, Max Planck Inst.), Nils Andersson (Tubingen U.).
- Published in:Phys.Rev.D58:084020,1998
[arXiv: gr-qc/9804044]
[129 Total citations in HEP]
- 18
- The R mode instability in rotating neutron stars
By Nils Andersson (Southampton U.), Kostas D. Kokkotas (Thessaloniki U.).
- Published in:Int.J.Mod.Phys.D10:381-442,2001
[arXiv: gr-qc/0010102]
[74 Total citations in HEP]
- 18
- Covariant and locally Lorentz invariant varying speed of light
By Joao Magueijo (Imperial Coll., London).
- Published in:Phys.Rev.D62:103521,2000
[arXiv: gr-qc/0007036]
[57 Total citations in HEP]