Top Cited Articles during 1999 in gr-qc
Top Cited Articles during 1999 in gr-qc
The 50 most highly cited papers during 1999 in the gr-qc archive
Keep in mind that citation counts can never be exact,
there is something like a 5% error in most of these numbers. Please do not fret
about number 32 versus 33, as this is often not a statistically
significant difference. Remember the detailed warning
about the accuracy of these counts.
Also note that the counts shown, and used in the rankings, are the
counts as of Thu 15-Mar-2007. Further, the counts shown by the ranking are only the cites satisfying the
criteria for that list.
Actual citation numbers in the database may change as corrections are made and papers
are added, the links will take you to the updated numbers. The lists, however, will not update.
- 83
- Dimensional reduction in quantum gravity
By Gerard 't Hooft (Utrecht U.).
- HEP Record
[arXiv: gr-qc/9310026]
[670 Total citations in HEP]
- 62
- Geometry of the (2+1) black hole
By Maximo Banados (CECS, Valdivia & Chile U., Santiago & CECS, Valdivia & Brussels
U. & CECS, Valdivia & Chile U., Santiago & Princeton, Inst. Advanced Study & CECS,
Valdivia & Chile U., Santiago), Marc Henneaux (CECS, Valdivia & Brussels U.),
Claudio Teitelboim (CECS, Valdivia & Chile U., Santiago & Princeton, Inst.
Advanced Study), Jorge Zanelli (CECS, Valdivia & Chile U., Santiago).
- Published in:Phys.Rev.D48:1506-1525,1993
[arXiv: gr-qc/9302012]
[617 Total citations in HEP]
- 45
- The Gravitational Hamiltonian, action, entropy and surface terms
By S.W. Hawking (Cambridge U.), Gary T. Horowitz (UC, Santa Barbara).
- Published in:Class.Quant.Grav.13:1487-1498,1996
[arXiv: gr-qc/9501014]
[260 Total citations in HEP]
- 35
- Discreteness of area and volume in quantum gravity
By Carlo Rovelli (Pittsburgh U.), Lee Smolin (Penn State U.).
- Published in:Nucl.Phys.B442:593-622,1995,
[arXiv: gr-qc/9411005]
[407 Total citations in HEP]
- 34
- A New class of unstable modes of rotating relativistic stars
By Nils Andersson (Washington U., St. Louis).
- Published in:Astrophys.J.502:708-713,1998
[arXiv: gr-qc/9706075]
[213 Total citations in HEP]
- 34
- Quantum geometry and black hole entropy
By A. Ashtekar (Penn State U.), J. Baez (UC, Riverside), A. Corichi (Penn State U.
& Mexico U., ICN), Kirill Krasnov (Penn State U.).
- Published in:Phys.Rev.Lett.80:904-907,1998
[arXiv: gr-qc/9710007]
[315 Total citations in HEP]
- 31
- Gravitational waves from hot young rapidly rotating neutron stars
By Benjamin J. Owen, Lee Lindblom (Caltech), Curt Cutler, Bernard F. Schutz,
Alberto Vecchio (Potsdam, Max Planck Inst.), Nils Andersson (Tubingen U.).
- Published in:Phys.Rev.D58:084020,1998
[arXiv: gr-qc/9804044]
[129 Total citations in HEP]
- 29
- Exponential potentials and cosmological scaling solutions
By Edmund J. Copeland, Andrew R Liddle (Sussex U.), David Wands (Portsmouth U.).
- Published in:Phys.Rev.D57:4686-4690,1998
[arXiv: gr-qc/9711068]
[312 Total citations in HEP]
- 27
- Gravitational radiation instability in hot young neutron stars
By Lee Lindblom, Benjamin J. Owen (Caltech), Sharon M. Morsink (Wisconsin U.,
- Published in:Phys.Rev.Lett.80:4843-4846,1998
[arXiv: gr-qc/9803053]
[146 Total citations in HEP]
- 27
- Axial instability of rotating relativistic stars
By John L. Friedman, Sharon M. Morsink (Wisconsin U., Milwaukee).
- Published in:Astrophys.J.502:714-720,1998
[arXiv: gr-qc/9706073]
[161 Total citations in HEP]
- 25
- Metric affine gauge theory of gravity: Field equations, Noether identities,
world spinors, and breaking of dilation invariance
By Friedrich W. Hehl (Cologne U.), J.Dermott McCrea (University Coll., Dublin &
Dublin Inst.), Eckehard W. Mielke (Cologne U.), Yuval Neeman (Tel Aviv U. & Texas
- Published in:Phys.Rept.258:1-171,1995
[arXiv: gr-qc/9402012]
[381 Total citations in HEP]
- 24
- The Einstein equation on the 3-brane world
By Tetsuya Shiromizu (Cambridge U., DAMTP & Tokyo U. & Tokyo U., RESCEU), Kei-ichi
Maeda (Newton Inst. Math. Sci., Cambridge & Waseda U.), Misao Sasaki (Newton Inst.
Math. Sci., Cambridge & Tokyo U. & Osaka U.).
- Published in:Phys.Rev.D62:024012,2000
[arXiv: gr-qc/9910076]
[693 Total citations in HEP]
- 24
- Measuring gravitational waves from binary black hole coalescences: 1.
Signal-to-noise for inspiral, merger, and ringdown
By Eanna E. Flanagan (Cornell U., LNS), Scott A. Hughes (Caltech).
- Published in:Phys.Rev.D57:4535-4565,1998
[arXiv: gr-qc/9701039]
[184 Total citations in HEP]
- 23
- Black hole entropy in the Noether charge
By Robert M. Wald (Chicago U., EFI & Chicago U.).
- Published in:Phys.Rev.D48:3427-3431,1993
[arXiv: gr-qc/9307038]
[306 Total citations in HEP]
- 23
- Dilaton production in string cosmology
By M. Gasperini (Turin U. & INFN, Turin), G. Veneziano (CERN).
- Published in:Phys.Rev.D50:2519-2540,1994
[arXiv: gr-qc/9403031]
[199 Total citations in HEP]
- 22
- Critical phenomena in gravitational collapse
By Carsten Gundlach (Potsdam, Max Planck Inst.).
- Published in:Adv.Theor.Math.Phys.2:1-49,1998
[arXiv: gr-qc/9712084]
[94 Total citations in HEP]
- 22
- The Asymptotic dynamics of three-dimensional Einstein gravity with a negative
cosmological constant
By Oliver Coussaert (Brussels U. & Brussels U. & CECS, Valdivia & Brussels U.),
Marc Henneaux (Brussels U. & CECS, Valdivia), Peter van Driel (Brussels U.).
- Published in:Class.Quant.Grav.12:2961-2966,1995
[arXiv: gr-qc/9506019]
[121 Total citations in HEP]
- 21
- Observation of critical phenomena and selfsimilarity in the gravitational
collapse of radiation fluid
By Charles R. Evans, Jason S. Coleman (North Carolina U.).
- Published in:Phys.Rev.Lett.72:1782-1785,1994
[arXiv: gr-qc/9402041]
[135 Total citations in HEP]
- 21
- Quantization of diffeomorphism invariant theories of connections with local
degrees of freedom
By Abhay Ashtekar (Penn State U.), Jerzy Lewandowski (Warsaw U.), Donald Marolf
(UC, Santa Barbara), Jose Mourao (Algarve U.), Thomas Thiemann (Penn State U.).
- Published in:J.Math.Phys.36:6456-6493,1995
[arXiv: gr-qc/9504018]
[260 Total citations in HEP]
- 21
- Spin networks and quantum gravity
By Carlo Rovelli (Pittsburgh U.), Lee Smolin (Penn State U. & Princeton, Inst.
Advanced Study).
- Published in:Phys.Rev.D52:5743-5759,1995
[arXiv: gr-qc/9505006]
[225 Total citations in HEP]
- 21
- Strings, loops and others: A Critical survey of the present approaches to
quantum gravity
By Carlo Rovelli (Pittsburgh U.).
- HEP Record
[arXiv: gr-qc/9803024]
[66 Total citations in HEP]
- 20
- Black hole evaporation without information loss
By Christopher R. Stephens, Gerard 't Hooft, Bernard F. Whiting (Utrecht U.).
- Published in:Class.Quant.Grav.11:621-648,1994
[arXiv: gr-qc/9310006]
[193 Total citations in HEP]
- 20
- Entropy bounds and black hole remnants
By Jacob D. Bekenstein (UC, Santa Barbara & Hebrew U.).
- Published in:Phys.Rev.D49:1912-1921,1994
[arXiv: gr-qc/9307035]
[126 Total citations in HEP]
- 19
- Spin foam models
By John C. Baez (UC, Riverside).
- Published in:Class.Quant.Grav.15:1827-1858,1998
[arXiv: gr-qc/9709052]
[156 Total citations in HEP]
- 19
- The Statistical mechanics of the (2+1)-dimensional black hole
By S. Carlip (UC, Davis).
- Published in:Phys.Rev.D51:632-637,1995
[arXiv: gr-qc/9409052]
[185 Total citations in HEP]
- 19
- Loop quantum gravity
By Carlo Rovelli (Pittsburgh U.).
- Published in:Living
[arXiv: gr-qc/9710008]
[284 Total citations in HEP]
- 19
- Some properties of Noether charge and a proposal for dynamical black hole
By Vivek Iyer, Robert M. Wald (Chicago U., EFI & Chicago U.).
- Published in:Phys.Rev.D50:846-864,1994
[arXiv: gr-qc/9403028]
[295 Total citations in HEP]
- 19
- Late time behavior of stellar collapse and explosions: 1. Linearized
By Carsten Gundlach, Richard H. Price, Jorge Pullin (Utah U.).
- Published in:Phys.Rev.D49:883-889,1994
[arXiv: gr-qc/9307009]
[123 Total citations in HEP]
- 18
- Three-dimensional numerical general relativistic hydrodynamics. 1.
Formulations, methods, and code tests
By Jose A. Font (Potsdam, Max Planck Inst.), Mark A. Miller (Washington U., St.
Louis), Wai-Mo Suen (Washington U., St. Louis & Hong Kong, Chinese U.), Malcolm
Tobias (Washington U., St. Louis).
- Published in:Phys.Rev.D61:044011,2000
[arXiv: gr-qc/9811015]
[55 Total citations in HEP]
- 18
- Limits to quantum gravity effects from observations of TeV flares in active
By S.D. Biller, A.C. Breslin, J. Buckley, M. Catanese, M. Carson, D.A.
Carter-Lewis, M.F. Cawley, D.J. Fegan, J. Finley, J.A. Gaidos, A.M. Hillas, F.
Krennrich, R.C. Lamb, R. Lessard, C. Masterson, J.E. McEnery, B. McKernan, P.
Moriarty, J. Quinn, H.J. Rose, F. Samuelson, G. Sembroski, P. Skelton, T.C.
Weekes (Oxford U. & University Coll., Dublin & Washington U., St. Louis & Iowa
State U. & NUIM, Maynooth & Purdue U. & Leeds U. & Caltech & Utah U. & Galway-Mayo
Inst. of Tech. & Whipple Observ.).
- Published in:Phys.Rev.Lett.83:2108-2111,1999
[arXiv: gr-qc/9810044]
[157 Total citations in HEP]
- 18
- Dilaton contributions to the cosmic gravitational wave background
By M. Gasperini, Massimo Giovannini (Turin U. & INFN, Turin).
- Published in:Phys.Rev.D47:1519-1528,1993
[arXiv: gr-qc/9211021]
[99 Total citations in HEP]
- 18
- Quantum spin dynamics (QSD)
By T. Thiemann (Harvard U.).
- Published in:Class.Quant.Grav.15:839-873,1998
[arXiv: gr-qc/9606089]
[232 Total citations in HEP]
- 18
- Quintessence, the gravitational constant, and gravity
By Takeshi Chiba (Tokyo U.).
- Published in:Phys.Rev.D60:083508,1999
[arXiv: gr-qc/9903094]
[146 Total citations in HEP]
- 18
- Indication, from Pioneer 10 / 11, Galileo, and Ulysses data, of an apparent
anomalous, weak, long range acceleration
By John D. Anderson (Caltech), Philip A. Laing (Aerospace Corp.), Eunice L. Lau
(Caltech), Anthony S. Liu (Astrodynamic Sci.), Michael Martin Nieto (Los Alamos),
Slava G. Turyshev (Caltech).
- Published in:Phys.Rev.Lett.81:2858-2861,1998
[arXiv: gr-qc/9808081]
[182 Total citations in HEP]
- 18
- 'Sum over surfaces' form of loop quantum gravity
By Michael P Reisenberger (Republica U., Montevideo & Schrodinger Inst., Vienna),
Carlo Rovelli (Pittsburgh U. & Penn State U. & Schrodinger Inst., Vienna &
Potsdam, Max Planck Inst.).
- Published in:Phys.Rev.D56:3490-3508,1997
[arXiv: gr-qc/9612035]
[134 Total citations in HEP]
- 17
- Relativistic numerical model for close neutron star binaries
By J.R. Wilson (LLNL, Livermore), G.J. Mathews, P. Marronetti (Notre Dame U.).
- Published in:Phys.Rev.D54:1317-1331,1996
[arXiv: gr-qc/9601017]
[112 Total citations in HEP]
- 17
- Numerical models of irrotational binary neutron stars in general
By Silvano Bonazzola, Eric Gourgoulhon, Jean-Alain Marck (Meudon Observ.).
- Published in:Phys.Rev.Lett.82:892-895,1999
[arXiv: gr-qc/9810072]
[65 Total citations in HEP]
- 17
- Geometry eigenvalues and scalar product from recoupling theory in loop quantum
By Roberto De Pietri (Parma U. & INFN, Parma), Carlo Rovelli (Pittsburgh U.).
- Published in:Phys.Rev.D54:2664-2690,1996
[arXiv: gr-qc/9602023]
[126 Total citations in HEP]
- 17
- The (2+1)-Dimensional black hole
By S. Carlip (UC, Davis).
- Published in:Class.Quant.Grav.12:2853-2880,1995
[arXiv: gr-qc/9506079]
[152 Total citations in HEP]
- 17
- Real Ashtekar variables for Lorentzian signature space times
By J.Fernando Barbero (Penn State U. & Madrid, IMAFF).
- Published in:Phys.Rev.D51:5507-5510,1995
[arXiv: gr-qc/9410014]
[197 Total citations in HEP]
- 17
- Quantum theory of geometry. 1: Area operators
By Abhay Ashtekar (Penn State U.), Jerzy Lewandowski (Warsaw U. & Potsdam, Max
Planck Inst.).
- Published in:Class.Quant.Grav.14:A55-A82,1997
[arXiv: gr-qc/9602046]
[239 Total citations in HEP]
- 17
- Entropy, Area, and black hole pairs
By S.W. Hawking, Gary T. Horowitz (Newton Inst. Math. Sci., Cambridge), Simon F.
Ross (Cambridge U.).
- Published in:Phys.Rev.D51:4302-4314,1995
[arXiv: gr-qc/9409013]
[246 Total citations in HEP]
- 16
- Nonstandard optics from quantum space-time
By Rodolfo Gambini (Republica U., Montevideo), Jorge Pullin (Penn State U.).
- Published in:Phys.Rev.D59:124021,1999
[arXiv: gr-qc/9809038]
[249 Total citations in HEP]
- 16
- Critical behavior in gravitational collapse of radiation fluid: A
Renormalization group (linear perturbation) analysis
By Tatsuhiko Koike, Takashi Hara, Satoshi Adachi (Tokyo Inst. Tech.).
- Published in:Phys.Rev.Lett.74:5170-5173,1995
[arXiv: gr-qc/9503007]
[113 Total citations in HEP]
- 16
- Relativistic spin networks and quantum gravity
By John W. Barrett (Nottingham U.), Louis Crane (Kansas State U.).
- Published in:J.Math.Phys.39:3296-3302,1998
[arXiv: gr-qc/9709028]
[178 Total citations in HEP]
- 16
- Classical equations for quantum systems
By Murray Gell-Mann (Caltech), James B. Hartle (UC, Santa Barbara).
- Published in:Phys.Rev.D47:3345-3382,1993
[arXiv: gr-qc/9210010]
[246 Total citations in HEP]
- 16
- Temperature, energy and heat capacity of asymptotically anti-de Sitter black
By J.David Brown (North Carolina State U.), J. Creighton, Robert B. Mann (Waterloo
- Published in:Phys.Rev.D50:6394-6403,1994
[arXiv: gr-qc/9405007]
[173 Total citations in HEP]
- 16
- Quantum gravity as a dissipative deterministic system
By Gerard 't Hooft (Utrecht U. & Utrecht U.).
- Published in:Class.Quant.Grav.16:3263-3279,1999
[arXiv: gr-qc/9903084]
[111 Total citations in HEP]
- 16
- Gravitational wave forms from inspiralling compact binaries to second
postNewtonian order
By Luc Blanchet (Meudon Observ.), Bala R. Iyer (Raman Research Inst., Bangalore),
Clifford M. Will (Washington U., St. Louis), Alan G. Wiseman (Caltech).
- Published in:Class.Quant.Grav.13:575-584,1996
[arXiv: gr-qc/9602024]
[113 Total citations in HEP]
- 15
- General relativity as an effective field theory: The leading quantum
By John F. Donoghue (Massachusetts U., Amherst).
- Published in:Phys.Rev.D50:3874-3888,1994
[arXiv: gr-qc/9405057]
[213 Total citations in HEP]
- 15
- Conformal transformations in classical gravitational theories and in
By Valerio Faraoni (Brussels U.), Edgard Gunzig (Brussels U. & Intl. Solvay Inst.,
Brussels), Pasquale Nardone (Brussels U.).
- Published in:Fund.Cosmic
[arXiv: gr-qc/9811047]
[97 Total citations in HEP]
- 15
- On the numerical integration of Einstein's field equations
By Thomas W. Baumgarte (Illinois U., Urbana), Stuart L. Shapiro (Illinois U.,
Urbana, Astron. Dept.).
- Published in:Phys.Rev.D59:024007,1999
[arXiv: gr-qc/9810065]
[184 Total citations in HEP]
- 15
- Dual formulation of spin network evolution
By Fotini Markopoulou (Penn State U.).
- HEP Record
[arXiv: gr-qc/9704013]
[68 Total citations in HEP]
- 15
- Kaluza-Klein gravity
By J.M. Overduin (Victoria U.), P.S. Wesson (Waterloo U. & Stanford U., HEPL).
- Published in:Phys.Rept.283:303-380,1997
[arXiv: gr-qc/9805018]
[226 Total citations in HEP]
- 15
- Exact Dirac quantization of all 2-D dilaton gravity theories
By D. Louis-Martinez (Winnipeg U.), J. Gegenberg (New Brunswick U.), G.
Kunstatter (Winnipeg U.).
- Published in:Phys.Lett.B321:193-198,1994
[arXiv: gr-qc/9309018]
[165 Total citations in HEP]
- 15
- Gravitating monopole solutions. 2
By Peter Breitenlohner, Peter Forgacs, Dieter Maison (Munich, Max Planck Inst.).
- Published in:Nucl.Phys.B442:126-156,1995
[arXiv: gr-qc/9412039]
[102 Total citations in HEP]
- 15
- From the Big Bang theory to the theory of a stationary universe
By Andrei D. Linde (Stanford U., Phys. Dept.), Dmitri A. Linde (Gunn High School,
Palo Alto), Arthur Mezhlumian (Stanford U., Phys. Dept.).
- Published in:Phys.Rev.D49:1783-1826,1994
[arXiv: gr-qc/9306035]
[225 Total citations in HEP]