Gleam JobOptions Files

A job options file is a conventional text file (default jobOptions.txt) used to control an application configuration at run time. Like all applications within the Gaudi Framework, Gleam requires a job options file to set up the parameters for a particular run. In the /Gleam/src directory are a number of text files; each is, in fact, a Gleam job options file into which different functions have been separated. The primary default job options files in this directory are:

To be included in any Monte Carlo runs; an example of commonly used parameters which can be overridden.

Main jobOptions file; i.e., Gleam uses this file by default.

Note: Includes the basicOptions.txt file by means of an "include" statement.

Example of Monte Carlo jobOptions file.

Note: Includes the basicOptions.txt file by means of an "include" statement.

Old event display.

Note: The "include" statement for this file is commented out in the Gleam default jobOption.txt files in the more recent releases of Glast software.

FRED is the new event display, and fredOptions.txt is now "included" in the Gleam default jobOption.txt files.

Collectively, these jobOptions files specify things such as:

  • Shared libraries
  • Services to load and setup
  • Algorithms and sequence
  • Input parameters
  • Output level
  • Event display

The easiest way to control Gleam. You can build a jobOptions file from scratch, or - since the last definition of a command prevails - you might simply wish to include the basicOptions.txt file in your own jobOptions.txt and then override those options you wish to change and add any additional options you wish to run.

See Overriding Gleam's JobOptions Files.

LatIntegration JobOption Files

In addition to the jobOption files in the /Gleam/src directory, the following files - maintained by the Science Verification, Analysis, and Calibration (SVAC) group - are in the /LatIntegration/src/jobOptions/pipeline directory:

Inputs an LDF file and outputs a digi root file.
Reads in a digi root file and outputs recon and summary ntuple root files.
Reads digi and recon root files and runs the FRED event display.
Reads digi root file, runs the reconstruction algorithm and the FRED event display.

Finding Job Option Descriptions

What JobOptions Parameters are Available?

JobOptions parameters are described in the Doxygen documentation for individual application packages. Links provided below are for the latest version of each the packages listed:

If working with other than the latest version of a release, go to the Release Manager, select the appropriate release, and then click on Doxygen output.

Note: For convenience, you can also access the Doxygen documentation for the latest version of most packages from links provided in the Gleam Diagram, accessible from the rednavbar under GLEAM --> Diagram.

Gleam Trigger and the Onboard Filter

The trigger in Gleam is a simulation of the hardware trigger (e.g., 3-in-a-row). The onboard filter is a software filter run on board that creates crude tracks and looks to see if they point back near ACD tiles. Both are simulated in the ground processing.

Descriptions Not Yet available in Doxygen

Descriptions of jobOptions parameters for the following packages are not yet available in Doxygen:

To be provided.

Rarely used (for old display):


For these packages, you must read the source code to determine what options are defined, default values (if any), and their use.


The following example demonstrates how to find job options for ebfwriter in the latest GlastRelease.

  1. First go to the Doxygen files for the latest GlastRelease.
  2. Scroll down and select the package of interest, e.g., EbfWriter.
  3. Select latest.
  4. In the left column, open the File List and select EbfWriter.cxx.
  5. Scroll down and click on: Go to the source code of this file.
  6. The following code snippet shows which job options are defined by EbfWriter:

00155 EbfWriter::EbfWriter(const std::string& name, ISvcLocator* pSvcLocator):
00156 Algorithm(name, pSvcLocator){
00157 // declare properties with setProperties calls
00158 declareProperty("MaxEvtSize",m_maxEvtSize=0x10000);
00159 declareProperty("FileName" ,m_FileName="");
00160 declareProperty("FileDesc" ,m_FileDesc="Generated by GLEAM");
00161 declareProperty("ReadFile" ,m_ReadFile=0);
00162 declareProperty("WriteEbf" ,m_WriteEbf=false);
00163 declareProperty("FESFiles" ,m_FesFiles=0);
00164 declareProperty("FESVersion",m_FesVersion=0);
00165 declareProperty("TkrEncode" ,m_TkrEncodeFlag=-1);
00166 declareProperty("CalEncode" ,m_CalEncodeFlag=-1);
00167 declareProperty("LdfFormat" ,m_LdfFormat=false);
00168 declareProperty("StoreOnTds",m_storeOnTds=true);

Note: Observe that there is a job option EbfWriter.MaxEvtSize with a default value of 10000 hex.

Caution! Many job options are named after their packages as in the above example. Unfortunately, this is not always true (e.g., LivetimeSvc.Deadtime is in the Trigger package), and the discovery of the correct package is left as an exercise for the reader.

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Last updated by: Chuck Patterson 01/07/2009






