
Note: To view the latest version of the readigi_runrecon.txt file:

  1. Go to:

  1. Click on the current Rev. number.

For example, the file shown below is readigi_runrecon.txt Rev 1.13.

// Job Option file for readigi_runrecon:
// Read in a digi Root file and run recon on it!

// Things to be changed by the user can 
// be found at the end of the file!

// Primary DLLs, including auditor:
ApplicationMgr.DLLs   += {"GaudiAlg","GaudiAud"};
ApplicationMgr.ExtSvc += {"ChronoStatSvc"};

AuditorSvc.Auditors = {"ChronoAuditor"};

// Set up basic event loop: 
ApplicationMgr.ExtSvc = {"GlastEventSelector/EventSelector" , 

EventPersistencySvc.CnvServices = {"EventCnvSvc"};
EventSelector.Input = "NONE";

// A structure for the topalg, using sequencer steps:
ApplicationMgr.TopAlg = {"Sequencer/Top"};

// Define the top sequence loop:
Top.Members = {"Sequencer/Digitization",

// Needed for EventIntegrityAlg sequence breaking:
Top.StopOverride = true;

// Digitization sequence: Read in digis from a ROOT file
Digitization.Members = {"digiRootReaderAlg"};

// This needs to run after having read in the digis 
// so we can get the event time form them!
// Note: this is the opposite of what is needed for the MC!
Calibration.Members = {"TkrCalibAlg"};

// Using EventIntegrityAlg to decide if we run or skip recon: 
//     If the event passes, proceed as normal.
//     If EventIntegrityAlg is BAD, skip recon but output to file.
ApplicationMgr.DLLs += {"EventIntegrity"};
Integrity.Members    = {"EventIntegrityAlg",

// Detector services:
ApplicationMgr.DLLs   += {"GlastSvc"};
ApplicationMgr.ExtSvc += {"GlastDetSvc"};

GlastDetSvc.topVolume   = "LAT"; 
GlastDetSvc.visitorMode = "recon";

// Randoms definition:
ApplicationMgr.ExtSvc += {"GlastRandomSvc"};

// G4:
ApplicationMgr.DLLs   += {"G4Generator","G4Propagator"};
ApplicationMgr.ExtSvc += {"G4GeometrySvc"};

// CAL Xtal respons::
ApplicationMgr.DLLs += {"CalUtil", "CalXtalResponse"};

// Propagator:
ApplicationMgr.ExtSvc += {"GlastPropagatorSvc"};

// Reconstruction:
ApplicationMgr.DLLs += {"CalibSvc",

Reconstruction.Members = {"Sequencer/Cal1", 

// Recon members:
Cal1.Members    = {"CalXtalRecAlg", 
Tkr.Members     = {"TkrReconAlg/FirstPass"};
Cal2.Members    = {"CalClustersAlg/second"};
TkrIter.Members = {"TkrReconAlg/Iteration"};

// Decrease output:
second.OutputLevel = 5;  

// ACD recon:
ApplicationMgr.DLLs += {"AcdRecon"};
Acd.Members = {"AcdReconAlg"};

// Define the output sequence:
Output.Members  = {"meritAlg"};
Output.Members += {"FhSetAlg","reconRootWriterAlg"};

// Tracker geometry services:
ApplicationMgr.ExtSvc += {"TkrGeometrySvc"};
ApplicationMgr.ExtSvc += {"TkrInitSvc"};

// Calibrations:
#include "$LATINTEGRATIONROOT/src/jobOptions/pipeline/calibrations.txt"

// Start up a CalFailureModeSvc:
ApplicationMgr.ExtSvc += {"CalFailureModeSvc"};

// Merit and AnalysisNtuple:
ApplicationMgr.DLLs   += {"AnalysisNtuple","ntupleWriterSvc","merit"};
ApplicationMgr.ExtSvc += {"RootTupleSvc"};

// Merit configuration: Disable IM variables
MeritAlg.IM_filename = ""; 
MeritAlg.cuts        = "LnA";

// Root IO:
ApplicationMgr.DLLs   += {"RootIo"};
ApplicationMgr.ExtSvc += {"RootIoSvc"}; 

// Must use RootIo as executable, not Gaudi event loop!
ApplicationMgr.Runable = "RootIoSvc"; 
// The following things can be changed by the user:

// Set output level threshold:
MessageSvc.OutputLevel = 3;

// Number of events:
ApplicationMgr.EvtMax = 10000000000;

// Geometry:
GlastDetSvc.xmlfile = "$(XMLGEODBSROOT)/xml/flight/flightSegVols.xml";

// Name of input digi Root file:
digiRootReaderAlg.digiRootFile = "digi.root";

// Name of output Merit Root file:
RootTupleSvc.filename = "merit.root";

// Name of output recon Root file:
reconRootWriterAlg.reconRootFile = "recon.root";

// The Doors .....

Last updated by: Chuck Patterson 06/23/2005