Supplying a New Gleam JobOptions File

You can supply your own jobOptions file by defining an environment variable (e.g., JOBOPTIONS) that points to your new jobOptions.txt file. There are a number of ways this can be done, including:

Note: You can name your version of the jobOptions file whatever you wish as long as it is an ASCII .txt file and you've set up the environment variables appropriately.

  • When running Gleam from within MRvcmt, enter the path to your jobOptions.txt file.

See: Create and Run Your Own jobOptions.txt File.

  • Create a batch file for starting Gleam.

Windows Example:

    REM call Gleam's setup.bat to set the environment variables
    REM specify which jobOptions file to use
    set JOBOPTIONS=C:\GLAST\packages\Gleam_vxrx\Gleam\vxrx\src\jobOption.txt
    REM start Gleam, /low reduces the priority 
    start /low /b C:\GLAST\packages\Gleam_vxrx\Gleam\vxrx\Win32Debug\Gleam.ex

Linux Example:

echo 'Starting Gleam at:' ; date
setenv GLAST_EXT /afs/slac/g/glast/ground/GLAST_EXT/rh9_gcc32opt
setenv CMTCONFIG rh9_gcc32opt
setenv CMTPATH /nfs/farm/g/glast/u30/builds/rh9_gcc32opt/GlastRelease/GlastRelease-vxrx
pushd /nfs/farm/g/glast/u30/builds/rh9_gcc32opt/GlastRelease/GlastRelelase-vxrx/Gleam/vxrx/cmt
source setup.csh
setenv JOBOPTIONS /nfs/farm/g/glast/u30/builds/rh9_gcc32opt/GlastRelease/GlastRelease-vxrx/Gleam/vxrx/src/jobOptions.txt
/nfs/farm/g/glast/u30/builds/rh9_gcc32opt/GlastRelease/GlastRelease-vxrx/Gleam/vxrx/rh9_gcc32opt/Gleam.exe >  gleam.out
echo 'Run ended at:' ; date

  • Developers using glastpack on a Linux machine can pass a jobOptions file in as the first input parameter to Gleam. For example:
  • run Gleam v2r2p11 Gleam.exe myPath/jobOptions.txt

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Owned by: Heather Kelly

Last updated by: Chuck Patterson 01/09/2007


