
Note: To view the latest version of the FRED-readRoot-runRecon.txt file:

  1. Go to:

  1. Click on the current Rev. number.

For example, the file shown below is FRED-readRoot-runRecon.txt Rev 1.1.

// joboption file for using Fred to read in a digi Root file 
// and run reconstruction

// Use pipeline jobOptions:
#include "$LATINTEGRATIONROOT/src/jobOptions/pipeline/readigi_runrecon.txt"

// Need to add this:
ApplicationMgr.ExtSvc += {"ParticlePropertySvc"};

// HepRep stuff for Fred:
ApplicationMgr.DLLs   += { "HepRepSvc", "HepRepXml", "HepRepCorba"};
ApplicationMgr.ExtSvc += {"HepRepSvc"};

// Use HepRep as the executable:
ApplicationMgr.Runable = "HepRepSvc";

// Disable as much output as we can:
Output.Members = {};

// Set output level threshold (2=DEBUG, 3=INFO, 4=WARNING, 5=ERROR, 6=FATAL):
MessageSvc.OutputLevel = 3;

// Number of events:
ApplicationMgr.EvtMax = 100000000;

// Uncomment this if you want an xml file of each event:
//HepRepSvc.autoStream = "xml";

// Geometry level:
HepRepSvc.geometryDepth = 1000;

// Different geometries:

// Flight:
//GlastDetSvc.xmlfile = "$(XMLGEODBSROOT)/xml/flight/flightSegVols.xml";

// Single bay:
//GlastDetSvc.xmlfile = "$(XMLGEODBSROOT)/xml/latAssembly/singleBay1TowerSegVols.xml";

// Two towers:
GlastDetSvc.xmlfile = "$(XMLGEODBSROOT)/xml/latAssembly/lat2TowerSegVols.xml";

// Name of the digi file we read in:
digiRootReaderAlg.digiRootFile = "digi.root";

// Output Merit file name:
RootTupleSvc.filename = "merit.root";

// End of job options file
Last updated by: Chuck Patterson 06/23/2005