Streaming Video


fin t quark  fin title collider muon
Title of talk, adjacent words are searched with "and"
fin a Peskin   fin name Krauss, L
Remember the normal author search rules.  This name is the name of the person who gave the talk.
Affiliation of Speaker
fin aff SLAC   fin aff Caltech
The affiliation of the speaker.  This must match the Institutions database entry.  You can use aucc to find the location by country:
fin aucc France
Use these country names
Location of Talk
fin loc SLAC  fin pl Fermilab
Where the talk was given.  This must match the Institutions database entry.  You can use tacc to find the location by country:
fin tacc Switzerland
Use these country names
fin loc Fermilab and date March 2003   fin date 11/12/2003
When the talk was given
fin loc Fermilab and lt colloquium
Seminar, colloquium, lecture
fin rep SLAC  
Where the file of the talk is stored. You can use "recc" to find repository countries:
fin recc United States   fin recc Switzerland
Use these country names
fin abs collider
A description of the talk. Adjacent words are "ands".
fin field hep-th
The field of the talk, as described by the arXiv most relevant to it.
fin cnum C01-06-30
The SPIRES conference number as given in Conferences

SPIRES HEP was a joint project of SLAC, DESY & FNAL as well as the worldwide HEP community.
It was superseeded by INSPIRE

Last Updated: [an error occurred while processing this directive]

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