colorreps Directory Reference

Detailed Description

This directory contains source and header files of classes related to point reprsentations.

See also:
Point representation



file  BinTo3ColorScale.cxx [code]
 BinTo3ColorScale class implementation.
file  BinTo3ColorScale.h [code]
 BinTo3ColorScale class interface.
file  BinToBeach.cxx [code]
 hippodraw::BinToGPink class implementation
file  BinToBeach.h [code]
 BinToBeach class interface.
file  BinToBGRY.cxx [code]
 hippodraw::BinToBGRY class implementation
file  BinToBGRY.h [code]
 BinToBGRY class interface.
file  BinToBlack.cxx [code]
 BinToBlack class implementation.
file  BinToBlack.h [code]
 BinToBlack class interface.
file  BinToBluePastel.cxx [code]
 hippodraw::BinToGPink class implementation
file  BinToBluePastel.h [code]
 BinToBluePastel class interface.
file  BinToBlueRed.cxx [code]
 hippodraw::BinToGPink class implementation
file  BinToBlueRed.h [code]
 BinToBlueRed class interface.
file  BinToBlueWhite.cxx [code]
 hippodraw::BinToBWLinear class implementation
file  BinToBlueWhite.h [code]
 BinToBlueWhite class interface.
file  BinToBWLinear.cxx [code]
 hippodraw::BinToBWLinear class implementation
file  BinToBWLinear.h [code]
 BinToBWLinear class interface.
file  BinToColor.cxx [code]
 BinToColor class implementation.
file  BinToColor.h [code]
 hippodraw::BinToColor class interface
file  BinToColorFactory.cxx [code]
 BinToColorFactory class implementation.
file  BinToColorFactory.h [code]
 BinToColorFactory class interface.
file  BinToColorMap.cxx [code]
 BinToColorMap class implementation.
file  BinToColorMap.h [code]
 hippodraw::BinToColorMap class interface
file  BinToColorScaleMovingBrkPt.cxx [code]
 hippodraw::BinToColorScaleMovingBrkPt class implementation
file  BinToColorScaleMovingBrkPt.h [code]
 hippodraw::BinToColorScaleMovingBrkPt class interface
file  BinToEosA.cxx [code]
 hippodraw::BinToGPink class implementation
file  BinToEosA.h [code]
 BinToEosA class interface.
file  BinToEosB.cxx [code]
 hippodraw::BinToGPink class implementation
file  BinToEosB.h [code]
 BinToEosA class interface.
file  BinToFullColorScale.cxx [code]
 BinToFullColorScale class implementation.
file  BinToFullColorScale.h [code]
 BinToColorScale class interface.
file  BinToGamma.cxx [code]
 hippodraw::BinToGamma class implementation
file  BinToGamma.h [code]
 BinToGamma class interface.
file  BinToGPink.cxx [code]
 hippodraw::BinToGPink class implementation
file  BinToGPink.h [code]
 BinToGPink class interface.
file  BinToGRBW.cxx [code]
 hippodraw::BinToGRBW class implementation
file  BinToGRBW.h [code]
 BinToBlueWhite class interface.
file  BinToGreyScale.cxx [code]
 hippodraw::BinToGreyScale class implementation
file  BinToGreyScale.h [code]
 BinToGreyScale class interface.
file  BinToGWExpon.cxx [code]
 hippodraw::BinToGWExpon class implementation
file  BinToGWExpon.h [code]
 BinToGWExpon class interface.
file  BinToGWLinear.cxx [code]
 hippodraw::BinToGWLinear class implementation
file  BinToGWLinear.h [code]
 BinToGWLinear class interface.
file  BinToHardCandy.cxx [code]
 hippodraw::BinToGPink class implementation
file  BinToHardCandy.h [code]
 BinToEosA class interface.
file  BinToHaze.cxx [code]
 hippodraw::BinToGPink class implementation
file  BinToHaze.h [code]
 BinToHaze class interface.
file  BinToHueSatLight1.cxx [code]
 hippodraw::BinToGPink class implementation
file  BinToHueSatLight1.h [code]
 BinToHueSatLight1 class interface.
file  BinToHueSatLight2.cxx [code]
 hippodraw::BinToGPink class implementation
file  BinToHueSatLight2.h [code]
 BinToHueSatLight2 class interface.
file  BinToHueSatValue1.cxx [code]
 hippodraw::BinToGPink class implementation
file  BinToHueSatValue1.h [code]
 BinToHueSatValue1 class interface.
file  BinToHueSatValue2.cxx [code]
 hippodraw::BinToGPink class implementation
file  BinToHueSatValue2.h [code]
 BinToHueSatValue2 class interface.
file  BinToKamaeScale.cxx [code]
 BinToKamaeScale class implementation.
file  BinToKamaeScale.h [code]
 BinToKamaeScale class interface.
file  BinToLineStyle.cxx [code]
 BinToLineStyle class implementation.
file  BinToLineStyle.h [code]
 BinToLineStyle class interface.
file  BinToMacStyle.cxx [code]
 hippodraw::BinToGPink class implementation
file  BinToMacStyle.h [code]
 BinToMacStyle class interface.
file  BinToMovingBrkPt.cxx [code]
 BinToMovingBrkPt class implementation.
file  BinToMovingBrkPt.h [code]
 BinToMovingBrkPt class interface.
file  BinToNature.cxx [code]
 hippodraw::BinToGPink class implementation
file  BinToNature.h [code]
 BinToEosA class interface.
file  BinToOcean.cxx [code]
 hippodraw::BinToGPink class implementation
file  BinToOcean.h [code]
 BinToEosA class interface.
file  BinToPastels.cxx [code]
 hippodraw::BinToGPink class implementation
file  BinToPastels.h [code]
 BinToPastels class interface.
file  BinToPeppermint.cxx [code]
 hippodraw::BinToGPink class implementation
file  BinToPeppermint.h [code]
 BinToEosA class interface.
file  BinToPrism.cxx [code]
 hippodraw::BinToPrism class implementation
file  BinToPrism.h [code]
 BinToBlueWhite class interface.
file  BinToPurpleRed.cxx [code]
 hippodraw::BinToGPink class implementation
file  BinToPurpleRed.h [code]
 BinToPurpleRed class interface.
file  BinToRainbow.cxx [code]
 hippodraw::BinToGPink class implementation
file  BinToRainbow.h [code]
 BinToEosA class interface.
file  BinToRainbowIDL.cxx [code]
 hippodraw::BinToGPink class implementation
file  BinToRainbowIDL.h [code]
 BinToEosA class interface.
file  BinToRedPurple.cxx [code]
 hippodraw::BinToRedPurple class implementation
file  BinToRedPurple.h [code]
 BinToRedPurple class interface.
file  BinToRedTemp.cxx [code]
 hippodraw::BinToRedTemp class implementation
file  BinToRedTemp.h [code]
 BinToRedTemp class interface.
file  BinToStdGamma2.cxx [code]
 hippodraw::BinToStdGamma2 class implementation
file  BinToStdGamma2.h [code]
 BinToStdGamma2 class interface.
file  BinToStern.cxx [code]
 hippodraw::BinToGPink class implementation
file  BinToStern.h [code]
 BinToStern class interface.
file  BinToUsrDefinedScale.cxx [code]
 hippodraw::BinToUsrDefinedScale class implementation
file  BinToUsrDefinedScale.h [code]
 BinToUsrDefinedScale class interface.
file  colorreps.dir [code]

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