Conference Webpage
Link to the official conference web page with talks |
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Plenary Sessions
Introduction and keynote
Christophe Grojean |
Keynote address |
[ N/A ] |
Sergio Sanchez Cruz |
Performance and top quarks as a calibration tool |
[ N/A ] |
Top-quark pair production
Li Lin Yang |
Top quark pair production at NNLO+NNLL' in QCD combined with electroweak corrections |
[ arXiv:1901.08281 ] |
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Matteo Defranchis |
Measurements of the inclusive tt̄ production cross section at the ATLAS and CMS experiments |
[ arXiv:1901.10898 ] |
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Federica Fabbri |
Comparative overview of differential measurements at ATLAS and CMS |
[ arXiv:1901.10827 ] |
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Differential measurements
Davide Pagani |
Multi-jet merged top-pair production including electroweak corrections versus NNLO |
[ arXiv:1901.04442 ] |
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Rene Poncelet |
NNLO QCD top quark pair production and decay |
[ N/A ] |
Konstantinos Kousouris |
Differential measurements at CMS |
[ N/A ] |
Matteo Negrini |
Differential measurements of tt̄ production at ATLAS |
[ arXiv:1901.04735 ] |
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Modeling and tuning
Marek Schoenherr |
Modeling and tuning in top quark physics: Comparison of various MC programs |
[ arXiv:1901.04901 ] |
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James W. Monk |
Modeling / tuning at ATLAS |
[ N/A ] |
Emyr Clement |
Top Quark Modelling and Tuning at CMS |
[ arXiv:1901.05059 ] |
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Single top quark
Rikkert Frederix |
Accurate predictions for t-channel single top-quark production |
[ arXiv:1901.04187 ] |
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Regina Moles Valls |
Single top production in standard modes (ATLAS + CMS) |
[ N/A ] |
Jeremy Andrea |
Rare single top production processes (ATLAS+CMS) |
[ N/A ] |
Top-quark properties
Stano Tokar |
Top-quark mass at ATLAS and CMS |
[ arXiv:1901.04740 ] |
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Andre Hoang |
Top quark mass: theoretical aspects |
[ N/A ] |
Petra Van Mulders |
Top-quark properties (not EFT, not single-top, not tt̄+X) |
[ arXiv:1812.05819 ] |
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Top-antitop + X
Marco Zaro |
Large NLO corrections to tt̄W and tt̄tt̄ from subleading contributions |
[ N/A ] |
Alexander Khanov |
tt̄ + bb̄ (ATLAS+CMS) |
[ N/A ] |
Daniel Noonan |
tt̄ + Z, W, tt̄γ at CMS |
[ N/A ] |
Clara Nellist |
tt̄ + Z, W, tt̄tt̄ at ATLAS |
[ arXiv:1902.00118 ] |
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Complementary top quark production
Top quarks, supersymmetry and direct searches
David Shih |
SUSY and naturalness searches involving tops |
[ N/A ] |
Juan Gonzalez |
Top quarks and SUSY (ATLAS and CMS) |
[ N/A ] |
Leonid Serkin |
Top quarks and exotics (ATLAS and CMS) |
[ arXiv:1901.01765 ] |
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FCNC and EFT (indirect searches)
Juan A. Aguilar Saavedra |
Citius, altius, fortius - top precision physics at the frontier |
[ N/A ] |
Geoffrey N. Smith |
FCNC, anomalous couplings, EFT (excluding Higgs) at ATLAS and CMS |
[ N/A ] |
Maria Moreno Llacer |
Measurements of inclusive and differential fiducial cross-sections of tt̄γ production in leptonic final states a√s = 13 TeV |
[ arXiv:1901.03359 ] |
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Matteo Defranchis |
Joker talk CMS |
[ N/A ] |
Theory mini-workshop "The Top-Higgs interface"
Roberto Franceschini |
Model-building for the top-Higgs interface and the impact of y_top measurements |
[ arXiv:1901.06180 ] |
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Stefano Pozzorini |
Overview on theory modelling of tt̄H |
[ N/A ] |
Maren Tabea Meinhard |
Reconstruction of tt̄H, H → bb̄ events using the matrix element method and substructure techniques |
[ arXiv:1812.08458 ] |
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Tao Liu |
Rare production processes and their physics implications (e.g th, tt̄hh) |
[ N/A ] |
Qing Hong Cao |
Limits on top-Higgs interactions from multi-top final states |
[ N/A ] |
Francesco Riva |
Outlook of future colliders on top-Higgs interactions |
[ N/A ] |
Top quarks and Higgs boson (Experiment)
Kevin Finelli |
tqH FCNC in production and decay (ATLAS and CMS) |
[ N/A ] |
Fabrice Hubaut |
Observation of tt̄H production with ATLAS |
[ arXiv:1811.10282 ] |
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Kirill Skovpen |
First observation of the tt̄H process at CMS |
[ arXiv:1810.05715 ] |
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Kevin Lannon |
Higgs (general) at CMS |
[ N/A ] |
Wei-Ming Yao |
Higgs (general) at ATLAS |
[ arXiv:1901.05527 ] |
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Perspective and future colliders
Jan Kieseler |
Top quarks in Run 3 |
[ N/A ] |
Paolo Nason |
Top quarks at the High Luminosity LHC |
[ N/A ] |
Freya Blekman |
Top quarks at next-generation lepton colliders |
[ N/A ] |
Workshop summaries
Mark Owen |
Experimental summary |
[ arXiv:1901.11516 ] |
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Tilman Plehn |
Theory summary |
[ N/A ] |
Young Scientists Forum
Matteo Scornajenghi |
Differential tt̄ cross-section measurement in the lepton+jets channel at 13 TeV |
[ N/A ] |
Denise Mueller |
Measurement of the single top quark and antiquark production cross sections in the t channel and their ratio at 13 TeV |
[ arXiv:1901.05247 ] |
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Marcus De Beurs |
Dimension six effective operators in t-channel single top production and decay at NLO in QCD |
[ arXiv:1811.12123 ] |
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Carl Suster |
Measurement of the differential single top-quark tW production cross section with the ATLAS experiment |
[ N/A ] |
Johannes Lange |
Top quark mass measurement in the tt̄ all-jets final state with the CMS experiment at √s=13 TeV |
[ arXiv:1812.05394 ] |
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Charanjit Kaur |
Probing CP nature of a mediator in associated production of dark matter with single top quark |
[ arXiv:1811.11048 ] |
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Sebastian Heer |
Top-quark pair production in association with a W or Z boson with the ATLAS experiment |
[ arXiv:1812.03679 ] |
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Douglas Burns |
Measurements of differential cross sections of top quark pair production as a function of kinematic event variables at 13 TeV |
[ N/A ] |
Emanuel Mendes Gouveia |
Measuring the CP structure of the top Yukawa coupling in tt̄H events at the LHC |
[ arXiv:1902.00298 ] |
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Amartya Rej |
Differential cross section measurements of top quark pair production in association with a photon at √s = 13 TeV with the ATLAS detector |
[ N/A ] |
Joshua Smith |
Fiducial cross section measurement of top quark pair production in association with a photon at √s = 13 TeV with the ATLAS detector |
[ arXiv:1901.03929 ] |
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Priyanka Priyanka |
First measurement of tW production cross-section at √s = 13 TeV with CMS |
[ arXiv:1901.04179 ] |
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Seth Moortgat |
Learning to pinpoint effective operators at the LHC: a case study of the tt̄bb̄ signature |
[ arXiv:1810.01603 ] |
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Pienpen Seema |
Measurement of differential t-channel single top-quark production cross-sections with ATLAS |
[ arXiv:1811.11228 ] |
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Denise Mueller |
Measurement of the single top quark and antiquark production cross sections in the t channel and their ratio at 13 TeV |
[ arXiv:1901.05247 ] |
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Sebastian Heer |
Measurement of the tt̄Z and tt̄W production cross section in multilepton final states with the ATLAS detector |
[ arXiv:1901.04408 ] |
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Douglas Burns |
Measurements of differential tt̄ pair production cross sections as a function of kinematic event variables at 13 TeV at CMS |
[ N/A ] |
Johannes Erdmann |
Overview of searches for single production of vector-like top and bottom quarks with the ATLAS experiment at 13 TeV |
[ arXiv:1811.11496 ] |
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Charanjit Kaur |
Probing CP nature of a mediator in associated production of dark matter with single top quark |
[ arXiv:1811.11048 ] |
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Toni Makela |
Reproducing flavour-dependent jet energy corrections used for D0 top quark mass |
[ N/A ] |
Carlo Alberto Gottardo |
Search for charged lepton flavour violation in top quark decays at the LHC with the ATLAS detector |
[ arXiv:1809.09048 ] |
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Ana Peixoto |
Search for flavour-changing neutral currents tZ interactions in pp collisions at √s = 13 TeV with ATLAS |
[ arXiv:1812.01363 ] |
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Tiago Vale |
Search for pair-production of vector-like quarks in final states with at least one Z boson decaying into a pair of electrons or muons in pp collision data collected with the ATLAS detector at √s = 13 TeV |
[ arXiv:1812.02112 ] |
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Anjishnu Bandyopadhyay |
Search for single production of vector-like quarks decaying into Wb in pp collisions at √s = 13 TeV with the ATLAS detector |
[ N/A ] |
Ian Connelly |
Search for tt̄H (→ bb̄) with the ATLAS detector |
[ N/A ] |
Andrej Saibel |
Search for tt̄H, H → bb̄ decays using the full 2016 data sample |
[ N/A ] |
Maura Barros |
Study of interference effects in processes with top quark flavour changing neutral currents |
[ N/A ] |
Rachel Hyneman |
Top Associated Higgs Production in the Diphoton Decay Channel with 79.8-1 fb of Data in the ATLAS Detecto |
[ N/A ] |
Johannes Lange |
Top quark mass measurement in the tt̄ all-jets final state with the CMS experiment at √s = 13 TeV |
[ arXiv:1812.05394 ] |
[ pdf ] |
Matteo Scornajenghi |
Top quark pair differential cross-section measurements in the fully hadronic channel, resolved regime, in pp collisions at √s = 13 TeV with the ATLAS Detector |
[ N/A ] |
Clara Nellist |
Top Scicomm: Communicating ATLAS top physics results to the public |
[ arXiv:1901.11324 ] |
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Shogo Kido |
Top-antitop charge asymmetry measurements in the dilepton channel with the ATLAS detector |
[ arXiv:1901.04242 ] |
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Matej Melo |
Top-antitop charge asymmetry measurements in the lepton+jets channel with the ATLAS detector |
[ arXiv:1901.05034 ] |
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Carl Suster |
tW production in Run 2 of the LHC with ATLAS |
[ N/A ] |
James Howarth |
You spin me round: Spin correlation measurements with 13 TeV ATLAS tt̄ data |
[ N/A ] |
Download the participants list. |
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Download the committee list. |
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