SLAC logo Interesting web sites for Internet Monitoring
Les Cottrell. Last updated:June 13, 2005

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Interesting Web Sites for Internet Monitoring

This site is intended to provide links to enable finding actual resonably current Internet measurements. Please send email to Les Cottrell concerning corrections/additions.
The Australian Academic and Research Network provide link uilization, RTT and traffic volumes.
NOC At Indiana University, try clicking on map or see Abilene traffic utilization (MRTG), Abilene Observatory. suports the collection and dissemination of network data associated with the Abilene network. piPES Performance Measurement Points (PMPs) are available form institutions around the world. Each institution operates their own PMP(s) and determines the tests available, the operating parameters, and the policy on who can use them. You can find out the details on each institution's PMP from their Information Page. See for example the OWAMP monitoring sites.
Abilene Core Node Router Proxy,
The NLANR Active Measurement Program (AMP) for HPC awardees is intended to improve the understanding of how high performance networks perform as seen by participating sites and users, and to help in problem diagnosis for both the network's users and its providers. See RTT Measurements for results.
International Exchange Point in Miami for Latin America.
Amsterdam Exchange Point
This is a major European Exchange point with major trans-Atlantic connections between GEANT and Abilene. Also see University of Amsterdam Usage Information.
Andover News
The Andover News publishes the Internet Traffic Report that monitors the flow of data around the world and displays a value between zero and 100. Higher values indicate faster and more reliable connections.
The Automotive Network eXchange (ANX) is monitoring the performance between their trading partners.
APAN Monitoring
APAN (Japan) - Weather Map
APAN MRTG utilization plots
APAN router Netflow information
AT&T IP Network Status.
Belgrade University
Institute of Physics Computing Facilities, MRTG plots.
The Cooperative Association for Internet Data Analysis is a collaborative undertaking to promote greater cooperation in the engineering and maintenance of a robust, scalable global Internet infrastructure. provides a neutral framework to support these cooperative endeavors. Ongoing data collection at CAIDA.
Outages, Trouble Ticket Reports, CENIC maintenance calendar
Drill down to Cricket performance plots
Cogent Network Status
The Common Solutions Group (CSG) with the IPPM and Advanced Network and Services are working to create technology and infrastructure to allow users and service providers (at all levels) to have an accurate common understanding of the performance and reliability of given Internet paths and to have an accurate common understanding of what segment of a given Internet path limits that performance and reliability.
Distributed Internet Measurements and Simulations DIMES is a distributed scientific research project, aimed to study the structure and topology of the Internet, with the help of a volunteer community (similar in spirit to projects such as SETI@Home).
ESnet NetInfo This web portal provides access to a significant portion of the ESnet router interface statistics based on SNMP counters.
Archive of ESnet router measurements, and the ESnet planned maintenance calendar. Also see PerfSONAR provides a traceroute visualizer, you provide the traceroute it provides utilization graphs.
ESnet/Abilene OWAMP measurements
The Italian Academic and Research Network keeps a very nice Network Map and Statistics
GEANT Network Monitoring
GLORIAD Monitoring System
US/Russia/China A&R network monitoring.
HEAnet the Irish NREN backbone with drill down and mouseover to MRTG plots, looking glass and tickets.
HENP Internet Monitoring
provides pointers to High Energy and Nuclear Physics (HENP) sites Internet monitoring activities.
The purpose of the IEPM-BW project is to develop and use an infrastructure to make active end-to-end application and network performance for high performance network links such as are used worldwide by Grid applications and other academic and research (A&R) applications deployed over high performance network such as ESnet, Internet2 and other A&R networks in the developed world. Measurements available.
Internet Measurement Infrastructure
This page provides short summaries of current measurement projects, including both public efforts and those private efforts offering public reports.
report from HEPNRC given at the May 1996 ESnet Meeting at Berkeley.
Internet Domain Survey
The Domain Survey attempts to discover every host on the Internet by doing a complete search of the Domain Name System.
The IETF Internet Protocol Performance Metrics (IPPM) page has links to the benchmarking working group, the IPPM mail archives, and IPPM related research. There is also a lively discussion list.
ISP List
site which maintains a list of regional, national and international ISPs.
KeyNote Internet Health Report
JAnet (UK NREN) Netsight overview of status of network.
the London REgional support center for the JANET backbone with drill down to individual MRTG plots for sites.
The Jet.Net Status Page gives you up-to-the-minute information about the Jet.Net network infrastructure.
Keynote publishes a weekly report that includes the overall average time, the top five performing sites, and the best and worst metropolitan areas.
LHC-Optical Network Monitoring
Tier 1 connections including ASGC, BNL, CNAF, FNAL, GRIDKA, IN2P3, RAL, SARA, TRIUMF, Others
Morocco A&R net (MARWAN)
MRTG type plots of utilization of links to University sites.
NASA Earth Science Support Network Utilization Statistics is moving to a new site.
This provides an overview of DAAC Science Data outflow. Graphs are provided for daily quantity of data leaving selected DAAC and principal investigator sites, plus active measurements of achievable throughputs. TRaffic characterization information is also provided.
NLANR's Measurement and Operations Analysis Team (MOAT) will work closely with the two other NLANR activities, the Distributed Applications Support Team (DAST) and the National Center for Network Engineering (NCNE). These three activities are the successor of the original NLANR collaboration, which formally started in 1995.
National Lambda Rail (NLR)
NOC weekly reports archive
Pings major network points around the world from a European server and calculates a performance index based on response times.
The Network Measurements Working Group of the Global Grid Forum (GGF) focuses on metrics of interest to grid applications and works in collaboration with, other standards groups such as the IETF IPPM WG and the Internet2 End-to-end initiative. The NMWG will determine which of the metrics defined by such groups are relevant to Grid applications, and pursue standardization of metrics of shared interest to multiple communities.
The Network Weather Service is a distributed system that periodically monitors and dynamically forecasts the performance various network and computational resources can deliver over a given time interval.
(National Laboratory for Applied Network Research), in particular see its Mapnet Java application
Pacific Wave
Provides aggregate of inbound and outbound IP traffic on p[articipant ports. Data is collected evrty 5 minutes. Covers California, Seattle and Pacific links.
Pakistan Internet Exchange
has a looking glass, link utilization and latency & drops. The latter needs a userid and password.
is a DoE/MICS funded project led by SLAC to measure Internet performance to the world using ping.
PlanetLab is an open, globally distributed testbed for developing, deploying and accessing planetary-scale network services.
is Qwest's 7x24 website which shows network performance
Rangefire Network
The Rangefire Network Status Page gives you up-to-the-minute information about the Rangefire network infrastructure.
RIPE's Test Traffic Project
The goal of the project is to do independent measurements of connectivity parameters, such as delays and routing-vectors, in the Internet.
Real Time Operational Statistics
from Internet FIX's, Supercomputer Centers, Interconnetion Points, Backbones etc.
In particular see A One-way Delay Metric for IPPM and Framework for IP Performance Metrics.
SAVVIS SprintLink
SprintLink network status. Also see the Sprint Packet Trace Analysis,
Utilization of external links
SLAC's WAN Monitoring
End-to-end performance monitoring of ESnet/SLAC collaborator sites, with lots of links to other Internet monitoring activities.
StarLight Force10 Router
Proxy to allow access to StarLight Router data. Also see Internet2 Usage Information.
Stanford/Milwaukee/Michigan/Wisconsin Medical schools
Full mesh monitoring using ping, TCP, UDP and multicast between 7 sites.
Swedish Universities network
Tertiary Education Network for South Africa Universities. You can find the utilization under Operational Information
Network Operations Center
UC Berkeley
MRTG plots of router utilization.
UK Grid Network Monitoring
Active monitoring with ping, iperf, udpmon between Academic & Research grid sites in the UK
Victoria Regional Network
The VRN is the academic and research network established in Victoria, Australia managed by the Victoria Regional Network Organisation(VRNO).
What's Next for Internet Data Analysis? Status and Challenges Facing the Community
by K. C. Claffey & T. Monk, UCSD / CAIDA.
Cross Industry Working Team a multi-industry coalition committed to defining the architecture and key technical requirements for a powerful, sustainable national information infrastructure (NII). They produced a white paper entitled Customer View of Internet Service Performance: Measurement Methodology and Metrics officially released to the press on 12/5/98.

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