MPSL Error Messages

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MPSL Error Messages


If there are errors or inconsistencies in your input file, mpsl will display error messages which try and identify the problem. The format of the an error is:

%mpsl-s-ident, message text
        File being processed and line number
        If possible, some additional information
%mpsl%mpsl is the facility name of mpsl, it just means that mpsl issued the error. If you get an error that does not have this tag, or is not tagged at all, the error was issued by some other facility like the database. If that happens, mpsl should also issue an error giving some surrounding context.

-s-``s" is the severity code. In VAX/VMS, the severity codes are as follows:

identThe message identity mnemonic. Up to 15 characters which uniquely identify the error.

message textOne line of text which succinctly explains the error.

File being processed and line numberThe line number in the original source file which the compiler was reading when it confirmed there was an error. Note that if the item in error was part of a ``macro'' (defined by a #define) then the file-name and line-number will refere to where the macro was used, not where the macro was defined.

additional informationIf given, this text is prefaced by the words `Supplied text:'. The supplied text should make make the context of the error clear.

For example:

%MPSL-E-INVALIDDEVICE, 'Invalid MPS Device or status for algorithm'
            At or near line 37 of USER_DISK_SLC:[GREG.DEV.MPS.MPSL2]AP92.MPSL;1
notes that a device name encountered on line 37 of the file input to mpsl.exe was invalid for the algorithm.

The rest of this appendix lists all of the error messages issued by mpsl modules.

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SLAC Controls Software
Fri Nov 4 11:47:17 PST 1994