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BADARGS 'Unable to parse arguments to mpsl executable'

Currently this amounts to not finding a valid filename.

SAMECLAUSEBITS 'Two conjunctions MIL-1553 port values equal'

Two clauses within a disjunction were found to require the same port address masks and values.

PORTLENMISMATCH 'Port word length mismatch'

A port's word length as returned by MPS_GetInputBitStates, was different from one previously returned.

DECRRATELBL 'Lower or equal rate label following higher'

A result repetition rate label, eg "LIMIT_HI", that is of lower energy or of only equal energy to a previous one in the same stopper group was found. No check for this error is made for supervisor algorithm compiles, it is up to the user to make sure that the dumper configurations given on the RHS of NEWDUMPCNFs are not equivalent to decreasing beam energy.

STPGRPINCMPTBL 'Stopper configuration unreachable'

A stopper configuration specified on the RHS of a STOPCNF is an equal or superset of a stopper configuration defined previously under the same dumper group, and could therefore never be reached.

UNRECNZDCHAR 'Unrecognized character sequence'

The lexicon could not match a character or sequence of characters to a token.

STPSTATNOTMPST 'Primary of global stopper not MPST'

The primary of an operand equality used on the RHS of a STOPCNF was not `MPST'. Only MPST is allowed because only those are described for the global stopper word.

STPCOMPNOTPROT 'Component name of global stopper not PROT'

The component name of an operand equality used on the RHS of a STOPCNF was not `PROT'. Only PROT is allowed because it is the secondary that describes the protecting state of a stopper.

STPMICRNOTAP 'Micro name not for this algorithm in global stopper'

The micro name in an operand equality used on the RHS of a STOPCNF was not that assigned at the head of the algorithm on the RHS of the AP keyword.

BADSTPCONFSTAT 'Unrecognized Stopper State'

The stopper state given on the RHS of the `==' in an operand equality on the RHS of a STOPCNF, was not a valid value of the PROT component for the device named in the operand equality.

BADRESULTLBL 'Invalid to_result literal label'

The label used to assign a new rate, was not one of the recognized literals, ie one of "FULL", "LIMIT_LO", "LIMIT_HI" or "ZERO".

BADBGRPNAME 'Invalid Beam Code Group (BGRP) name'

A bgrp name given on the RHS of a BEAM assignment was not a value of BGRP:NAME for any unit number of primary BGRP.

DUPLCTBGRP 'Bgrp name used in previous beampath definition'

A Regional Beamcodes Group (BGRP) name, given on the RHS of a BEAM equality, has been used before; either previously in the beampath being defined, or in a preceeding beampath definition. All BGRPs must be used exactly one in an algorithm file.

GLOBMMODEINVLD 'Global Machine Mode name not valid'

A Global Machine Mode name, given in the disjunctive list on the RHS of the GLOBMMODE keyword, was not found in any of MODE.VX00,ALL*,NAME.

SYNTAXERROR 'Syntax error'

The parser function detected an error in syntax. Syntax errors are deviations from the valid sequences permitted in the language. Refer to an up-to-date statement of the formal syntax of mpsl for an expression of the valid sequences of symbols.

REQUIREDTRN 'Required translation string needed'

Some mpsl equalities require a translation string mandatorily. For instance, the BEAM = disjuncted list of beamcode names must be followed by a translation string. In this case, the string will be used for MPS displays.

INVALIDDEVICE 'Invalid MPS Device or status for algorithm'

Some non-SUCCESS status was returned by MPS_GetInputBitStates when that function was called to looked for the MIL-1553 port values of the given device under the given state.

TRUTHVALCLASH 'Operands of AND have conflicting truth equality'

Two device operand equalities that share a port are required in one case to match with a != and the other with an ==. For MPS internal reasons, one or the other of these operators (!=,==) must be used for all devices that share a port.

HASHEQZERO 'Hash id found to illegally equal zero'

Regional beam code elements such as bgrps are uniquely identified by a hex code. This code must not equal zero for the perposes of an mpsl file compilation. An attempt was made to compile an algorithm using an element, such as BGRP, for which the SLC database HASH entry was found to be 0.

RATENOTDEFND 'Required rate definition not found'

A rate definition was not found in a block where it is required. This will be reported if a beampath fails to define a rate limiting type in its RATE blocks.

LASTRATETRNSGV 'Last stopper group result assignment followed by condition'

The last result/rate assignment under a stopper group was followed by a transgressive expression. This is not permitted because there is no result/ rate assignment following that, which would be adopted if the transgressive were true.

LASTSTOPTRNSGV 'Last stopper group assignment conditional'

The last stopper group under a dumper group is not NONE. NONE is required as the default case, and succeeds when no stoppers are in.

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SLAC Controls Software
Fri Nov 4 11:47:17 PST 1994