Linking to SPIRES

Why link to SPIRES?

The SPIRES HEP database provides a rich information structure for papers in high energy physics. Where applicable we provide each record with links to

  • Full text through:
    • the eprint arXiv
    • Journal server pages
    • Scanned images
  • Related Experiments
  • Citation search
  • The references of the paper
  • The reaction data
  • Conference information
  • Full author lists for large collaborations

Setting up links

The very first thing you should do is send us E-mail at [discontinued] so that we can help you with setting links appropriate for your needs.

An example of a page

Here we present an example of a Journal Page that is linked to us (this link will start a second browser window). It displays the following features

  • SPIRES-HEP acknowledgement
  • Links to SPIRES entries for
    • journal articles
    • arXiv E-prints
    • unpublished reports
    • Ph.D. theses
    • high energy physics experiments
  • Invisible citation information that can be used by us to update/obtain a full reference list for the article (this only refers to published journal articles and arXiv E-prints).

Setting up links

Constructing your links is very simple. You can link directly to records in the SPIRES database if you have either the publication note or the eprint number. This information can be found most easily using the bibtex format.

     author    = "David J. Gross and John H. Sloan",
     journal   = "Nucl. Phys.",
     volume    = "B291",
     year      = "1987",
     pages     = "41",
     SLACcitation  = "%%CITATION = NUPHA,B291,41;%%"

or the metadata format

  <author>Roberts,Craig D.</author>
  <author>Williams,Anthony G.</author>
  <title>Dyson-Schwinger equations and their application to hadronic 
      <title>Progress in Particle and Nuclear Physics</title>

In both cases the SLACcitation field gives what you need to construct the link. Letting

WWW = http://www.slac.stanford.edu

we have the following links (for either a journal (j) or eprint)

Note that the links cannot include whitespace, so the search elements around bound together through ``+''.
We see above that the journal article is linked through the coden, which for Nuclear Physics, is NUPHA. The codens for other journals can be found here. With this information, any HEP journal article or eprint can be linked to its record in SPIRES. For this reason we would strongly recommend journals require the use of our special formats for authors submitting electronically. This way the necessary data for linking the references to SPIRES will already be in the tex-file.

In addition, when these formats are used it becomes very simple to include hyperlinks in the document to the SPIRES database, as per this example [dvi | ps | pdf (may need magnification)] (note: you might only be able to see hyperlinks in the pdf file, unless you have fancy ps and dvi viewers).

Alternative Search Links

Although the E-print number and journal, volume, page reference are the ideal linking variables, sometimes the reference is not specified in this manner. How can we find the appropriate SPIRES entry in this case? Luckily there are many other search terms (indexes) that can be used to obtain the unique article. The most useful are first author (fa), the year of journal publication (jy), the first page of the journal article (jp). Thus the following searches can be done, e.g.,

Displaying the links

We would ask that journals display the link to us in the following manner, where appropriate

  • D.J. Gross and J.H. Sloan, Nucl. Phys. B291, 41 (1987) [SPIRES]
  • C.D. Roberts, nucl-th/9807026 [SPIRES]

as in our example page.

SPIRES HEP was a joint project of SLAC, DESY & FNAL as well as the worldwide HEP community.
It was superseeded by INSPIRE

Last Updated: 02/14/2017

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