Accelerator Independent Data Access / PVAccess 2.0
AIDA-PVA is the latest version of the AIDA framework. Built on top of EPICS 7 it enables client applications to programmatically access and manage any device or database on the SLAC Network using simple channel names.
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1.10 - User Guide for AIDA Users


AIDA-PVA is the successor to AIDA a system for providing programmatic access to SLC Control System devices, data and services. Since its introduction in 2002 it has been used in other laboratories in the US and around the world. It provides a naming convention to address all devices and their attributes, a way of specifying arguments for remote procedure calls and obtaining results in any format, including rich formats with including metadata. Finally, it provides security, logging and reliability to allow it to be used in a variety of applications from logging, and monitoring, to modeling and control.

AIDA-PVA supersedes AIDA, but both AIDA and AIDA-PVA now co-exist, sharing many of the Legacy AIDA Modules from AIDASHR, so results obtained by using either version remain consistent.

Legacy AIDA uses CORBA to transport requests to the Data Providers, while AIDA-PVA uses EPICS-7's PVAccess mechanism. EPICS has become a staple for laboratories around the world, and leveraging its features allows scientists, and engineers who are already familiar with programming on EPICS, to access AIDA-PVA data providers with very little effort.


AIDA-PVA differs from AIDA as shown below.


Client Library

AIDA-PVA clients can use various methods to connect to the supported EPICs Channel Providers. These include:


In AIDA, CORBA was used to shuttle requests around the network but that has been replaced with EPICS in AIDA-PVA. This means that all of the configuration that needed to be done for CORBA is no longer required.

Instead, you need to configure EPICS to allow access to the services you need.

Configuring EPICS

The configuration of EPICS is important to make sure that your client application will connect to the correct Channel Provider. The full documentation is available here but the main things to set to get you going are:

  • EPICS_PVA_ADDR_LIST - this is the list of addresses to search for Channel Providers. Set it to for testing against the development environment.
  • EPICS_PVA_AUTO_ADDR_LIST - set this to FALSE so that EPICS won't try to automatically create your address list

Naming conventions

In AIDA-PVA, channel name parts are all separated by colons e.g.,PRIM:MICR:UNIT:ATTR. AIDA-PVA allows accessing services with the same naming conventions as EPICS.

Even though AIDA-PVA has an updated naming scheme to align with EPICs it is backwards compatible with AIDA and allows legacy style names to be used.

In AIDA, names consist of INSTANCE//ATTRIBUTE where INSTANCE can have other sub-parts typically delimited by colons. Though the ATTRIBUTE part is typically a single name, in rare cases it is also made up of parts, delimited by colons.

Changes to call semantics

Getter vs Setter

In AIDA there was a separate api for getValue() and setValue().

DaValue v = da.getDaValue(query); /* Get value*/
da.setDaValue(query, inData); /* Set Value. */

In AIDA-PVA the call is always the same - an RPC request, but it is the presence of the argument called VALUE that determines whether the call is a getter or setter.

import org.epics.pvaccess.ClientFactory;
import org.epics.pvaccess.client.rpc.RPCClientImpl;
import org.epics.pvaccess.server.rpc.RPCRequestException;
import org.epics.pvdata.pv.*;
public class AidaPvaRunner {
public static void main(String[] args) {
RPCClientImpl client = new RPCClientImpl("CHANNEL");
// ...
// Only do this if the request is to set a value
PVStructure query = request.getStructureField("query");
((PVString) (query.getSubField("VALUE"))).put("A Value");
// Execute the query with a timeout of 3 seconds
try {
PVStructure result = client.request(request, 3.0);
// Use result ...
} catch (RPCRequestException e) {
// Do something with error
} finally {

Return type

In AIDA there was an optional extra parameter to the getValue() api that could specify the type (DaValue.Type):

String query = "XCOR:LI03:120//LEFF";
DaReference r = new DaReference(query, da);
DaValue v = da.getDaValue(query);

In AIDA-PVA the type is determined by an argument called TYPE. Set it to any supported AIDA-PVA Type to get data back in that format.

// Set the request query return type
PVStructure query = request.getStructureField("query");
((PVString) (query.getSubField("TYPE"))).put("FLOAT");
// Execute the query with a timeout of 3 seconds
try {
PVStructure result = client.request(request, 3.0);
// Use result ...
} catch (RPCRequestException e) {
// Do something with error


AIDA => AIDA-PVA mapping - only differences:

  • Any = TABLE
  • Char => not available in AIDA-PVA use BYTE
  • WChar => not available in AIDA-PVA use BYTE
  • WString => not available in AIDA-PVA use STRING


The underlying Channel Data is the same whether accessed via AIDA or AIDA-PVA. So there will be no difference between them.


It is expected that aida-list will eventually be updated to get data from AIDA-PVA, however until that work is done it will continue to work as before.