MWL campaign on Mrk 501(March-May 2008): Roadmap for the data analysis, interpretation and publication



MWL campaign on Mrk 501 (March-May 2008):

Roadmap for the data analysis, interpretation and publication



General information

May 5th, 2009 (D.Paneque,



AGILE, ARGO-YBJ, Effelsberg, Medicina, Noto, VLBA, GASP, KVA, MAGIC, Metsahovi, RATAN-600, RXTE, Swift, VERITAS, VLBI, Whipple




Now that the observations have been already performed, we need to work towards the analysis and the interpretation of those observations. Several publications will come out from these efforts. The steps we want to undertake are 1) data reduction and submission, 2) Interpretation of the reduced data and 3) Publication. In the paragraphs below we expand somewhat those steps:

1 - Data reduction and submission

The different groups will analyze the data from the observations, and will produce files with the format described in the Data format web page. The collaborations or proposal PIs are the responsibles for the data reduction and the reliability (best efforts) of the results.

The campaign finished on May 26th and you are probably working on the reduction of that data. We'll be organizing a virtual (EVO) meeting where the different groups can report on their respective data analysis. This will allow the participants of the campaign to have a good overall picture of all the individual instrument results. The pdf/ppt files from this meeting will be archived and made available to the others for future references. Such meeting will occur on Wednesday 10th September, at 8:00 CA time (17:00 Berlin time). The public agenda for such meeting can be found here. The agenda containing the actual reports from the groups/instruments is located here. . Note that actual agenda containing the reports is pass-protected. You will get the login/pass after agreement of the data policy requirements specified here .

2 - Interpretation of the reduced data

All groups who participated in the campaign and agree (sign) the Data Policy agreement will have access to all the observational (reduced) data from this campaign, and thus will be able to participate (if they wished) in the physical interpretation of the overall data set. The data will be accessible through the Data Access web page.

We'll organize several (roughly biweekly) virtual (EVO) meetings to discuss the results from the different people/groups contributing to the interpretation of the data. The access to the EVO meeting is restricted; the password is the same used for the protected web pages containing the reduced data. The reports (pdf/ppt) from these meetings will be archived and made available to all the participants.

First Meeting: April 9th, at 8:00 PDT on EVO (Title:Mrk501, MW 2008) The agenda containing the reports from the people/groups is located here. .

Second Meeting: April 23rd, at 8:00 PDT on EVO (Title:Mrk501, MW 2008) The agenda containing the reports from the people/groups is located here. .

Third Meeting: May 8th, at 8:00 PDT on EVO (Title:Mrk501, MW 2008) The agenda containing the reports from the people/groups is located here. .

3 - Publication of the results

One or more MW publications could be produced (depending on the results found). The first MW publication will provide a rather straighforward (little bias or high concensus among MW campaign participants) interpretation of the broad-band observational results. Additional MW publications could be done from a different (perhaps more biased) perspective, or could address additional topics using (or not) a more extended set of the observational results, which should probably have been published in the single instrument publications.

The author list in these publications will be a list of the people who bring data which are used in the MWL publication, as well as people contributing to the physical interpretation of the results. Participants bringing data that are not used in the publication, will not be part of the author list.



Useful links

Campaign announcement and development

Broad band observations performed during the campaign

Quick and dirty analysis of some of the data taken during the campaign

Data policy agreement

Data format

Data access