MW campaign on Mrk 501(March-May 2008): policy agreement required to access the data



MW campaign on Mrk 501 (March-May 2008):

policy agreement required to access the data



General information

June 29, 2008 (D.Paneque,

We think that the interpretation of the overall data set from this (and future) campaigns (radio to TeV) will benefit from an active participation in the discussions from the people (groups) that were implicated in the observations and/or data reduction. The possible diversity of opinions/perspectives will trigger discussions that will (hopefully) end up converging into a less biased evaluation of the experimental data. The road map for the data reduction, interpretation and publication of the results from this campaign is described here .

This implies that all groups should be able to access data from all other groups. Since most (if not all) of these data are still unpublished and are property of collaborations and/or specific proposals, these data access needs to be done with caveats.

In order to gain access to the "pool of data", the participants of the campaign need to agree on the policy stated below. Those statements are written in the document linked here . This form needs to be filled, signed and faxed to:

David Paneque

Number: +1-650-926-5566

Once this signed document is received, a login and password allowing access to the share data pool will be sent to the e-mail address stated in the document.



1 - I understand that, by contributing data, I have the right of participating in the data evaluation and my name will appear in the combined MWL publication using the data set I provided. I keep also the right of publishing those data separately. I however understand that it would be convenient that such separate publication is done in a coordinated way with the other people participating in this MWL campaign.

2 - I understand that the goal is to have the data reduced in the format specified in the web page before the end of July.

3 - I will not publish, present or share results from data sets from this MW campaign without the specific approval of the respective collaboration that owns the data (through the respective contact person) or proposal PI. If the specific data have already been published, then such approval is not strictly necessary, yet it is very much encouraged if the data are extracted from the pool provided through these web pages.