Program Committees
- International Advisory Committee for the ALCPG Workshop
- International Advisory Committee for the ILCSC Workshop
- Executive Committee
- Local Organizing Committee
- Education and Outreach Committee
- Physics Committee
- Detector Committee
- Accelerator Committee
- Web and Publishing Support
International Advisory Committee for the ALCPG Workshop
Member | Institution |
Barry Barish | Director of the ILC-GDE |
Sergio Bertolucci | Frascati |
Hesheng Chen | IHEP, Beijing |
Jonathan Dorfan | SLAC |
Jos Engelen | CERN |
Fred Gilman | Carnegie Mellon Univ. |
Paul Grannis | SUNY at StonyBrook |
Joo Sang Kang | Korea Univ. |
Pier Oddone | Fermilab |
Satoshi Ozaki | Brookhaven Natl. Lab. |
Alan Shotter | TRIUMF Natl. Lab. |
Alexander Skrinsky | Novosibirsk |
Maury Tigner | Cornell Univ. |
Yoji Totsuka | KEK |
Albrecht Wagner | DESY |
Michael Witherell | Fermilab |
International Advisory Committee for the ILCSC Workshop
Member | Institution |
Robert Aymar | CERN |
Carlos Garcia Canal | UNLP |
Hesheng Chen | IHEP |
Jonathan Dorfan | SLAC |
Brain Foster | Univ. of Oxford |
Paul Grannis | SUNY at Stony Brook |
Sachio Komamiya | Univ. of Tokyo |
Won Namkung | PAL |
Alexander Skrinsky | Novosibirsk |
Maury Tigner | Cornell Univ. |
Yoji Totsuka | KEK |
Albrecht Wagner | DESY |
Michael Witherell | Fermilab |
Executive Committee
Member | Institution |
Barry Barish | Director of the ILC-GDE |
Co-chair - Edmond Berger | Argonne Natl. Lab. |
James Brau | Univ. Oregon |
Sally Dawson | Brookhaven Natl. Lab. |
Rolf Heuer | DESY |
David Miller | Univ. College London |
Shekhar Mishra | Fermilab |
Co-chair - Uriel Nauenberg | Univ. of Colorado at Boulder |
Mark Oreglia | Univ. of Chicago |
Hwanbae Park | Kyungpook Nat’l Univ. |
Michael Peskin | SLAC |
Tor Raubenheimer | SLAC |
Hitoshi Yamamoto | Tohoku Univ. |
Local Organizing Committee
Member | Institution |
Co-chair - Edmond Berger | Argonne Nat. Lab. |
James Brau | Univ. of Oregon |
Shekhar Mishra | Fermilab |
Co-chair - Uriel Nauenberg | Univ. of Colorado, Boulder |
Mark Oreglia | Univ. of Chicago |
Nan Phinney | SLAC |
Education and Outreach Committee
Member | Institution |
Marjorie Bardeen | Fermilab |
Neil Calder | SLAC |
Ulrich Heintz | Boston University |
Judi Jackson | Fermilab |
Chair - Hitoshi Murayama | University of California Berkeley |
Greg Snow | Univ. of Nebraska |
Physics Committee
Member | Institution |
Vice-chair - Sally Dawson | Brookhaven National Laboratory |
Jonathan Feng | Univ. of Cal., Irvine |
Rohini Godbole | Tata Inst. |
Norman Graf | SLAC |
Howard Haber | UC Santa Cruz |
Kaoru Hagiwara | KEK |
Joseph Lykken | Fermilab |
Chair - Michael Peskin | SLAC |
James Stirling | Univ. of Durham |
Rick Van Kooten | Indiana Univ. |
Peter Zerwas | DESY |
Detector Committee
Member | Institution |
Philip Bambade | Orsay |
Ties Behnke | DESY |
Tiziano Camporesi | CERN |
John Jaros | SLAC |
Dean Karlen | Univ. of Victoria |
Akiya Miyamoto | KEK |
Chair - Mark Oreglia | Univ. of Chicago |
Daniel Peterson | Cornell U. |
Harry Weerts | Michigan St. Univ. |
Satoru Yamashita | Univ. of Tokyo |
Accelerator Committee
Member | Institution |
David Burke | SLAC |
Jean-Pierre Delahaye | CERN |
Gerald Dugan | Cornell |
Hitoshi Hayano | KEK |
Steve Holmes | FNAL |
Olivier Napoly | Saclay |
Kenji Saito | KEK |
Nick Walker | DESY |
Kaoru Yokoya | KEK |
Web and Publishing Support
Member | Institution |
Will Ruddick | Colorado University |
Terry Anderson | SLAC |
Sharon West | SLAC |
Yasuko Weyhrauch | SLAC |