The top-level GlastRelease package is the GLast Event Analysis Machine (GLEAM) whose basic function is to take the "raw", Level 0 data delivered to it in LAT Data Format (LDF data) and convert it to Level 1 data ready for analysis using Science Tools software. For test and development purposes, GLEAM also incorporates input from Source Generators and processes Monte Carlo data using the same Digitization and Reconstruction Algorithms, Transient Data Store, and Persistency and Ntuple Services that will be used to process LDF data, once it becomes available.


All GLEAM output files are in ROOT format. To perform an event analysis or to generate simulated data requires that you either access the GLEAM application remotely, or download it to your desktop.

Gleam is configurable and is capable of producing up to five output files, with one output file each for:

  • Monte Carlo (MC) Simulation
package mcRootData contains all Monte Carlo files; see McEvent Documentation.
  • Digitization (Digi)
digiRootData contains all the data for one event, including: Anti-Coincidence Detector (AcdDigi); Calorimeter (CalDigi); Tracker (TkrDigi); Level One Trigger (L1T); Global-trigger Electronics Module (GEM); and Event Summary.
  • Reconstruction (Recon)
reconRootData contains all of the reconstruction data, and the Reconstruction algorithm produces both the Recon and the Merit files.
  • Merit
See Summary Ntuples. Merit is a actually a summary of the MC, Digi, and Recon files. It contains a subset of their data and exists for convenience of analysis. Unlike the other files, Merit is an ntuple. Like a table, it is a flat file where X variables from data collection are the columns, and each event is a row.
  • Relational Table
To be provided.

Also see:

Last updated by: Chuck Patterson 12/14/2007