
BFMAIL is used to manage the distribution of e-mail to a large number of B-Factory collaborators. It is an e-mail server program that derives its distribution lists (BFMAIL codes) and e-mail addresses from the PEP-II/BABAR Oracle database. Mail received by BFMAIL will be re-distributed to people associated with one or more BFMAIL codes.

To create a new BFMAIL code you need, or to enter an e-mail address into the database, contact BaBar's admin staff, email address Use the Suggestions form to report problems, ask questions, or make comments.

Please give her

  1. the name of the code you want created (10 characters or less)
  2. the title of the code you want created
  3. the coordinator(s) of the code
  4. the list of people you may want to initially put on the list.
There is a list of existing BFMAIL codes.

The advantages to using BFMAIL are: Mail should be sent to:

All communications to BFMAIL are done via e-mail (if you are on the SLAC VM computer then some commands may be accomplished via the Tell or To command).

In the e-mail, you can give BFMAIL basically two types of commands.
  1. A "distribution:" command which request BFMAIL to re-distribute the following mail item to anyone registered to one or more of the distribution lists.
  2. A variety of other commands which request information from BFMAIL or allow the user to perform some database functions with the "subscribe" and "unsubscribe" commands.
When BFMAIL receives e-mail, it will look for the first line first column of the body of the e-mail to begin with the word "Distribution:" followed by one or more meeting codes. If a distribution list is found then all of the text following that line will be re-distributed and a confirmation notice sent to the requestor.

If a distribution command is not found in the first lineof the body of the e-mail, then BFMAIL will attempt to parse the first line of text following the mail header. If a command word is found, then it will attempt to process the command and return the results to the requestor. Multiple commands may be issued on subsequent lines. Processing will stop when it finds a null line, end of file, or the "end" command.


Distribution: [code [code]..]
The text following this command will be re-distributed to everyone subscribed to the code(s) listed. Note that the command must begin in the first line first column of the body of the e-mail. There is a list of BFMAIL codes.


From certain computer platforms (Eudora, PINE) you can issue this commands as an extension of the mailto line

e.g., mail to:

BFMAIL will take MIME-compliant attachments in your e-mail.

Retrieve help message, explaining these commands (i.e. this file).

List [code [code]..]
Will return a list of the current BFMAIL codes and titles available. You can get the same list on the web.


list test db
list bbr*

Locate [, first] |
Will return a list of the people which match the given last name. The current home institution name and e-mail address(s) will be returned. The name given may use standard SQL wildcards. The * has the same meaning as % in this case.

If 'name' is used then it can be of the form 'last, first' or 'first last'. Note that 'name' is assumed if the string does NOT have an @ within it, otherwise it is considered a network address. The wildcard character will automatically be added to the first name if given.


locate crane
locate zism*

Mailstop [code]..
Will return a mailstop distribution list for PEP-II people subscribed on the code(s) given.


mailstop all_hands
mailstop rf controls

Phonelist [code]..
Will return a list of everyone who is currently subscribed to the code(s) listed in a phone book form. The home institution, phone number, and e-mail address(s) will be included for each person in the codes given. The output is the same as the LOCATE command.


phonelist bbr_cmmnty
phonelist her-str ler-eng

Subscribe [e-mail address | name]
Used to subscribe yourself (or e-mail addresses) to BFMAIL codes. Note that you must be a BFMAIL code coorinator to add someone else to a code. Since the e-mail address is unique, this is the preferred way to subscribe to BFMAIL codes. The e-mail address used must already exist in the PEP-II/BABAR database. If you have different e-mail addresses, all of the addresses you want to use the subscribe command from need to be listed in the database for BFMAIL to execute your command (e.g.,,

subscribe softwrnews
subscribe computing george crane

Unsubscribe [address | name]
Used to unsubscribe yourself (or e-mail addresses) to BFMAIL codes. The instructions on the subscribe command above applies to the unsubscribe command.


unsubscribe softwrnews
unsubscribe computing
unsubscribe comp-tools crane, g

Who [code]..
Will return a list of everyone who is currently subscribed to the code(s) listed.


who all_hands
who test db
who bbr*

Which [address] | [name]
Will return a list of the codes which the person who owns the given address is associated with. If the address is not given then it will default to the requestor address. The "address" may use standard SQL wildcards. The * has the same meaning as the %.


which achan@*
which george crane

If 'name' is used then it can be of the form 'last, first' or 'first last'. Note that 'name' is assumed if the string does NOT have an @ within it, otherwise it is considered a network address. The wildcard character will automatically be added to the first name if given.

Used to indicate the end of a command or series of commands. Helps to protect against automatic signature lines being processed as commands. Processing will also stop when it finds a null line or end of file.

---- Possible FUTURE improvements ------------------------------

Integrating MAJORDOMO with BFMAIL program.
Having an interactiveSLAC UNIX command interface (similar to current SLAC VM interface).

Distribution[:] [,code] | WHERE sql_where_statement
Remove the colon requirement on the "distribution" command.
Adds the WHERE clause option.

Who [code] | WHERE sql_where_statement
Adds the WHERE clause option.

Multiple line commands may be terminated with a semi-colon (;), blank line or end of file.


Subject: Testing

Distribution: CAL

This is a message for the CAL code meeting group.
All lines following the "distribution:" line will be re-distributed
to everone subscribed to the CAL code. A list of subscribers
names will be appended to the mail item when sent unless it is
a very large group.

Subject: ...


Subject: ...

who bbr_member
locate dorfan, j
which hitlin

[BFMAIL List Search]

For questions regarding BFMAIL, please contact or

BFMAIL is written by George Crane.