Front Matter | |
Table of Contents | PROCTOC.PDF |
Author Index | INDEX.PDF |
Preface--D. Cassel, R. Siemann | OPS001.PDF |
Publication of the Proceedings of the 1996 DPF/DPB Summer Study on New Directions in High-Energy Physics--L. Gennari | OPS001.PDF |
Opening Plenary Session | |
A High Energy Physics Perspective--W. Marciano | OPS001.PDF |
Experimental Limits on SUSY and Other New Phenomena--S. Wu | OPS002.PDF |
The Quest for New Phenomena--I. Hinchliffe | OPS003.PDF |
Future Directions in QCD--J. Bjorken | OPS004.PDF |
Top Quark Physics Results from CDF and D0--D. Gerdes | OPS005.PDF |
Electroweak Physics Results from the Tevatron--M. Demarteau | OPS006.PDF |
The Next Linear Collider--D. Burke | OPS007.PDF |
Linear Collider Studies at DESY--R. Brinkmann | OPS008.PDF |
The Fermilab Proton-Antiproton Collider Upgrades--J. Marriner | OPS009.PDF |
The Large Hadron Collider LHC--E. Keil | OPS010.PDF |
Really Large Hadron Colliders--G. Dugan | OPS011.PDF |
High Transverse Momentum Physics at the Large Hadron Collider--I. Hinchliffe, J. Womersley | OPS012.PDF |
Accelerator Working Group | |
Summary Report from the Accelerator Working Group--M. Harrison, S. Holmes, J. Paterson, J. Wurtele | ACC013.PDF |
Summary of the TeV33 Working Group--P. Bagley, F. Bieniosek, P. Colestock, A. Gerasimov, G. Jackson, J. Johnstone, J. MacLachlan, J. Marriner, C. Mishra, S. Pruss, S. Shukla, R. Siemann, W. Wan | ACC014.PDF |
Slip Stacking in the Fermilab Main Injector--S. Shukla, J. Marriner, J. Griffin | ACC015.PDF |
Crossing Angles in the Beam-Beam Interaction--R. Siemann | ACC016.PDF |
A Method for Finding 4D Symplectic Maps with Reduced Chaos--W. Wan, J. Cary, S. Shasharina | ACC017.PDF |
Summary of the NLC Accelerator Working Group--J. Irwin, T. Raubenheimer | ACC018.PDF |
Operation and Expected Performance of the NLC Main Linacs--R. Assmann, T. Raubenheimer | ACC019.PDF |
NLC Final Quadrupole Support--G. Bowden | ACC020.PDF |
Backgrounds at the Next Linear Collider--S. Hertzbach, T. Markiewicz, T. Maruyama, R. Messner | ACC021.PDF |
Laser Optics for a $\gamma \gamma$ Collider--D. Klem, L. Seppala | ACC022.PDF |
Relativistic Klystron Two-Beam Accelerator Approach to Multi-TeV $e^+ e^-$ Linear Colliders--S. Lidia, T. Houck, G. Westenskow, S. Yu | ACC023.PDF |
Conversion and Interaction Point Simulation of a $\gamma \gamma$ Collider at the NLC--T. Takahashi, K. Yokoya, V. Telnov, K.-J. Kim, M. Xie | ACC024.PDF |
Design Status of the NLC Beam-Delivery System and Possible Future Studies--F. Zimmermann, G. Bowden, D. Burke, Y. Cai, P. Emma, L. Eriksson, R. Helm, S. Hertzbach, J. Irwin, T. Maruyama, T. Markiewicz, R. Messner, Y. Nosochkov, T. Raubenheimer, J. Spencer, G. Stupakov, P. Tenenbaum, D. Walz, M. Woodley, M. Woods, Y. Yan | ACC025.PDF |
Status Report of a High Luminosity Muon Collider and Future Research and Development Plans--R. Palmer, A. Tollestrup, A. Sessler | ACC026.PDF |
Coherent Synchrotron Radiation in the Isochronous Muon Collider Ring--J. Gallardo | ACC027.PDF |
A Preliminary Lattice for a 2-TeV Muon Collider Ring--A. Garren, C. Johnstone | ACC028.PDF |
An IR and Chromatic Correction Design for a 2-TeV Muon Collider--A. Garren, C. Johnstone | ACC029.PDF |
Optimization of a Muon Collider Interaction Region with Respect to Detector Backgrounds and the Heat Load to the Cryogenic Systems--C. Johnstone, N. Mokhov | ACC030.PDF |
SNOWMASS96-Session on Acceleration Systems for the $\mu^+\mu^-$ Collider--D. Neuffer | ACC031.PDF |
Reliability of $\alpha_1$ and $\alpha_2$ from Lattice Codes --K. Ng | ACC032.PDF |
Hybrid Rings of Fixed 8T Superconducting Magnets and Iron Magnets Rapidly Cycling between -2T and +2T for a Muon Collider--D. Summers | ACC033.PDF |
A Comparative Study of RF and Induction Linac Approaches to Phase Rotation of a Muon Bunch in the Production Region of a $\mu^+\mu^-$ Collider--W. Turner, H. Kirk | ACC034.PDF |
Pulsed Dipole Magnets for the Muon Collider --E. Willen | ACC035.PDF |
Conceptual Design of $Nb_3Sn$ Magnets for the Muon Collider Ring--E. Willen | ACC036.PDF |
Really Large Hadron Collider Working Group Summary--G. Dugan, P. Limon, M. Syphers | ACC037.PDF |
Geology of the Greater Fermilab Region--R. Bauer, D. Gross | ACC038.PDF |
Field Quality Issues in Iron-dominated Dipoles at Low Fields--B. Brown | ACC039.PDF |
Summary of the Very Large Hadron Collider Physics and Detector Subgroup--D. Denisov, S. Keller | ACC040.PDF |
Physics Per Buck and the RLHC--R. Diebold | ACC041.PDF |
Estimated Inner Triplet Quadrupole Length and Aperture for Really Large Hadron Colliders of Ebeam = 30, 60, 100 TeV--S. Feher, J. Strait | ACC042.PDF |
Pipetron Tunnel Construction Issues--J. Friant, R. Bauer, D. Gross, M. May, J. Lach | ACC043.PDF |
Forward Physics with the "Pipetron"--L. Jones, M. Albrow, H. Gustafson, C. Taylor | ACC044.PDF |
Magnet Alignment for a Low Field Really Large Hadron Collider--H. J\Óostlein | ACC045.PDF |
Magnet Installation and Human Presence in the Tunnel--H. J\Óostlein | ACC046.PDF |
Power Circuit and Quench Protection for the Pipetron Magnet Transmission Line--K. Koepke, A. Zlobin, W. Foster | ACC047.PDF |
The Optimum Energy of the Really Large Hadron Collider Sited at Fermilab--P. Limon | ACC048.PDF |
New Technologies for a Future Superconducting Proton Collider at Fermilab--E. Malamud | ACC049.PDF |
Cryogenic Systems for the Low Field RLHC Study Cases--M. McAshan, P. Mazur | ACC050.PDF |
Cryogenic Systems for the High Field RLHC Study Cases--M. McAshan, P. Mazur | ACC051.PDF |
Extracted Beam Lines and Absorbers for a 50x50 TeV Hadron Collider--N. Mokhov, C. Murphy, S. Pruss | ACC052.PDF |
A High Energy $e^+e^-$ Collider in a "Really Large" Tunnel--J. Norem, E. Keil | ACC053.PDF |
Tolerable Systematic Errors in Really Large Hadron Colliders--S. Peggs, F. Dell | ACC054.PDF |
Lattices for a High-Field 30 TeV Hadron Collider--S. Peggs, F. Dell, M. Syphers, S. Tepikian, M. Harrison | ACC055.PDF |
Collective Effects and Impedances in the RLHC(s)--J. Rogers | ACC056.PDF |
Beam Tube Vacuum in Low Field and High Field Very Large Hadron Colliders--W. Turner | ACC057.PDF |
Crab Crossing in a Large Hadron Collider--J. Wei | ACC058.PDF |
Interaction Region Analysis for a High-Field Hadron Collider--J. Wei, S. Peggs, G. Goderre | ACC059.PDF |
Advanced Accelerator Technologies-A Snowmass'96 Subgroup Summary--S. Chattopadhyay, D. Whittum, J. Wurtele | ACC060.PDF |
A Diffractive Model for Short-Range Wakefields in Rectangular Accelerating Structures--S. Ben-Menahem, D. Yu | ACC061.PDF |
On Wakefields with Two-Dimensional Planar Geometry--A. Chao, K. Bane | ACC062.PDF |
A 5-TeV-C.M. Collider on the NLC Site--P. Chen, J. Irwin, T. Markiewicz, T. Raubenheimer, R. Ruth, P. Wilson, D. Yeremian | ACC063.PDF |
Gyrotron Amplifiers for Driving Multi-TeV Colliders at Microwave Wavelengths < 1 cm--V. Granatstein, G. Saraph, G. Nusinovich, W. Lawson | ACC064.PDF |
The Design and Fabrication of a Millimeter Wave Linear Accelerator--Y. Kang, G. Waldschmidt, J. Song, A. Nassiri, R. Kustom | ACC065.PDF |
An Energy Upgrade from TESLA to a High Energy $\mu^+ \mu^- $ Collider--D. Neuffer, H. Edwards, D. Finley | ACC066.PDF |
A Linear Collider Based on Nonlinear Plasma Wake-field Acceleration--J. Rosenzweig, N. Barov, E. Colby, P. Colestock | ACC067.PDF |
Wake-Fields in Planar Dielectric-Loaded Structures--A. Tremaine, J. Rosenzweig, P. Schoessow, W. Gai | ACC068.PDF |
Diffraction Model of a Step-out Transition for a Sheet Beam in Planar Geometry--F. Zimmermann, A. Chao | ACC069.PDF |
Detector Working Group | |
Report of the TeV 33 Detector Working Group--F. Borcherding, K. Byrum, R. Demina, D. Denisov, H. Fisk, J. Guida, N. Hadley, M. Johnson, T. LeCompte, R. Lipton, R. Partridge, G. Watts | DET070.PDF |
D0 Muon System at TEV33--D. Denisov | DET071.PDF |
Expected Performance of the CDF Plug Upgrade Calorimeter at TeV33--K. Hara, S. Kim, K. Takikawa | DET072.PDF |
Upgrading the D0 Fiber Tracker for TeV33--R. Partridge, G. Watts | DET073.PDF |
On the Possibility of Speeding-up Time Response of the D0 Calorimeter--H. Piekarz | DET074.PDF |
Using Microgap Chambers as a Self Contained Trigger in D0 for TeV33--G. Watts, M. Johnson | DET075.PDF |
Ideas for the NLC Detector--C. Damerell, G. Bowden, J. Brau, M. Breidenbach, R. Frey, G. Gollin, S. Hertzbach, D. Jackson, R. Jacobsen, J. Jaros, A. Lu, T. Markiewicz, T. Maruyama, T. Messner, J. Russell, T. Usher, M. Woods | DET076.PDF |
Calorimetry for the NLC Detector--J. Brau, A. Arodzero, D. Strom | DET077.PDF |
Vertex Detector Technology and Jet Flavour Identification at the Future $e^+e^-$ Linear Collider--C. Damerell, D. Jackson | DET078.PDF |
Backgrounds and Detectors for High-Energy $\gamma\gamma$ Colliders--A. Weidemann | DET079.PDF |
Backgrounds and Detector Issues at a Muon Collider--S. Geer | DET080.PDF |
Study of Detector Backgrounds in a Muon Collider --I. Stumer, H. Gordon, S. Kahn, D. Lissauer, A. Luccio, H. Ma, M. Murtagh, F. Paige, R. Palmer, P. Rehak, V. Polychronakos, V. Tcherniatine, W. Willis, O. Benary | DET081.PDF |
Directional Muon Jet Chamber for a Muon Collider (Groovy Chamber)--M. Atac | DET082.PDF |
The Pixel Microtelescope--S. Geer, J. Chapman | DET083.PDF |
Light Higgs Working Group | |
Weakly-Coupled Higgs Bosons and Precision Electroweak Physics--H. Haber, T. Han, F. Merritt, J. Womersley, U. Baur, M. Demarteau, C. Kao, P. Rowson, J. Gunion, R. Van Kooten, L. Poggioli | LTH084.PDF |
Precision Electroweak Physics at Future Collider Experiments--U. Baur, M. Demarteau, C. Balazs, D. Errede, S. Errede, T. Han, S. Keller, Y. Kim, A. Kotwal, F. Merritt, S. Rajagopalan, R. Sobey, M. Swartz, D. Wackeroth, J. Womersley | LTH085.PDF |
Implications of $\mu \nu \gamma \gamma$ Production on Precision Measurments of the $W$ Mass--R. Sobey, U. Baur, T. Han, D. Zeppenfeld | LTH086.PDF |
Electroweak Radiative Corrections to W Boson Production at the Tevatron--U. Baur, S. Keller, D. Wackeroth | LTH087.PDF |
Precision Measurement of $\sin^2\theta_w$ and the Beam Polarizations at the NLC--F. Cuypers, P. Gambino | LTH088.PDF |
Measuring the Mass of the W at the LHC--S. Keller, J. Womersley | LTH089.PDF |
Effects of Multiple Interactions and Pileup on the W Mass Measurement in the Electron Channel at D0 in Run II and TeV33--A. Kotwal | LTH090.PDF |
Measurement of $M_w$ Using the Transverse Mass Ratio of W and Z--S. Rajagopalan, M. Rijssenbeek | LTH091.PDF |
Higgs Boson Discovery and Properties--J. Gunion, L. Poggioli, R. Van Kooten, C. Kao, P. Rowson, S. Abdullin, V. Barger, M. Berger, D. Bauer, M. Carena, C. Damerell, M. Fortner, R. Frey, H. Haber, T. Han, X. He, D. Hedin, C. Heusch, D. Jackson, R. Jesik, J. Kelly, S. Kim, S. Kuhlmann, C. Loomis, P. Martin, T. Moroi, K. Pitts, L. Reina, R. Sobey, N. Stepanov, R. Szalapski, R. Vega, C. Wagner, J. Womersley, W. Yao, R. Zhu | LTH092.PDF |
Signals from Flavor Changing Scalar Currents at the Future Colliders--D. Atwood, L. Reina, A. Soni | LTH093.PDF |
A Higgs-Factory $\mu^+\mu^-$ Collider--D. Cline | LTH094.PDF |
Will At Least One of the Higgs Bosons of the Next-to-Minimal Supersymmetric Extension of the Standard Model be Observable at LEP2 or the LHC?--J. Gunion, H. Haber, T. Moroi | LTH095.PDF |
Searching for Doubly-Charged Higgs Bosons at Future Colliders--J. Gunion, C. Loomis, K. Pitts | LTH096.PDF |
Studies of the Mass Resolution of bb Dijets--D. Hedin | LTH097.PDF |
Improvement of Signal Significance in WH $\rightarrow l + \nu + b + \bar b$ Search at TeV33--S. Kim, S. Kuhlmann, W. Yao | LTH098.PDF |
Aspects of Scalar Production ($m_h\leq 300 GeV$) in the $e^-e^-$ Collider Operating Mode--P. Minkowski | LTH099.PDF |
Prospects for Observing Higgs in $ZH\rightarrow(\nu \bar \nu,l^+l^-)b\bar b$ Channel at TeV33--W. Yao | LTH100.PDF |
Physics of High-Energy $\gamma\gamma$, $e\gamma$, and $e^-e^-$ Collisions--D. Bauer, A. Weidemann | LTH101.PDF |
Discriminating Between Higgs Boson Models Using $e^+e^-\rightarrow t\bar th$ and $Zh$ at the NLC--J. Gunion, X. He | LTH102.PDF |
Using Higgs Pair Production in $e^+e^-$ or $\mu^+\mu^-$ Collisions to Probe GUT-Scale Boundary Conditions in the Minimal Supersymmetric Model--J. Gunion, J. Kelly | LTH103.PDF |
Measuring the Higgs to Photon-Photon Branching Ratio at the Next Linear $e^+e^-$ Collider--J. Gunion, P. Martin | LTH104.PDF |
SUSY Working Group | |
Summary of the Supersymmetry Working Group--J. Bagger, U. Nauenberg, X. Tata, A. White | SUP105.PDF |
Report of the Supersymmetry Theory Subgroup--J. Amundson, G. Anderson, H. Baer, J. Bagger, R. Barnett, C. Chen, G. Cleaver, B. Dobrescu, M. Drees, J. Gunion, G. Kane, B. Kayser, C. Kolda, J. Lykken, S. Martin, T. Moroi, S. Mrenna, M. Nojiri, D. Pierce, X. Tata, S. Thomas, J. Wells, B. Wright, Y. Yamada | SUP106.PDF |
Motivations for and Implications of Non-Universal GUT-Scale Boundary Conditions for Soft SUSY-Breaking Parameters--G. Anderson, C. Chen, J. Gunion, J. Lykken, T. Moroi, Y. Yamada | SUP107.PDF |
Using Kinematical Characteristics to Identify Squarks and Gluinos--R. Barnett | SUP108.PDF |
Signals of Dynamical Supersymmetry Breaking in a Hidden Sector--B. Dobrescu, S. Mrenna | SUP109.PDF |
Decays of Long Lived Lightest Supersymmetric Particles in the Galactic Halo--M. Diwan | SUP110.PDF |
Supersymmetry Prospects at an Upgraded Fermilab Tevatron Collider--S. Mrenna, M. Diwan, S. Lammel, H. Baer, M. Barnett, A. Barbero-Galtieri, W. Yao, K. De, M. Sosebee, T. Kamon, D. Norman, J. White | SUP111.PDF |
SUSY at LHC--A. Bartl, J. S\Óoderqvist, F. Paige, L. Poggioli, H. Baer, R. Cahn, I. Hinchliffe, M. Shapiro, W. Yao, C. Chen, A. Seiden, J. Pilcher, X. Tata, A. Skuja, W. Campbell, A. White | SUP112.PDF |
Tau Polarization in the Analysis of $\tilde \chi^0_2 \rightarrow \tilde \chi^0_1l^+l^-$--R. Cahn | SUP113.PDF |
Determining SUSY Particle Masses at LHC--F. Paige | SUP114.PDF |
Determination of the Neutralino Mass Difference between $\tilde\chi^0_2 $ and $\tilde\chi^0_1 $ and its Relation to the mSUGRA Model Parameter $m_{1/2}$--J. S\Óoderqvist | SUP115.PDF |
Measurement of Gluino-Sbottom Mass Splitting--W. Yao | SUP116.PDF |
Supersymmetry at the NLC--M. Danielson, S. Fahey, U. Nauenberg, D. Wagner, B. Williams, H. Baer, R. Munroe, K. Fujii, M. Nojiri, X. Tata, J. Feng, F. Cuypers, D. Burke, R. Dubois, M. Peskin, D. Pierce, J. Wells, M. Drees, S. Manly, E. Goodman | SUP117.PDF |
Strong Coupling Working Group | |
Strong Coupling Electroweak Symmetry Breaking--T. Barklow, G. Burdman, R. Chivukula, B. Dobrescu, P. Drell, N. Hadley, W. Kilgore, M. Peskin, J. Terning, D. Wood | STC118.PDF |
Top Quark Physics: Future Measurements--R. Frey, D. Gerdes, J. Jaros, S. Vejcik, E. Berger, R. Chivukula, F. Cuypers, P. Drell, M. Fero, N. Hadley, T. Han, A. Heinson, B. Knuteson, F. Larios, H. Miettinen, L. Orr, M. Peskin, R. Raja, T. Rizzo, U. Sarid, C. Schmidt, T. Stelzer, Z. Sullivan | STC119.PDF |
Inclusive Production of $t\bar{t}$ Pairs in Hadronic Collisions--E. Berger, H. Contopanagos | STC120.PDF |
Top Priorities: Questions for Snowmass '96--C. Quigg | STC121.PDF |
On Measuring the Top Quark Mass Using the Dilepton Decay Modes--R. Raja | STC122.PDF |
Using Final State Gluons as Probes of Anomalous Top Quark Couplings at the Next Linear Collider--T. Rizzo | STC123.PDF |
Precision Top Mass Measurements vs. Yukawa Unification Predictions--U. Sarid | STC124.PDF |
Measuring $\mid V_{tb}\mid $ at Hadron Colliders--T. Stelzer | STC125.PDF |
Supersymmetric QCD Correction to Top-Quark Production at the Tevatron--Z. Sullivan | STC126.PDF |
Anomalous Gauge Boson Couplings--T. Barklow, U. Baur, F. Cuypers, S. Dawson, D. Errede, S. Errede, S. Godfrey, T. Han, P. Kalyniak, K. Riles, T. Rizzo, R. Sobey, D. Strom, R. Szalapski, B. Ward, J. Womersley, J. Wudka, D. Zeppenfeld | STC127.PDF |
The Polarization Asymmetry in $\gamma e$ Collisions at the NLC and Triple Gauge Boson Couplings--T. Rizzo | STC128.PDF |
Using $e^+e^- \rightarrow \nu \bar\nu t \bar t$ to Probe Strong Electroweak Symmetry Breaking at the NLC --T. Barklow | STC129.PDF |
$t \bar t$ Production via Vector Boson Fusion at High Energy $e^+e^-$ Colliders--M. Gintner, S. Godfrey | STC130.PDF |
Measuring Chiral Parameters in the Strongly Interacting W System at a Linear Collider--W. Kilian | STC131.PDF |
Distinguishing Among Models of Strong WW Scattering at the LHC--W. Kilgore | STC132.PDF |
Strong WW scattering. Chiral Lagrangians, Unitarity and Resonances--J. Pal\Õaez | STC133.PDF |
Strong WW Scattering at LHC--D. Wood | STC134.PDF |
New Phenomena Working Group | |
Discovery Potential for New Phenomena--S. Godfrey, J. Hewett, L. Price | NEW135.PDF |
Extended Gauge Sectors at Future Colliders: Report of the New Gauge Boson Subgroup--T. Rizzo | NEW136.PDF |
Systematics Effects in $Z'$ Searches at the NLC--F. Cuypers | NEW137.PDF |
Search Limits for Extra Gauge Bosons at High Energy Lepton Colliders--S. Godfrey | NEW138.PDF |
Signatures of Extended Gauge Models in $e^+e^-\to\nu\bar\nu\gamma$--J. Hewett | NEW139.PDF |
Z' Bosons and Supersymmetry--J. Lykken | NEW140.PDF |
Study of Z' Couplings to Leptons and Quarks at NLC--S. Riemann | NEW141.PDF |
Searches for New Gauge Bosons at Future Colliders--T. Rizzo | NEW142.PDF |
Z' at LHC--C. Wulz | NEW143.PDF |
Discovering New Particles at Colliders--M. Berger, W. Merritt, R. Barnett, F. Cuypers, S. Davidson, M. Doncheski, S. Godfrey, P. Kalyniak, I. Melo, J. Hewett, T. Rizzo, D. Krakauer, R. Vidal, R. Peccei, J. Slaughter, G. Wrochna | NEW144.PDF |
Indirect Leptoquark Searches at Polarized Lepton Colliders--M. Berger | NEW145.PDF |
Bilepton Searches at the NLC--F. Cuypers, S. Davidson | NEW146.PDF |
Probing Quartic Couplings Through Three Gauge Boson Production at an $e^+e^-$ Collider--S. Dawson, A. Likhoded, G. Valencia, O. Yushchenko | NEW147.PDF |
Leptoquark Production and Identification in High Energy $\mu^+ \mu^-$, $e^+e^-$, and $e\gamma$ Collisions--M. Doncheski, S. Godfrey | NEW148.PDF |
Heavy Majorana Neutrinos in $e^-e^-$ collisions--C. Greub, P. Minkowski | NEW149.PDF |
Single Neutral Heavy Lepton Production in $e^+e^-$ and $\mu^+ \mu^-$ Colliders--P. Kalyniak, I. Melo | NEW150.PDF |
Searches for Scalar and Vector Leptoquarks at Future Hadron Colliders--T. Rizzo | NEW151.PDF |
The Search for Pseudogoldstone Bosons at a High Energy Linear Collider--M. Swartz | NEW152.PDF |
Searching for New Strongly Interacting Fermions with Future Colliders--R. Vidal | NEW153.PDF |
First Look at Leptoquarks in CMS--G. Wrochna | NEW154.PDF |
Discovering New Interactions at Colliders--K. Cheung, R. Harris | NEW155.PDF |
Topcolor Models and Scalar Spectrum--G. Burdman | NEW156.PDF |
Limits on Anomalous Couplings of Quarks From Prompt Photon Data--K. Cheung, D. Silverman | NEW157.PDF |
Quark Anomalous Chromomagnetic Moment Bounds - Projection to Higher Luminosities and Energy--K. Cheung, D. Silverman | NEW158.PDF |
Probing Contact Interactions at High Energy Lepton Colliders--K. Cheung, S. Godfrey, J. Hewett | NEW159.PDF |
Sensitivity to Quark and Lepton Compositeness at the Tevatron--P. de Barbaro, A. Bodek, B. Kim, Q. Fan, R. Harris | NEW160.PDF |
Prospects of a Baryon Instability Search in Neutron-Antineutron Oscillations--Y. Efremenko, Y. Kamyshkov | NEW161.PDF |
Electroweak and Flavor Dynamics at Hadron Colliders-I--E. Eichten, K. Lane | NEW162.PDF |
Electroweak and Flavor Dynamics at Hadron Colliders-II--E. Eichten, K. Lane | NEW163.PDF |
Discovery Mass Reach for Excited Quarks at Hadron Colliders--R. Harris | NEW164.PDF |
Discovery Mass Reach for Topgluons Decaying to $b \bar b$ at the Tevatron--R. Harris | NEW165.PDF |
Discovery Mass Reach for Topgluons Decaying to $t \bar t$ at the Tevatron--R. Harris | NEW166.PDF |
Why--and Where--To Look for Heavy Majorana Neutrinos--C. Heusch | NEW167.PDF |
Fixed Target Moller Scattering at the NLC--K. Kumar | NEW168.PDF |
Gluon Fusion in Technicolor at LHC--T. Lee | NEW169.PDF |
Constraints on Anomalous Top Quark Couplings at the LHC--T. Rizzo | NEW170.PDF |
Constraints on $q\bar q\gamma \gamma$ Contact Interactions at Future Hadron Colliders--T. Rizzo | NEW171.PDF |
Search for Exotica and Compositeness at LEP--S. Shevchenko | NEW172.PDF |
Limits on Flavor-Universal Colorons--E. Simmons | NEW173.PDF |
Sensitivity to New Physics in the W + jet-jet Decay Channel at the Tevatron--D. Toback | NEW174.PDF |
Discovering Technicolor at Hadron Colliders--J. Womersley | NEW175.PDF |
The Meaning of Anomalous Couplings--J. Wudka | NEW176.PDF |
QCD Working Group | |
QCD: Challenges for the Future--P. Burrows, S. Dawson, L. Orr, W. Smith | QCD177.PDF |
Structure Function Subgroup Summary--M. Albrow, T. Bolton, A. Caldwell, A. El-Khadra, B. Ermolaev, J. Gary, D. Harris, E. Hughes, J. Huston, D. Jansen, Y. Kim, D. Krakauer, S. Kuhlmann, H. Lai, D. Naples, F. Olness, D. Reeder, M. Reno, S. Ritz, R. Scalise, B. Schumm, P. Spentzouris, C. Taylor, W. Tung, J. Wang, X. Wang, B. Ward, H. Weerts, A. White, J. Whitmore, W. Yu | QCD178.PDF |
Systematic Errors in PDF $\alpha_S$ Fits--T. Bolton | QCD179.PDF |
Prospects for the Precision Measurement of $\alpha_s$--P. Burrows, L. Dixon, A. El-Khadra, J. Gary, W. Giele, D. Harris, S. Ritz, B. Schumm | QCD180.PDF |
QCD Subgroup on Diffractive and Forward Physics--M. Albrow, W. Baker, A. Bhatti, J. Bjorken, A. Brandt, M. Cummings, K. Eggert, N. Giokaris, K. Goulianos, A. Goussiou, H. Gustafson, T. Heuring, I. Hinchliffe, R. Hirosky, J. Huston, J. Iwai, D. Jansen, L. Jones, K. Kondo, K. Kowalski, S. Kuhlmann, B. May, P. Melese, F. Olness, J. Orear, S. Ritz, G. Snow, C. Taylor, H. Weerts, A. White, J. Whitmore, T. Taylor | QCD181.PDF |
Report of Spin Physics Subgroup--E. Hughes, J. Qiu | QCD182.PDF |