SLAC Online Particle Physics Information PDG

Scope of this Guide

While a substantial amount of particle physics information is Internet accessible, most listings do not provide descriptions of a resource's scope and content, making it difficult for searchers to know which source to use for a specific information need. This compilation lists the main information sources with brief annotations and Web addresses.

A resource is excluded if it provides information primarily of interest to only one institution. In some cases, multiple databases covering much the same material have been included with the assumption that users will make subsequent choices based on Internet speeds, search system interfaces, or differences in scope, presentation, and coverage. Resources that provide information covering physics broadly have been included only if they have a significant, and somewhat unique, set of information useful to particle physics. With such broader resources, the annotation attempts to highlight the parts which specifically relate to particle physics.

Accelerator physics resources have been excluded because they are covered well by the APS Division of Physics of Beams Resources page.


This site was originated by SLAC Reference Librarian Abraham Wheeler, with assistance from Piotr Zyla, Particle Data Group, Pat Kreitz, Travis Brooks, Lesley Wolf and Nicole Thomas, SLAC Library, and the many particle physics Web site and database maintainers who provided generous assistance. Please send comments and corrections by e-mail to

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