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Overview: Using the ModelSim Software with the Quartus II Software

You can perform a functional and/or a timing simulation of a Quartus II-generated design with the Mentor Graphics ModelSim-Altera software (OEM) or the ModelSim PE or SE (non-OEM) software. The ModelSim software is a dual-language simulator; you can simulate designs containing either Verilog HDL, VHDL, or both. You can use designs in which a Verilog HDL module instantiates VHDL entities or a VHDL module instantiates Verilog HDL entities.

You can also use the ModelSim software to perform a functional or timing simulation of Excalibur designs using the bus functional model or full stripe model, respectively.

ModelSim-Altera Design Flow

The following steps describe the typical functional and timing simulation flow with the ModelSim-Altera (OEM) software:

  1. Set Up the ModelSim-Altera Working Environment

  2. Set Up a Project with the ModelSim-Altera Software

  3. Perform a Functional Simulation with the ModelSim-Altera Software

  4. Perform a Timing Simulation with the ModelSim-Altera Software

You can also run the ModelSim-Altera software automatically from within the Quartus II software using the NativeLink feature.

ModelSim PE/SE Design Flow

The following steps describe the typical functional and timing simulation flow with the ModelSim PE or SE (non-OEM) software:

  1. Set Up the ModelSim Working Environment

  2. Set Up a Project with the ModelSim Software

  3. Perform a Functional Simulation with the ModelSim Software

  4. Compile Libraries and Design Files with the ModelSim Software

  5. Perform a Timing Simulation with the ModelSim Software

  6. Locate Signals to Source with the ModelSim Software

You can also run the ModelSim PE/SE software automatically from within the Quartus II software using the NativeLink feature.



More information is available on other EDA simulation tools on the Altera web site.


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