Requirements Template Document

Homer Simpson, Stanford Linear Accelerator Center
Bill Shakespeare, Rose Theater
$Id: RequirementsTemplate.html,v 1.5 2007/06/26 18:47:53 greg Exp $:


This is a template document that may be used to specific requirements of software systems.

Status of this Document

This shot section should describe the status of this version of the document. Include whether it has been reviewed, and if suitable whether it should be considered software section policy.

Terms of Reference

A summary of the "terms of reference" for the project. See [termsofref].

Global and Non-Functional Requirements

Which accelerator is this system pertinent to? Which software framework will it be part of? Will it be an EPICS extension? If a scientific application, SEAL or PAL? Are there authentication issues?

Required Functionality

Scope and Goals

Out of Scope

What should not be considered as part of the project.

Success Criteria

Deliverables and Expected Calendar

Coordination of Activities

Eg Deliver the matlab cost/benefit analysis to Tom, Dick and Jane

Coordinate release with Power Conversion

Safety Issues


Terms of Reference entry on Wikipedia.