Online Modelling Requirements

Greg White, Stanford Linear Accelerator Center
Paul Chu, Stanford Linear Accelerator Center
$Id: modellingRequirements.html,v 1.1 2007/06/25 23:33:01 greg Exp $:


This document describes the "vision" and basic requirements of the beam modelling environment to be used by online scientific applications software of the LCLS accelerator at SLAC.

Status of this Document

This section describes the status of this document at the time of its publication.

This is a draft document.

Terms of Reference

The online modelling environment provides the essential beam model parameters (Twiss & R-matrices) to online applications. Such applications typically use the beam model for first order beam characterization and optimzation such as orbit correction, emittance calculation and minimization, bump calculation and so on.

Scope and Goals

Out of Scope

The online modelling system described here does not extend to continuous beam or accelerator "simulation" (that is, providing online applications with fake data), higher order beam parameters, single or multiple particle dynamics and tracking etc. It might be characterized functionally as simply the system which calculates and stores the Twiss and first order transfer matrices for lattice elements in the beamline. Provision of higher order modelling, simulation, and dynamics, are tackled in other projects.

This document does not extend to requirements for beam modelling itself. This is, this document describes a system which uses XAL, and later MAD, to perform tracking, how the inputs to those tracking codes are prepared and where the outputs go, but it does not include the physics requirements for successful tracking, such as modifications necessary to XAL for properly tracking the LCLS electron beamline. Such issues should be tackled elsewhere.

Global and Non-Functional Requirements

Required Functionality

Running a Model from the Optics Application

A PAL application, "optics" must be provided from which users must be able to perform the following operations:

  1. Select a beamline
  2. Select initial conditions to run teh beamline (the starting energy, and initial twiss)

Success Criteria

Deliverables and Expected Calendar

Coordination of Activities

Eg Deliver the matlab cost/benefit analysis to Tom, Dick and Jane

Coordinate release with Power Conversion


Terms of Reference entry on Wikipedia.