Meeting Minutes

13 July 2004

In attendance: J. Nelson (notetaker), R. Chestnut, R. Hall, J. Rock, D. Rogind


Structure Summary Display


SLED FDBK through SCP slow feedback

     All is working thank god finally.


paoutdata mat files compatible with matlab 7?

     Matlab 7 coming sooner than later.  Bob has a working version that’s ready to test this week with M7.  It works fine for M6.5. 


MacNair module support of aes

Debbie and Janice will soon do final tests of RMS stuff in TR06.  Judy’s gonna add TR06 to the list_pv db.  Janice will ask Doug about signals into LOTS of channels.


Ron will work with Bob to get the gain in pk-pk volts archived as a float. 


2-pack PLC coming in August-ish. 

Janice is hoping to have more news next week.

Specification avalanche has occurred.  See: 2 pack section

Estimated installation of mod + klys in August, RF in early September


NLCTA/8-pack summary display

(RC/JN) Stn2 gradients get stuck when the power goes to zero.  Save/restore of trip:buff is done.

     Fix trips in past 24 hr (RC/JN)


AFG driver code is done

(still true) Ron has the AFG and the initial sw setup for testing.  We’re no longer waiting for Debbie.


Matlab/epics 8-pack SLED feedback + A/P from I/Q calc …

Done.  Epicsification is yet to be done. 

Janice will work with Ron to find common analysis


HamHands for NLCTA

Janice sent out a spec for 6 SISes in TR00, 3 for each of stations 1 & 2.  Need acquires for these two triplets plus one for MacNair modules.  Once acquires are in, will want relevant processing loops to hit acquire buttons.

(Janice) Reset trips, elog signals/status, more SISes

Janice thinks this is desired within the next few months.


Vacuum- Almost ready HamHandsNlcta watches for vacuum trips of Stns 1 or 2, makes an elog entry, and resets the station!!!


CMLOG clogging

(still true) James says he’s gonna think about it.  TR00 is the only one having these problems now and it seems to be independent of reboots.


TR08 CPU maxing out

(still true) Ron suspects low priority callback routine.  Proc Loop is what’s using this.  We could try getting rid of some of the Pave/min/max calcs for uncritical powers.


SCP button to call pre-configed archive browser

(still true) Bob & Ron MacKenzie will look into it – making a scp button that passes a config name to a script that starts the archive browser with that config.

Also perhaps have this capability from the Unix Foyer…


Auto-elogging of archived data

Janice will plan to do this with matlab for now.

(This is horribly complicated.)  What does it take to have automated elogging every 24hr of a given config?


Reboot IOCs with new directory structure

TR07, 8 & 9 are all done.  Yeah, Judy!!  TR00/01 not far behind.


Archive Browser Chooser

Bob implemented the changes requested by Janice and already fixed one of the limitations.  It looks much better, Thanks!