Meeting Minutes

22 June 2004

In attendance: J. Nelson (notetaker), R. Hall, J. Rock, D. Rogind


SLED FDBK through SCP slow feedback

     (still true) It’s still not working. Janice is ready to commit seppuku.  Janice will work with Ed.


paoutdata mat files compatible with matlab 7?

     (still true) No news just yet.  Bob is looking into it.  Matlab 7 coming end of summer. 


MacNair module support of aes

Debbie says it’s ready for test signals.  Janice will ask Doug about borrowing a function generator for Debbie.


(still true) RMS/BIG requirements for 8-packs structures: one of these loops for tr06.  If we put macnairs in tr09, there will be another one there.


(Ron will look or send to Janice) Will need to be able to archive the gain and set the gain (internal to module). (need to test with signals)


2-pack PLC coming in August-ish. 

Specification creep has occurred.  See: 2 pack section

Estimated installation of mod + klys in August, RF in early September


NLCTA/8-pack summary display

Judy and Janice are gonna boot it in and test it soon.


Reboot trips/60Hz problems

Steve and his folks are running late with the board and it’s not ready to install just yet.  Hopefully soon though.

(still true) Janice and Ron need to have software ready to go after install.


AFG driver code is done

Ron has the AFG.


Matlab/epics 8-pack SLED feedback

Judy will look into getting a separate acquire trigger button for SIS #3 (if you start from 0) in TR09 and will double check we have a db for the waveforms.  These don’t need to be archived.


HamHands for NLCTA

Janice & Marc will figure out which SISes for the separate acquires for the SISes in TR00.  Make it so acquire is hit on fault (for relevant station).

(Janice) Reset trips, elog signals/status, more SISes


CMLOG clogging

(still true)James says he’s gonna think about it.  TR00 is the only one having these problems now and it seems to be independent of reboots.

Janice reports that TR07 was clogged yesterday.


TR08 CPU maxing out

(still true) Ron suspects low priority callback routine.  Proc Loop is what’s using this.  We could try getting rid of some of the Pave/min/max calcs for uncritical powers.


Future plans?

(still not done) Janice will ask when Orion is coming …


Pre-configed archive browser

Bob will look into how hard this might be.