Channel Name Patters

Two types of channel name patterns are supported:

File globs

These are '?' for a single character and '*' for zero or more arbitrary characters.

Regular Expressions

Regular Expressions are used by Emacs, Perl, Python and most UNIX tools (grep, vi, sed, awk, emacs,...).

Regular Expressions vs. glob pattens

?.Any Single Character
*.*Zero or More Characters

More Regular Expressions

.any character
a?'a' or no 'a'
a*zero or more 'a'
a+one or more 'a'
.+one or more arb. characters
a|b'a' or 'b'
[0-9]'0' or '1' or ... or '9'
()grouping of subexpressions


TempAny Channel containing 'Temp'
Temp$Any Channel ending in 'Temp'
^RFQHRAny Channel starting with 'RFQHR'
Tin_[0-9]+_sig$Channels ending in 'Tin_<NUMBER>_sig'
^XYZSys_Temp[2-3]$'XYZSys_Temp2' or 'XYZSys_Temp3'
Pwr_(in)|(out)Channels containing 'Pwr_in' or 'Pwr_out'