* part: DpSlcHist
  severity: small
  parameter syntax dd-mmm-yyyy isn't recorgnized!
    da.setParam('ENDTIME=16-Sep-2004 22:00:00');
    Causes  %CLI-W-IVATIME, invalid absolute time - use DD-MMM-YYYY:HH:MM:SS.CC format
    Doesn't crash, but does throw execption.


* part: aida core
  severity: medium
  supplying both parameters in one parameter string doesn't work (although it should
  be parsed and split up into a number of distinct paramters). In fact this causes 
  DpSlcHist to CRASH!
>> da.setParam('STARTTIME=09/15/2004,ENDTIME=09/18/2004');
>> hist = da.getDaValue('ASTS:LI01:7:DATA//QW244.HIST');

Fri Feb 04 16:17:15 GMT-08:00 2005: Making connection to Name Service
DbInit entered
Fri Feb 04 16:17:19 GMT-08:00 2005: Server ready
%SYSTEM-F-ACCVIO, access violation, reason mask=00, virtual address=000000000000
000C, PC=00000000000C7D58, PS=0000001B
%TRACE-F-TRACEBACK, symbolic stack dump follows
  image    module    routine             line      rel PC           abs PC      
 JAVA$FVM_SHR  JNI  jni_GetStringUTFChars
                                        37374 0000000000006B78 00000000000C7D58
* part: slcDb
  severity: small
  Acquisition of simple value though getDaValue causes IllegalArgumentException
 message in cmlog says Constructing DaValue from Any encountered unsupported typecode
 = com.ooc.CORBA.Typecode@c2b2f6
 Doesn't crash though.

* part: aida core.
  severity: high.
  ErrTests 1 2 3, for testing behaviour when a name not in the directory service is 
requested: cause "org.omg.CORBA.OBJECT_NOT_EXIST: unable to dispatch" rather than
UndefinedNameExcption to be thrown and logged in cmlog.
  Clients probably crash because of uncaught exception.
  WORKAROUND: This goes away if you restart the daServer. Then you get appropriate exception messages!
REPRODUCE: When working (get UnableToGetDataException in cmlog and returned to client), if then
restart, then use errmanager to restart err processes. After that, you only get OBJECT_NOT_EXIT,
so it seems this problem has to do with a bad IOR for errClient.
PROBABLE FIX: Change all servers over to "Persistent" Server model.
Note, sometimes one just gets message on stdout at client "unable to dispatch - servant or POA not found"
and it looks at first to be caused by client being unable to contact a data provider, but I've noticed
that this seems (maybe only) to happen when the daServer is trying to issue an error message. 
So, that's more data for hypothesis of bad IOR for errClient.
* part: aida core
  severity: high
  If a client, like a matlab client, gets a daObject, and then the DaServer is 
restarted, subsequent calls on the daObject cause OBJECT_NOT_EXIST exceptions.
This is almost certainly the same problem as that bug above and I think
is caused by a de-caching bug in DaObject. If the DaServer is no longer 
available at the IOR which was cached, then DaObject should re-query the NameServer 
for a new IOR.