MCC E-Log News

This is a list of E-Log work in progress.

09-Feb-2006: Work will start on all the items on the list below. "Some will take 15 minutes, some one day or two"

From E-Log Things we need paper list

  1. Refresh loses settings. Enable/Disable refresh option added to main E-Log page. Refresh interval can be selected by user on the preferences page (1-60 minutes refresh rate).(DONE)
  2. Make web Name and Area entry fields line up under Name and Area(s) headers. (This should give more room in Title field.)
  3. Print from EPICS panels and CUDs. Other EPICS printing issues.
  4. Web entry form override default event time should default to present time. Then a check box to actually override. (No pulldowns for hour/minute/date/year - Must type in, to change default override for these fields.)
    Pulldown populates with present day/time information. Typically, user would only need to change time values. Is this a good enough compromise?
  5. Web version: Entry for print queue have most recent on top rather than most recent on bottom. DONE
  6. Ability to view an entry's event time with second (rather than minute) resolution towards cramming in entries with meaninful sequence when several related things occur in one minute. One can already do this with a flag in the preferences page. Done?
  7. Shift form - Log out too promenent (vs. submit) accidental log out. - submit button on top and buttom.DONE
  8. Button to supersede an entry from MCC LOG to TLOG. This would allow single button push for unwanted entries.
  9. Ability to supersede Shift Entry Form.(On supersed, Shift Entry Form should come up and not regular entry form.)
  10. The web entry form loses all of the text that has been entered if you refresh it. That means that if I print something to the print queue and begin making my entry before it makes it into the buffer of available images, I lose my entry (or have to do a bunch of copying and pasting to retain my work) when I refresh the entry form to attach my image. Another possible solution to this problem would be a button to refresh the available images without losing the text in the form.
  11. "New Entry" should launch in new browser window. (Use "Shift-Click" to get new browser).
  • Flags.
    Single character flags implemented: TASsFf
    > > T - This entry has additional text
    > > A - This entry has an attachment
    > > S - This entry is a "parent" in a supersede chain.
    > > s - This entry is a "child" in a supersede chain.
    > > F - This entry is a "parent" in a follow up branch.
    > > f - This entry is a "child" in a follow up branch.
    1. Automatic linking of artemis references to artemis entry data (no artemis login required to view).