0. BASIC Channel Access INTEROP =============================== EPICS V4 client side commands support both the new protocol PvAccess, and Channel Access. However, by default V4 commands try only PvAccess, so if you want to use CA, you must use "-p ca" or the full URI style syntax of EPICS V4. $ eget -p ca EVNT:SYS0:1:LCLSBEAMRATE 0 [ok, we're not presently running the accelerator] eget -p ca QUAD:LTU1:880:BACT eget ca:///EVNT:SYS0:1:LCLSBEAMRATE eget ca:///QUAD:LTU1:880:BACT pvget -p ca WIRE:LTU1:755:{X,Y,U}WIRE{INNER,OUTER} WIRE:LTU1:755:{X,Y,U}WIREOFFSET | sort 1. MODEL DATA ============= Model data is example of using arguments to a PV. Arguments are given as name value pairs (optionally with '=' between them). Note that argument names *are case sensitive!* b != B. Also, if you get the name wrong, the server won't complain, will ignore the invalid argument. However, I have made MEME argument values case insensitive. Both RMAT and TWISS take: Name Value Default Comment ---- ---------------- --------- ------------------------------------------ run 1 Run id number, as given by the model GUI. 1==most recent gold, the default type extant | design extant From real PV values (extant) or from Design Pos beg | mid | end end From where in multi-component elements, the beginning, middle or end mode 5 | 55 | 53 | 52 5 The timing mode. 5 for LCLS full machine. RMAT PVs additionally take: Name Value Default Comment ---- ---------------- --------- ------------------------------------------ b device name none RMAT of A to B is returned posb beg | mid | end beg 1.1. TWISS PARAMETERS --------------------- # Twiss parameters at device (extant by default) $ eget -s XCOR:LI24:900:TWISS non-normative type structure double energy 5.00512 double psix 37.7625 double alphax 13.6562 double betax -2.78671 double etax -0.00698294 double etaxp 0.00107115 double psiy 31.9488 double alphay 116.762 double betay 5.2592 double etay 0 double etayp 0 double z 2438.72 double leff 0 double sleff 0 int ordinality 1332 # Compare design to existing eget -s XCOR:LI24:900:TWISS -a type=design # Twiss at middle of a quad eget -s QUAD:LI28:901:TWISS -a type=extant -a pos=mid 1.2. R MATRICES --------------- 1.2.1. R matrix of one element $ eget -s QUAD:LTU1:880:RMAT ("classic" syntax) -0.156946 -0.15959 0 0 0.391116 0.00540698 0.0133542 0.0110122 0 0 -0.0173222 -0.00021337 -1.05117e-06 -1.98485e-07 -0.0074217 0.479216 0.000110175 1.87252e-06 1.12246e-07 2.11945e-08 -5.16277e-05 -0.0523249 -1.17647e-05 -1.9995e-07 -0.000522173 -0.00039278 2.5574e-08 3.49462e-08 -0.0174609 -0.000185892 0.0346964 0.00655144 0 0 -3.63658 -0.0618066 eget pva:///QUAD:LTU1:880:RMAT? (URI syntax) eget pva://mccas0.slac.stanford.edu:39633/QUAD:LTU1:880:RMAT? (URI with direct address) eget -s QUAD:LTU1:880:RMAT -a type design eget -s QUAD:LTU1:880:RMAT -a run=46696 eget -s QUAD:LTU1:880:RMAT -a run=46696 -a pos=mid eget pva://mccas0.slac.stanford.edu:39633/QUAD:LTU1:880:RMAT?type=design 1.2.2. R matrix from A to B. Basis of steering, bumps etc. $ eget -s XCOR:IN20:491:RMAT -a b BPMS:IN20:525 0.669591 0.694604 0 0 -3.08532e-19 2.41325e-19 -0.570851 0.901275 0 0 -1.23627e-19 1.45491e-19 0 0 1.33379 0.966896 0 0 0 0 0.358415 1.00957 0 0 -2.29302e-24 8.92892e-20 0 0 1 1.20724e-05 1.00974e-28 0 0 0 0 1 eget -s XCOR:LI24:900:RMAT -a b=BPMS:LI25:901 -a type=design 1.3. MODEL DATA OF WHOLE MACHINE -------------------------------- PVs named MODEL:* give data for whole beamlines. These PVs don't take arguments. Rather there are a number of PVs for each major combination of parameter kind (Rmat, Twiss), type (extant, design), beamline etc. See ds example below to get a list of these MODEL Pvs. # R-matrices of all devices from Cathode to dump, plus devices names, elements names, S etc, sorted by S. eget -s MODEL:RMATS:EXTANT:FULLMACHINE # R-matrics computed from nominal design model, but from Cathode to end of the 52 line eget -s MODEL:RMATS:DESIGN:CATHODETO52SL2 # Courant-synder params, plus Energy and a few other things eget -s MODEL:TWISS:EXTANT:FULLMACHINE Many others not shown here; get complete list with "eget -s ds -a name=MODEL:%" 2. MISCELLANEOUS GENERAL LCLS DATA ================================== Information about devices and infrastructure of LCLS as a whole, is available though EPICS V4 PVs. These PVs are named in general starting "LCLS". Most of them result in large tables of device and element data from Oracle. (with a wide window, say 120 chars, this will fit) # All active elements and devices, sorted by S (element name, device name, S position, whether obstruction) $ eget -s LCLS:ELEMENTS ELEMENT ELEMENT_TYPE EPICS_DEVICE_NAME S_DISPLAY OBSTRUCTION SOL1BKS MAD - NO EPICS NAME - 5e-10 N CATHODES MAD - NO EPICS NAME - 1e-09 N CQ01S MAD - NO EPICS NAME - 0.19601 N SOL1S MAD - NO EPICS NAME - 0.19601 N XC00S MAD - NO EPICS NAME - 0.19601 N YC00S MAD - NO EPICS NAME - 0.19601 N SQ01S MAD - NO EPICS NAME - 0.19601 N YAG01S MAD - NO EPICS NAME - 0.74899 N FC01S MAD - NO EPICS NAME - 0.8 N CATHODE MAD CATH:IN20:111 2014.7 N SOL1BK MAD SOLN:IN20:111 2014.7 N CQ01 MAD QUAD:IN20:121 2014.9 N SOL1 MAD SOLN:IN20:121 2014.9 N XC00 MAD XCOR:IN20:121 2014.9 N ... (many rows snipped) # All elements in general, sorted by device name eget -s LCLS:ELEMENTINFO # All Beam Synchronous PV "ROOTNAMES", with areas, Z and element name, sorted by linac Z eget -s LCLS:BSA_PVS Many others not shown here, see "eget -t -s ds -a name=LCLS:%" 3. DIRECTORY SERVICE (DS) ========================= The data sources for the directory service are the IOC input files (for PVnames) and the "lines" files emitted by the new MEME model system, see [2]. There you'll find the tags used for line names, element names, element types etc. # The names of PVs of a device, by giving the device name pattern: $ eget -s ds -a name=XCOR:LI21:135:% name XCOR:LI21:135:ABORT XCOR:LI21:135:ACCESS XCOR:LI21:135:ALLFUNCGO XCOR:LI21:135:BACT XCOR:LI21:135:BACTFO XCOR:LI21:135:BACTLIMITS XCOR:LI21:135:BADIFF ... (many rows snipped) The PV names of BDES PVs matching regular expression (restrict to sectors LI25-LI29) eget -s ds -a regex='XCOR:LI2[5-9]:.*:BDES' # The device names matching a wildcard pattern eget -t -s ds -a name=XCOR:LI21:% -a show=dname The device names of devices in L1 (DS only knows area tags like L1 for modelled devices, see modelled device topology of LCLS [1]) # eget -t -s ds -a lname L1 -a show=dname # Of which lines is the line L1 a subline eget -t -s ds -a tag=L1 -a show=lname # The device names matching a pattern, that are also in a given line (L2) eget -t -s ds -a name=XCOR:LI21:% -a show=dname -a lname L2 # Device name, given element name eget -t -s ds -a tag=XC05 -a show=dname # Element names given PV name pattern eget -t -s ds -a name=XCOR:LI21:% -a show=ename # So far teh ds can only outut one column, so a table of device names and element names is clumsy, # but you can do it. Here's element names for all the devices PVs matching WIRE:LTU1:%: eget -ts ds -a name WIRE:LTU1:% -a show dname | xargs -tI{} eget -ts ds -a dname {} -a show ename # Names of devices only in the Dog Leg, sorted by z eget -t -s ds -a tag=DL1 -a name=XCOR:% -a sort=z -a show=dname # Verify a given PV name (uri syntax) eget pva:///ds?name="QUAD:LI28:901:BDES" # BPM X pv names, of BPMs in DL1, sorted by z eget -t -s ds -a tag=DL1 -a name=BPMS:%:X -a sort=z # Get device names of BPMS in DL1, and their values using eget eget -t -s ds -a tag=DL1 -a name=BPMS:%:X -a sort=z | eget -p ca -f - # X correctors and BPMS in DL1, showing use of regular expression eget -s ds -a name='(XCOR|BPMS):.*' -a tag=DL1 -a show=dname -a sort=z # QUAD polynomial PVs in LTU eget -t -s ds -a tag=LTU -a name='QUAD:.*:POLYCOEF' # Get PV names relating to LCLS global data eget -t -s ds -a name=LCLS:% # What's the device name of an element? eget -s ds -a ename=XC06 -a show dname # What's the BDES PV name of an element? eget -s ds -a ename=XC06 -a name=%:BDES # What's the element name of a device? eget -s ds -a dname=XCOR:IN20:491 -a show ename # Even, what's the element of a given PV? eget -s ds -a name=XCOR:IN20:491:BDES -a show ename # What are the device names of the instruments in the laser heater line? $ eget -s ds -a etype INST -a tag LSRHTR -a show dname name DUMP:IN20:999 HTR:IN20:467 STPR:IN20:551 # Names of all instrument elements in machine, sorted by Z eget -s ds -a etype INST -a show ename -a sort z # What are the element names of the instruments in the laser heater line? $ eget -s ds -a etype INST -a tag LSRHTR -a show ename name HTRUND RST1 SDMP Get sets of PV values ---------------------- # Verify that all PVs of a system actually exist. In this example, use bash expansion to create the expected set of PV names, then verify them all by asking pvget to get their values: $ pvget -p ca WIRE:LTU1:{715,735,755,777}:{X,Y,U}WIRE{INN,OUT}ER # If you don't know the names, ask the directory service. This gets the INNER and OUTER PVs in X and Y # for a set of all wire scanners in LTU: $ eget -ts ds -a name "WIRE:LTU1:%:(X|Y|U)WIRE(INN|OUT)ER" | eget -p ca -f - # In general, first search for PV names with "eget -s ds", and pipe the output to # pvget or eget to get PV values. See examples below: # Get PV names. Use eget transpose to get array eget -ts ds -a name 'XCOR:LI22:%:BDES' -T XCOR:LI22:202:BDES XCOR:LI22:302:BDES XCOR:LI22:402:BDES XCOR:LI22:502:BDES XCOR:LI22:602:BDES XCOR:LI22:702:BDES XCOR:LI22:802:BDES XCOR:LI22:900:BDES # Get PV values of PVs whose names match wildcard pvget -p ca `eget -ts ds -a name 'XCOR:LI22:%:BDES' -T ` XCOR:LI22:202:BDES -0.000973934 XCOR:LI22:302:BDES 0.00490518 XCOR:LI22:402:BDES -5.82456e-05 ... # Get polynomial values too. Since they're fields, and ds doesn't know fields, I have # to add that with xargs eget -t -s ds -a tag=LTU -a name='QUAD:.*:POLYCOEF' | xargs -tI{} eget -p ca {}.{A,B,C,D} # A recent search for invalid data in LTU corrector field PVs eget -tTs ds -a name %COR:LTU%:%:%DES | eget -p ca -f - | grep nan XCOR:LTU1:558:BDES nan XCOR:LTU1:558:IDES nan # A recent search for invalid CALBOK fields: $ eget -t -s ds -a name='%COR:.*:CALBOK' | xargs -I{} eget -p ca {}.{SEVR,STAT} | grep INVALID XCOR:LI21:275:CALBOK.SEVR INVALID XCOR:LI27:202:CALBOK.SEVR INVALID XCOR:LI27:302:CALBOK.SEVR INVALID ... # To get values of RPC style PVs (those that take arguments) whose names match wildcard, use xargs (since eget does not support (yet) streaming RPC Pvs): eget -s ds -a regex='XCOR:LI2[5-6]:.*:TWISS' | xargs -I{} eget -s {} -a type=design # Get R-mats of all quads in LI21 (careful, will be problematic in IN20 # since there are QUAD devices that are not online modelled). eget -ts ds -a name QUAD:LI21:%:RMAT | xargs -tI{} eget -s {} # Find the PV that says when slotted foil has finished moving. First find # PVs with FOIL in their name, then having found all the PV names, see # their values. eget -s ds -a name FOIL% eget -ts ds -a name FOIL:LI24:807% | eget -p ca -f - # Get a summary of all the PV values of a troublesome WIRE motor: [physics@opi11 ~/greg/Development/ws]$ eget -ts ds -a name "WIRE:LTU1:755:MOTR%" | eget -p ca -f - WIRE:LTU1:755:MOTR 550 WIRE:LTU1:755:MOTR_ENABLED_STS OFF WIRE:LTU1:755:MOTR_ERROR_STS ERROR WIRE:LTU1:755:MOTR_ERR_ACK_CMD NO ACK WIRE:LTU1:755:MOTR_FATAL_ERR_STS OK WIRE:LTU1:755:MOTR_HOMED_STS HOMED WIRE:LTU1:755:MOTR_HOME_CMD OFF WIRE:LTU1:755:MOTR_HOMPOS 550 WIRE:LTU1:755:MOTR_INIT Standby WIRE:LTU1:755:MOTR_LTIMEOUT 20 WIRE:LTU1:755:MOTR_MOTION_ACT_STS OK WIRE:LTU1:755:MOTR_PIDOFF 0 WIRE:LTU1:755:MOTR_PWR_SET ON WIRE:LTU1:755:MOTR_RETRACT Standby WIRE:LTU1:755:MOTR_SPC_MODE_CMD MAXv WIRE:LTU1:755:MOTR_SPC_MOTION_ACT_STS POS WIRE:LTU1:755:MOTR_STATE_ON_SEQ 0 WIRE:LTU1:755:MOTR_STATE_SEQ 0 WIRE:LTU1:755:MOTR_SWITCH_ON_CMD ON WIRE:LTU1:755:MOTR_TIMEOUT 45 WIRE:LTU1:755:MOTR_TIMEOUTEN Enabled # Poor man's edm diagnostic display to do the above updating xterm -e watch -d 'eget -ts ds -a name "WIRE:LTU1:755:MOTR%" | eget -p ca -f -' & # Watch changes to PVs relevant to quad field value watch -n 1 -d 'eget -ts ds -a name "QUAD:LTU1:595:B%" | eget -p ca -f -' # Get two or more list of things and "paste" together columns. This does device names and their Z. This example lists the device names with their element names of wires: 1. First make your 2 (or more queries). eget -s ds -a tag WIRE -a show dname eget -s ds -a tag WIRE -a show ename 2. Then get the command number of those two commands using "history" history 3 769 eget -s ds -a tag WIRE -a show dname 770 eget -s ds -a tag WIRE -a show ename 771 history 3 3. Then reexecute the egets together using paste: paste <(!769) <(!770) # Or do it all in one long command. This gets names and z locations. paste <(eget -ts ds -a regex "BPMS:LTU1:.*" -a show dname) <(eget -ts ds -a regex "BPMS:LTU1:.*" -a show z) # Of course, we could have done the element name and device name thing # by just getting LCLS:ELEMENTS and grepping: eget -s LCLS:ELEMENTS | grep WIRE 4. ARCHIVE DATA =============== NOTE1: The archive service is designed to get PV data of any type efficiently, and can get data of more than one PV in a single call, even if they're of mixed types. That makes its command line interface a bit unfriendly, but still usable. NOTE2: For efficiency, the archive service retrieves data in seconds (and nanoseconds) past epoch. Because programmers believe time began with unix, the epoch started at 4 PM on Dec 31st 1969. You can convert the outputs of secondsPastEpoch with unix date command. eg date -d @0 Wed Dec 31 16:00:00 PST 1969 date -d @1458526772 Sun Mar 20 19:19:32 PDT 2016 # Get the default amount of archived data (8 hours) for a single PV. BDES rarely change, so, eg: eget -s hist -a pv=QUAD:IN20:425:BDES eg [physics@lcls-srv01 ~/greg]$ eget -s hist -a pv=QUAD:IN20:425:BDES non-normative type epics:nt/NTComplexTable:1.0 string[] labels [secondsPastEpoch,values,nanoseconds,severity,status] structure value long[] secondsPastEpoch [1458526772] double[] values [-4.81026] int[] nanoseconds [747002095] int[] severity [0] int[] status [0] [physics@lcls-srv01 ~/greg]$ date -d @1458526772 Sun Mar 20 19:19:32 PDT 2016 # Get the last 1 minute of a single scalar PV eget -s hist -a pv=QUAD:IN20:425:BACT -a from="1 minute ago" Decode Dates with [physics@lcls-srv01 ~/greg]$ date -d @1458526772 Sun Mar 20 19:19:32 PDT 2016 [physics@lcls-srv01 ~/greg]$ eget -s hist -a pv=QUAD:IN20:425:BDES non-normative type epics:nt/NTComplexTable:1.0 string[] labels [secondsPastEpoch,values,nanoseconds,severity,status] structure value long[] secondsPastEpoch [1458526772] double[] values [-4.81026] int[] nanoseconds [747002095] int[] severity [0] int[] status [0] # Get bdes and bact in one go eget -s hist -a pv=QUAD:IN20:425:BACT,QUAD:IN20:425:BDES -a from '5 minutes ago’ # Even get a waveform, a fast moving PV and a slow moving PV in one go. eget -N -s hist -a pv=CUD:MCC0:BPMSWF:WAVEFORM11,QUAD:IN20:425:BACT,QUAD:IN20:425:BDES -a from="1 minutes ago" # Archiver "operators" are supported by opetator name and pvname in parenthesis. Use quotes since parethesis will otherwise be interpretted by the unix shell, not by the meme service. eget -N -s hist -a pv="mean(QUAD:IN20:425:BDES)" 5. EPICS V4 METADATA ==================== pvlist tells you information about the EPICS V4 servers and their PVS which are on the network. $ pvlist GUID 0x41A898A257D34E12B048D596, version 1: tcp@[] GUID 0x8CB4FBCB467E4AAF85CBFB99, version 1: tcp@[] GUID 0xA7D85FBAF71845B4BB6E060D, version 1: tcp@[] GUID 0xB075C37C347D46C883E18B52, version 1: tcp@[] With argument of address, it gives PVs known by the server at that address: $ pvlist ds [the directory service, whose PV name is "ds"] $ pvlist .... [the optics serivce, giving many PVs (of type RPC)] BPMS:LI25:901:TWISS BPMS:LI26:701:TWISS QUAD:LI28:301:TWISS YCOR:LI27:503:TWISS YCOR:UND1:1880:RMAT KLYS:LI27:41:RMAT You can see at a glance which servers are doing what with this. Clumsy but works: pvlist | awk '{print substr($2,0,length($2)-1)}' | xargs -tI{} -n 1 sh -c 'pvlist {} | head -n 10' [NOTE though that all such names should also be available through the directory service, pvlist is really for diagnostics of the pv servers themselves] [1] http://www.slac.stanford.edu/grp/ad/model/lcls.html#visualizations [2] Device topologies http://www.slac.stanford.edu/grp/ad/model/output/lcls/latest/opt/LCLS_lines.dat