This web page lists the matlab applications and their composite functions, in the control system of the SLAC accelerator complex.
The page is sourced from an excel spreadsheet, HLA_software.xslx, found in the AD operations wiki at
Align Cathode Laser GUI application to align laser on cathode with solenoid scan. Matt Gibbs
Align Laser Heater Beams GUI application to overlap the laser heater beam with the electron beam. Matt Gibbs
Archive Trivial GUI to retrieve and display PV values over some time interval. One such GUI of many. Greg White
archive_dataGet.m Archive retrieval abstraction (one of many, recommend use "history" instead).
archive_gui.fig Archive GUI (one of many).
archive_gui.m Archive GUI (one of many).
Beam Based Alignment GUI to minimize beam orbit variance through undulator. Gets a list of relevant devices, and their model, then computes a BBA, by simulating a bad alignment. The BBA app also includes basic orbit minimization (by SVD). Has its own simulation routine. You specify an area of the accelerator then it determines what BPMs Quad and CORs UNDs etc., then it gets a subset of the model that relates all of these. Other functions can read the data structure populated and know what to do with it. e.g. setting CORs to values found or setting BPM offsets.  Alberto Lutman
bba_bpmDataGet.m Get synchronous BPM data for BBA. Also simulates orbits based on machine parameters and R-matrices computed previously. 
bba_corrGet.m Gets corrector values for BBA.
bba_corrIsXY.m Not released.
bba_corrSet.m Set correctors for BBA.
bba_fitOrbit.m Fit BBA measured orbit to various lattice response matrix parameters. Large selection of fit choices. Same function is used to calculate how much the girders have to move and what the BPM offsets should be for the undulator. 
bba_girdMove.m Move girders for BBA.
bba_gui.fig BBA GUI.
bba_gui.m BBA GUI. Orbit correction, measurement of effect of moving UNDs IN/OUT, measuring the effect of moving Klystron phases. Sort of a mess.
bba_init.m Initialize BBA data structure.
bba_klysOrbitCorrection.m Not released.
bba_orbitRepointing.m Not released.
bba_plotCorr.m Plot fitted corrector strengths.
bba_plotOffset.m Plot fitted BPM and quad offsets.
bba_plotOrbit.m Plot measured and fitted beam orbits.
bba_responseMatDesc.m Generate descriptor for BBA response matrix properties.
bba_responseMatGet.m Generate BBA response matrix with various options. Response matrix relates beam position on BPM to various parameters like corrector settings, quad offset, BPM offset and initial launch positions. It can use which ever model type (matlab mad, XAL etc) you select
bba_setBPM.m Set BPM offsets for BBA.
bba_setCorr.m Apply BBA quad offsets to correctors instead.
bba_simulInit.m Initialize BBA simulation parameters. Can set all the machine parameters and QUAD/BPM offset noise on readbacks etc
bba_staticOrbitCorrection.m Not released.
Beam Image/Profile Analysis Fits beam profiles with various Gussian and non-Guassian fitting functions. Image processing also in here. Decides area of interest to exclude noise etc. Calculates beam moments from profile data using various methods. Calculates order 0, 1st and 2nd moment of 2d distribution, corr-coeff, and integrated signal. Also skewness and kurtosis. This function is used by the emittance app for beam Emittance fit, and in turn used by Correlation Plots.  Dorian Bohler
beamAnalysis_beamAverage.m Calculate average beam moments from individual measurement data.
beamAnalysis_beamParams.m Calculates beam moments from profile data using various methods. Calculates the 0, 1st and second moments of the 2d distribution 4th moment skewness and kurtosis
beamAnalysis_convert2PV.m Makes PV like structure from beam moment data for use in correlation plots. Fits to profile beam stats and the integrated sigma. Propagated to all HLAs. 6 different fit methods. E.g. corr plot uses the emittance gui.
beamAnalysis_getEllipse.m Calculates/plots beam ellipse from beam moments.
beamAnalysis_imgCircleFit.m Find laser spot circle in image and determine Zernike coefficients. Zernike stuff
beamAnalysis_imgPlot.m Plot image, profiles, and moments of beam image.
beamAnalysis_imgProc.m Image processing for beam images to obtain profiles. Takes image then determines where the beam is and what area you should integrate (around the beam) to reduce noise.
beamAnalysis_orbitFit.m Fit beam orbit.
beamAnalysis_phaseFit.m Fit phase and amplitude for phase scan data.
beamAnalysis_profilePlot.m Plot muliple beam profiles and stats.
beamAnalysis_sigmaFit.m Fit beam sigma matrix to beam sizes. Fits beam orbit based on R-matrix or second moment. Fits the phase scan. Linear fit but assumes that the phase repeats after 360 degrees (sin/cosine fit with fixed frequency).
beamAnalysis_sigmaPlot.m Plot fit results for sigma matrix fit to beam sizes.
xy_traj_fit_setup.m Paul Emma function to get model data for orbit fit.
zernike.m Calculate Zernike polynomials.
Bunch Length Measurement GUI app to measure beam bunch length. Systematically similar to emittance GUI but instead of changing quads changes the TCAV phase and amplitude
tcav_bunchLength.m Fit bunch length to measured beam size data.
tcav_bunch_length.m Original Paul Emma calculation.
tcav_calibration.m Fit TCAV calibration slope to measured beam position data.
tcav_gui.fig TCAV bunch length GUI.
tcav_gui.m TCAV bunch length GUI.
tcav_run_calibration.m Legacy TCAV calibration function.
Control System Interface API for basic device Process Variable (PV) get and set value operations. Importantly, these methods can be used seamlessly by LCLS and FACET. For FACET for instance magnet operations through QUAS etc (in sector 20) are handled intelligently and where SLC control is needed operations go through AIDA. Includes the settle time of magnets. Name resolution of element to device name provided by model_ functions below. RF handled intelligently for amplitude and phase appropriate for klystrons and subboosters.  Ie knows to read PACT from LLRF feedback station and PHAS from klystron phase.  All operations  vectorized.   Greg White / Mike Zelazny
control_ampSet.m Set amplitude of amp controllable RF sections (injector stations, L2, L3).
control_bpmAidaGet.m Get synchronized BPM data from SCP through Aida. Amplitude and phase things (mainly important for FACET)
control_bpmGet.m Get synchronized or async BPM data (with time stamp/error checking). SLC BPM Data through AIDA
control_chargeGet.m Bunch charge abstraction for set point and actual.
control_chargeName.m Get PVs for bunch charge set point and actual.
control_chicaneWatcher.m Chicane abstraction process to control chicane R56 for BCH through HXRSS. To be completed - not fully tested. Intention was that for self-seeding chicanes you should be able to control through phase via R56 only, so that you could set a PV and it would move the chicanes, but never fully implemented. Should look like magent control. One part just looks at the magnet settings and then calculates actual values and R56 and is integrated into the LEM server. But never asked Kristi to make appropriate named pvs.  Main ctrl parameter is the phase inters of what ever wavelength. In phase shifter mode (use trims to make angstrom delays) and actual chicane mode (main supply on makes mm offset)
control_deviceGet.m Get PV values for list of primary names and attributes. Nice function to help read PVs for multiple devices and multiple properties. Can takes MAD name and property of interest (aka "secondary") - don't need PV name. Everything is vectorized.
control_deviceSet.m Set PV values for list of primary names and attributes. As above for set.
control_eLossGet.m Not released.
control_emitGet.m Get emittance data from respective screen/wire PVs. Interface functions to get values from the emittance GUI. Results are put into PVs for the screen or wire scanner where the measurement was taken. This functions is an interface to set/get those values. Eg emittance GUI sets the PV and the matching GUI gets values etc
control_emitSet.m Set emittance data for respective screen/wire PVs. É to set values for emittance GUI.
control_energyNames.m Determine PV names of magnet beam energy (SLC and EPICS). Mostly obsolete following linac RF control upgrade to EPICS.
control_fbNames.m Get feedback PV names for respective accelerator area. Useful when you want to disable feedbacks downstream when changing energy upstream. Mostly obsolete following replacement of Matlab feedbacks. 
control_klysName.m Get klystron name for corresponding LLRF station (L0a through L1X). Hard codes the mapping between the RF stations and associated klystron controls (eg which PVs to control phase/amp, and which PV to use for turning on and off). Originally an AIDA interface to activate /deactivate, with all the other stat PVs Also knows about the TCAVs special treatment
control_klysStatGet.m Get klystron trigger and status. Originally the AIDA interface to activate and deact Klystrons, and handled TCAVs properly w.r.t. macrs. Mostly obsolete following LINAC RF control upgrade.
control_klysStatSet.m Set klystron trigger. As above.
control_launchFB.m Generic Matlab feedback based on BBA engine. H.L's version of a matlab feedback using functions from BBA software. We are using it for the self seeding chicane orbit feedback. On operator dashboard. You can tell it to listen to a pv in order to control its state
control_launchGird16.m Feedback for self-seeding chicane orbit. A feedback implemented in terms of launchFB above. Short function which calls the generic function above.
control_magnetGet.m Magnet abstraction get routine. Gets BDES, BACT, etc.
control_magnetIVBGet.m Retrieve magnet polynomials. Always gives you one poly, even if there is an up and a down, whichever is pertinent to operation
control_magnetIs.m Not released. Intelligently understands QUASes, knows which have >1 LGPS, sums to get fields.
control_magnetLGPSGet.m Finds LGPS for magnet and gets actual field. For FACET/SLC, to get actual field, this f disentangles the list of power-supplies and magnets.The only way to find out the name of the power supply is to look at the entire list and work backward. You can only go up one level. Not needed for LCLS. 
control_magnetLGPSMap.m Finds all LGPS powering a magnet.
control_magnetNameLGPS.m Gets controlling LGPS from PSCP. Obsolete
control_magnetQtrimGet.m Obsolete for LI30 quad trims.
control_magnetQtrimSet.m Obsolete for LI30 quad trims. Obsolete
control_magnetQuadTrimGet.m Get full quad field from main and trim.
control_magnetQuadTrimSet.m Set quad trim based on full field set point.
control_magnetSet.m Magnet abstraction set routine. Sets BDES, by perturb or trim, stdz etc.
control_phaseGet.m LLRF phase abstraction get routine. Gets phase, amp etc.
control_phaseGold.m Phase recalibration. Sets phase and offset for klys and sbst. Returns a big list of PVs for the LLRF functions. Nightmareish
control_phaseNames.m Generate PV names for various LLRF properties. Nightmarish.
control_phaseSet.m LLRF phase abstraction set routine.
control_profDataSet.m Set screen/wire PVs with beam moments data. Writes the meansurement results into the corresponding PVs.
control_pulseSteal.m Set up 1 Hz TCAV pulse stealing mode. Now rarely used.
control_readSCORE.m Not released.
control_tcav3eDef.m Set up TCAV3 event definition. Nate Lipkowitz
control_tcavPAD.m Setup TCAV triggers. For FACET and L3 TCAV. Nate Lipkowitz
control_undCloseOsc.m Calculate closed undulator orbit oscillation parameters for correctors. 3-bump, hard coded which corrs. Useful If you want to suppress laising - makes oscillation in the undulator but doesn't change the beam coming out. Dynamic choice of correctors. Works will up to undulator 27 (runs out of space to close the orbit). Uses 1 corrector specified and closes with 30 and 33. Nate Lipkowitz
read_BPMs.m Old Paul Emma function, calls control_bpmGet.
Correlation Plots GUI application to help execute simple ad hoc "scan and read" experiments on control system variables. Greg White
corrPlot_gui.fig Correlation Plots GUI.
corrPlot_gui.m Correlation Plots GUI.
Dispersion Measurement GUI application to help measure beam dispersion. Largely still Paul Emma's gui which still uses LLRF control for L2/L3 rather than the abstraction layer. New code exists but hasn't been cross checked with the old method.
meas_dispersion_gui.fig Dispersion measurement GUI. 
meas_dispersion_gui.m Dispersion measurement GUI.
Emittance Measurement GUI application to help measure electron beam size. Dorian / Greg
emittance_beamEllipsePlot.m Plot beam ellipse for emittance GUI.
emittance_convert2PV.m Convert emittance results into PV structure for correlation plots.
emittance_gui.fig Emittance measurement GUI.
emittance_gui.m Emittance measurement GUI.
emittance_process.m Process beam size measurements for emittance GUI.
Energy Change GUI application to help change final electron beam energy. Now not used so much generically to change one wavelen to another but may still be used by BBA. Goes through parts of the machine to block and activate feedbacks. Does NOT help with mirror control. This f now largely replaced by a new one from Chris Zimmer. Very first energy change GUI with various method.  Chris Zimmer
energyChange_gui.fig Energy change GUI.
energyChange_gui.m Energy change GUI.
EPICS Simulation Fake control system PV input/output API for safe software development. Ensures readback PVs are in accordance with setpoint PVs. Eg, you put BDES - then BACT value will be sensible. Offers a gobal variable to say whether you're in simulation or not. Works by putting its own versions of lcaGet/Put at the head of the MATLABPATH. Enables running simple applications when app cannot or must not access the real control system. Provides channel access simulation Greg White
epicsSimul_clear.m Clear simulation data.
epicsSimul_init.m Initialize simulation data for LCLS. Operates by filling cell array with several thousand pvs e.g. screen sizes, statuses, rf phases, magnet BDES, initializes the design model of the machine into respective pvs. This script does a few others things which allows you to open the profile monitor GUI and ask for an image from OTR2 , eg it knows the screen size and calibration of OTR2 and it will use the model to calculate the beam size on OTR2's screen then simulate an image. This will allow you to run an entire emittance measurement in simulation.  Design values come from the online model (to calculate the magnet strengths). The magnet software looks at the simulation status.  Runs model to calculate the beam size. Only calculates the model once at initialization.
epicsSimul_initXTA.m Not released.
epicsSimul_lcaGet.m lcaGet simulation. Finds where the real lca functions reside and intercepts function handles to override with simulation. In Henrik's local folder there versions of lcaput and lcaget (which mustn't be released into the production path of course) which epicsSimul* interposes in place of the real functions when epics simulation is on. Simulation mode works by putting these fake ones at the head of the path. To use epics simul, you must add this local directory to the path. To verify simul mode, lcaget of an empty string; if it works then you are in simulation mode.
epicsSimul_lcaGetStatus.m lcaGetStatus simulation.
epicsSimul_lcaHandlesInit.m Find which lca* to use (real one or simulation). TODO: Get henrik's lcaWrapper file and put in VCS.
epicsSimul_lcaPut.m lcaPut simulation.
epicsSimul_lcaPutNoWait.m lcaPutNoWait simulation.
epicsSimul_load.m Not released.
epicsSimul_save.m Not released.
epicsSimul_status.m Set and get status of EPICS simulation. retrieve or set the simulation statuses.
epics_edm.m Not released. Matlab implementation of EDM
epics_handleRegister.m Not released.
epics_handleUnRegister.m Not released.
epics_handleUpdate.m Not released.
epics_timer.m Not released.
GUI Support Utilities for Graphical User Interface (GUI) based applications. Greg White
gui_BSAControl.m Initialize BSA (get unique EDEF). mostly interfaces to the man UI widgets
gui_acquireAbortAll.m Abort all data acquisition in Matlab session. Works recurrsively on apps (eg corrPlot -> emittance -> wire scan). Robust way to change the status of a GUI - prevents bad effects from hitting the start button more than once.
gui_acquireStatusGet.m Get acquisition status of GUI. Eg, has someone pressed "abort". Has someone pressed "start" multiple times.
gui_acquireStatusSet.m Set acquisition status of GUI.
gui_appLoad.m Load GUI settings and apply to application.
gui_appSave.m Save GUI settings. Saves all the application data in a matlab file. Eg which PMT to use for a wire scan.
gui_checkBoxControl.m Abstraction for checkbox widget.
gui_dataRemove.m Clear acquired data and check for saved status. If you change any parameter that changes the way the measurement data will be structured, this function handles the structure change. Issues a dialogue warning when you save, throwaway, cancel, etcÉ
gui_editControl.m Abstraction for numerical/text edit widget.
gui_indexColor.m Define accelerator specific color scheme.
gui_indexControl.m Accelerator selector control widget. Makes gui look different for various accelerator environments. Several GUIs have accelerator ort area tabs. If GUI starts in diff environment you see different options like LCLS, FACET, etc É
gui_indexInit.m Initialize GUI for specific accelerator.
gui_modelSourceControl.m Abstraction for model source selection widget.
gui_objectRepeat.m Create multiple copies of widget with unique labels and callbacks.
gui_popupMenuControl.m Abstraction for popup menu widget.
gui_printLogInit.m Split logbook button into two for ASTA for physics and MCC log.
gui_radioBtnControl.m Abstraction for radio button widget.
gui_radioBtnInit.m Generate multiple radio or push buttons from single widget.
gui_rangeControl.m Abstraction for range setting edit widgets. controls multiple text boxes or multiple ranges.
gui_resize.m Resize GUI figure to fit into screen, or to specified scale, rescales fonts etc.
gui_sliderControl.m Abstraction for slider widget.
gui_statusDisp.m Show string in standard GUI status text, Matlab terminal, and CMLOG.
gui_textControl.m Abstraction for multi-line edit widget.
gui_useBoxInit.m Not released.
Image acquisition Utilities and GUIs for transverse beam image acquisition, display, and beam characterization Dorian Bohler
profmon_activate.m Screen actuator abstraction (pneumatic/motor), trigger activation, limit switch check etc. This is the basic state machine controller. Handles the different types of controlled screens.
profmon_bayer2RGB.m Convert raw color camera images to RBG. 
profmon_coordTrans.m Apply various coordinate system transformations (pixels,um,etc.). 
profmon_evrSet.m Camera trigger activation. Makes sure the camera is triggered. Makes sure only 1 is triggered (so avoid crashing the IOC!). Determine the particle properties of a camera based on the pv name. FACET, CAMERA, FEE deeply hard coded. Sets flags which indicate what type of IOC it is. Area Detector, Legacy IOC, LSLCS Photon System, etc. Various properties are set
profmon_grab.m Basic single image acquisition. Populates data structure that has the image and metadata. Acquires a single image using the property pvs to populate a data structure that has the image and metadata. The structure then gets passed around to other functions
profmon_grabBG.m Background image acquisition (blocks/unblocks beam). Other functions that are related to image acquisition system which control actuators. For example, screen insertion will occur if it's not already in or they'll make sure no upstream cameras inserted. Can control pneumatically controlled screens stepper motors controlled screens
profmon_grabSeries.m Grab multiple images with distinct time stamps. Tries to get images as fast a possible but verifies that they are distinct (also checks the time stamps)
profmon_grabSync.m Grab multiple images concurrent with BSA data. 
profmon_gui.fig Image acquisition GUI. 
profmon_gui.m Image acquisition GUI. Oddly, doesn't use the _measure.m API mainly only for historical reasons. Works at a lower level than the othe apps, like for instance emittance.
profmon_imgCrop.m Crop image in image data structure to specified area.
profmon_imgFlip.m Toggle image data struct between raw image and image in beam coordinate view. Removes mirroring depending on which screen you are looking at.
profmon_imgHist.m Calculate and show image intensity histogram.
profmon_imgPlot.m Plot image from image data struct with various options.
profmon_lampSet.m Target/reticule controls abstraction.
profmon_measure.m Acquire set of beam image data (grab and process multiple images). API for applications. Takes n images with n backgrounds (function called by other HLAs)
profmon_multi_gui.fig Multiple camera GUI.
profmon_multi_gui.m Multiple camera GUI.
profmon_names.m Camera type (IOC, facility) switchyard, based on PV name. Quite deply hard coded. LCLS accel, photon system, if it has filters. Various properties set.
profmon_process.m Multiple image processing queue (more historically relevant). Makes sure only one camera gets triggered at a time to avoid crashing the IOC.
profmon_propNames.m Generates PV list for specific camera properties based on camera type. Generates various attribute PVs based on the camera type to get the image, image size, etc.
profmon_ROISet.m Camera ROI abstraction (set specified ROI on camera IOC). Different camera types have different pvs
profmon_setup.m Initialize LCLS cameras with calibration and orientation data.
profmon_setupNLCTA.m NLCTA camera initialization.
profmon_simulCreate.m Render simulation image with various options (beam spot, noise, rad damage, etc.).
profmon_simulData.m Generate image based on camera properties and accelerator model.
Laser Cross-Correlator GUI to help measure cathode laser pulse intensity temporal profile
xcor_scan.fig X-correlate GUI.
xcor_scan.m X-correlator GUI.
LiTrack GUI and library for fast longitudinal phase space tracking. A single-bunch tracking code, which includes RF acceleration, bunch compression to 3rd order, geometric and resistive short-range wakefields, aperture limits, synchrotron radiation, and plotting. Ref: Tim Maxwell / Greg White. 
LiTrack.m Basic 2-D longitudinal phase space tracking of many electrons through several kinds of accelerator sections. May be run standalone. 
LiTrack_GUI.m GUI front end for LiTrack.m.
LiTrack_struc2params.m Assembles parameters entered on the GUI to a structure suitable for passing to standalone LiTrack.m
fdbk_fun.m Function to be minimized by fminsearch to find feedback phase
long_wake.m Computes wakefield induced energy profile vs. z for a given set of axial coordinates
run_LiTrack_GUI.m Wrapper script for running the LiTrack GUI
Matching Application GUI to align measured optical (Twiss) parameters with their design values. Based on Cecile's matching GUI. How matching uses the model is messy.  Started with using the Parmela file w/ an associated R-matrix computation. Runs off a beamline conflig file - so when devices added will have to hand edit this file like a model deck. Would be better to use MAD deck.
matching_beamlineModify.m Split beamline elements into multiples.  
matching_configCreate.m Not released.
matching_gui.fig Matching GUI.
matching_gui.m Matching GUI.
matching_kickLinac.m Transport matrix for accelerator structure.
matching_opticsModel.m Get transport matrices from model.
matching_opticsRead.m Get beamline from configuration file.
matching_transport.m Calculate transport matrices.
matching_twissParameters.m Get twiss from sigma matrix elements.
matching_twissPlot.m Plot beta, alpha, size for matching.
matching_twissfun.m Optimization function.
matching_updateGoals.m Update GUI elements.
matching_updateMagnets.m Update GUI elements.
config_*_PROD.config Matching GUI config files for various accelerators and areas '*'.
Model Support Suite of functions and GUI for beamline lattice definition and related optics computations. Greg White
beamline description model_beamLineA.m A-line model. These functions give you the beam line description for various accelerators. Either hand translated MAD files or automatically generated cell arrays. Cell arrays represent of a MAD device output list (print andtape files), eg Device type, length, strength etc.
" model_beamLineASTA.m ASTA model. 
" model_beamLineDIAG0.m LCLS-II DIAG0 model.
" model_beamLineDIAG1.m LCLS-II DIAG1 model.
" model_beamLineFACET.m FACET model.
" model_beamLineInj.m LCLS injector model.
" model_beamLineL2.m LCLS L2 model.
" model_beamLineL3.m LCLS L3 model.
" model_beamLineLCLS.m All LCLS model.
" model_beamLineLCLSII.m Old LCLS-II model.
" model_beamLineNLCTA.m NLCTA model.
" model_beamLineUnd.m LCLS undulator model.
" model_beamLineXTA.m XTA model.
" model_beamSize.m Get beam size from model. beam size based on the model and the assumed emittance
model_blPlot.m Plot model beam line. Plots twiss parameters (beta functions, dispersion etc) by Z with beamline element definition. Takes the name of an area as input. Loads the corresponding model beam line cell array and gets model data for it.
LEM model_energy.m Get energy for device from model. Gives you the energies and areas
" model_energyBLEMTrim.m Perform LEM, copy LEM PVs into BDES/EDES PVs, trim magnets. The old version of the GUI based matlab LEM takes the data within matlab to set the magnets to new values. Recall that the LEM server writes what it calculates to EACT and ELEM pvs. This function reads those pvs then copies the BLEM (the ideal magnet strength) into the BDES and trims the magnet. Also has undo function. Also saves old BDES so you can undo a previous LEM action. See the undo button on the EDM screen. Also note that the LEM server is running all the time at ~1 second period.
" model_energyBTrim.m Calculates required trim strengths for chicane magnets. Looks at the polynomial differences of the fudging magnets and calculates the required trim magnet currents to get the same BACT.
" model_energyBX3trim.m Legacy function to calculate BX3 trim strengths only.
" model_energyCalc.m Not released. Code copied out of the energy change gui; calculates the klystron complement to match a certain desired energy
" model_energyDmpMatch.m Calculate predictive dump area match.
" model_energyFudge.m LEM fudge factor calculation. 
" model_energyKlys.m Get klystron list for respective LEM areas and calculate effective phases and amplitudes. Assigns a name list for klystrons, knows which klystron is in which LEM area. Also gets all of the RF info (activation status, etc) gives the effective phase and amplitude of each klystron including sub-booster phases and etc.
" model_energyMagCheck.m Check if magnets trimmed during LEM and optionally try again.
" model_energyMagProfile.m Get magnet list for area and calculate actual (fudged) magnet energies. Applies energy profile with a z interpolation to get the energy of each magnet based on the klystrons from the accelerating structures
" model_energyMagScale.m Calculates new magnet field strengths, and implements special situations (matching quads, trims, etc.). Does the actual scaling of the magnets with various options (design value, or only scale the non matching quads). Takes care of the chicane trims. Can implement the predictive match for the undulator (and dump area) and the BBA mode for the last quad in the undulator.
" model_energyMagTrim.m Apply new LEM magnet settings.
" model_energyProfile.m Obtain device list and respective design and actual (fudged) energy profile from model. Looks at all the klystrons and tells you the design (and actual best estimate) energy profile.
" model_energyServer.m LEM server.
" model_energySet.m Set LTU/undulator magnets and beam energy in simulation mode.
" model_energySetPoints.m Get/set interface to energy set point PVs, provide LEM region names.
" model_energyUndMatch.m Set hardcoded quad values for undulator match for given energy. Called by the LEM Server to set the undulator matching quads based on hardcoded values from the polynomial
Undulator feedback model_fbUndPoly.m Not released. Would be used by the fast feed back in the undulator to calculate the feedback matrix. Every time you change the beam energy and hence quad focusing (not settings) change, you then need to get a new feedback matrix. This function could get the matrices from the model and write them to PVs. There would be a button on the feedback configuration of the undulator which calls this matlab function. Determines the quad settings for different energies then fits polynomials. Includes a predictive match in the undulator
" model_fbUndSetup.m Get undulator feedback matrices from model and write into FB PVs.
model_gui.fig Model display GUI.
model_gui.m Model display GUI.
model_init.m Initialize model source for each accelerator. Includes API for user to say from where to get the model data (model_ or XAL etc).
model_k1Get.m Get quad/bend strength for model.
model_magnetIsGeV.m Determine bend control type (field or GeV).
model_nameConvert.m Convert between MAD/EPICS/SLC names. conversion which returns lists which match a pattern
model_nameList.m List of LCLS/FACET/NLCTA/XTA devices. 
model_nameListFACET.m FACET list of devices.
model_nameRegion.m Get device lists by area and type. Main handwritten directory which indicates what area (aka micro) name and unit number range are associated with L1, L2, undulator section, etc
model_nameSplit.m Plot EPICS name into constituents.
model_nameXAL.m Get XAL name of device. to get the proper name that XAL knows about e.g. base pv name
model_orbitAcq.m Acquires beam orbits in support of model measurement. This is for the model GUI model measurement part. Makes oscillations and samples the phase space in a grid pattern to calculate the actual beam transport matrices.
model_orbitPSPlot.m Model measurement support, plot phase space.
model_orbitPlot.m Model measurement support, plot orbits.
model_orbitProc.m Model measurement support, process measurement.
model_parseList.m MAD to Matlab conversion. Converts MAD deck into a matlab file
model_parseMAD.m MAD to Matlab conversion.
model_parseMatlab.m MAD to Matlab conversion.
model_plot.m Generic model data plot. Different from model_blplot above; this one is like Z plot for model data. You tell it what devices and what part of the accelerator. It uses the naming software to get a list of devices then it asks the model to give it the twiss parameters for each device and plots them. 
model_rMatElement.m Calculate single device R-matrix.
model_rMatElements.m Vectorized version to calculate R-matrix for multiple devices.
model_rMatGet.m Get R-matrix, twiss function, energy, z, length from Matlab, XAL, or DIMAD. Uses Matlab model for rmatrix calculation etc
model_rMatModel.m Interface to Matlab model.
model_sigma2Twiss.m Convert sigma matrix to twiss parameters.
model_sigmaTrans.m Transport sigma matrix.
model_t6MatElement.m Not released.
model_twiss2Sigma.m Convert twiss parameters to sigma matrix.
model_twissB.m Calculate the phase space normalization 'B' matrix.
model_twissBmag.m Calculate Bmag value and add to twiss parameters.
model_twissGet.m Get twiss parameters from model, MATLAB, XAL, or DIMAD.
model_twissPhase.m Calculate phase advance from R-matrix.
model_twissTrans.m Transport twiss parameters.
model_undMatch.m Calculate undulator matching twiss parameters for given beam energy.
model_undMatchFind.m Calculate polynomials for get undulator matching quad settings for all energies.
R_gen6.m Paul Emma function to compute R-matrix.
R_linac.m Paul Emma function to compute R-matrix for accel structure.
Orbit Display GUI to acquire and display beam position data. Includes some orbit fitting. Greg White
bpms_vs_z_gui.fig Original LCLS orbit display GUI of Paul Emma .
bpms_vs_z_gui.m Original LCLS orbit display GUI of Paul Emma .
Orbit Display (time-slot aware) Beam position offset display, plotted by Z. Greg White
orbitDisplay.m Fast time-slot aware orbit display.
PAU Control Pattern Aware Units (disentangle things and reset)
pau_offsetZero.m Zero all PAU offsets.
pau_sync.m Resync PAUs.
RF Phase Scans Beam based measurement of RF phases. Combination of Joe Frisch script, Paul Emma's GUI, and Henrik's' changes
Phase_Scans.fig RF phase scan GUI.
Phase_Scans.m RF phase scan GUI.
phase_scan_analyse.m Analyse phase scan data.
phase_scan_new.m Acquire phase scan data.
schottky_scan_NLCTA.m Schottky scan for NLCTA.
schottky_scan_new.m Not released.
schottky_scan.m Schottky scan for Phase scans.
Scheduled Measurements GUI application to set up timer controlled measurements. E.g. Use this app if you want to schedule an emittance measuerment to recurr with some period like every 2 hours. 
Smarter CA Wrapper utility for matlab API of EPICS Channel Access. Mainly adds error handling and retry, excluding vals outside high and low, connvertsion of NaN etc. Greg White / Mike Zelazny.
lcaGetSmart.m Smart version of lcaGet. Prevents your code from crashing at lcaget/put operation. Essentiually lcaget & put with error handling. Overcomes issues of simple lcaGet in that depending on what list of pvs you give it, you may have to get N times (this version tries up to 3 time); and it can crash w/ empty string. This version also finds  bad PVs in a list and removes those. Defaults time out to 2 seconds. If you ask for many pvs this timeout time is increased. Returns NAN or empty string where applicable. 
lcaPutSmart.m Smart version of lcaPut. 
Undulator Segment Utilities Utilitiy library used by the BBA gui Jim Welch
segmentCorr2FieldInt.m Not released.
segmentFieldInt2Corr.m Not released.
segmentInOutOffsetApply.m Applies undulator IN/OUT BPM and corrector coefficients to PVs after measurement.
segmentMoveInOut.m Move undulator segment IN or OUT.
segmentMoveWait.m Wait for undulator segment move to complete.
segmentOrbitCorrection.m Legacy function to use Matlab to apply automated undulator field integral compensation.
segmentOrbitCorrectionAll.m Not released.
Utility Functions General purpose utility library used by applications and libraries of the SLAC Matlab high level apps described here. Greg White
errorbarh.m Plot horizontal error bars.
util_fourier.m Fourier Transform that knows about time/frequency scale to do the normalization correctly
util_lssvd.m Linear least squares fit using Singular Value Decomposition (SVD)
util_phaseBranch.m Re-aligns the phase within a given amount
util_quasiBSA.m BSA to get screen images with the same time stamps (asynchronously get data and align the time stamps)
util_stdNan.m Std deviation excluding NANs
util_varNan.m Variance excluding NANs. 
Wire Scans GUI application to help measure transverse beam profile using wire insertion devices. Simulation function applies beam jitter and gets the beam size from the model so you can simulate emittance measurement using the wire scan as well
wirescan_fitOrbit.m Legacy wire scan function, not released.
wirescan_gui.fig Wire scan GUI.
wirescan_gui.m Wire scan GUI.
wirescan_simulScan.m Calculate data for wire scan simulation.
Z-Plot General purpose device PV value plot by Z.  Greg White
zPlot.m Plot device values vs. Z.
Linac_RF_summary.fig Klystron CUD Matlab version.
Linac_RF_summary.m Klystron CUD Matlab version.