
See gtsrcid:

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Creates a counterpart candidate catalogue by correlating the objects from a source catalogue (e.g., the LAT source catalogue) with the objects of a counterpart catalogue.

Usage: gtsrcid srcCatName srcCatPrefix cptCatName cptCatPrefix outCatName probMethod probThres maxNumCpt


Source Catalogue Parameters


srcCatName [string]


Name of the input source catalog for which counterpart IDs are desired. The input catalog may be either a file that resides on disk [in either FITS or TSV (tab-separated values) format], or it may be a catalog accessible via the web. The source Catalog may typically be the GLAST LAT source Catalog.

Note: Web access is not yet available in the current version.


srcCatPrefix [string]


Prefix that will be applied to the source names in the output catalog. Prefixing allows unique names to be assigned for all quantities in the output catalog. Source catalog quantities in the output catalog will begin with @<srcCatPrefix>_.

For example: For srcCatPrefix = LAT, the FLUX quantity of the source catalog will get the name @LAT_FLUX in the output catalog. Quantities already having a prefix in the source catalog will not be prefixed again.


srcCatQty = * [string]


Specifies which quantities of the input source catalogue should be included in the output catalogue.

Quantity extraction is useful for keeping track of important source parameters, and is mandatory for deriving new quantities. Quantities are specified by a comma-separated list. 

If srcCatQty = *, all quantities of the source catalogue will be extracted.

If srcCatQty is left blank, no quantity will be extracted.

This is a hidden parameter. (default *)


srcPosError = 0.0 [double]

    If no positional uncertanties are given in the source catalogue, srcPosError specifies the positional uncertainty for all objects (in units of degrees).

Counterpart Catalogue Parameters


cptCatName [string]


Name of the counterpart catalogue used for source identification.

The counterpart catalogue may be either a file residing  on disk [in either FITS or TSV (tab-separated values) format], or it may be a catalogue that is accessible via the web. This catalog is typically taken from a database, such as CDS or HEASARC.

Note: Web access is not yet available in the current version.


cptCatPrefix [string]


Prefix used to build the counterpart catalogue quantity names in the output catalogue.

Prefixing allows unique names to be assigned for all quantities in the output catalogue. Counterpart catalogue quantities in the output catalogue will begin with @<cptCatPrefix>_.

For example: For cptCatPrefix = 1RXS, the COUNTS quantity of the counterpart catalogue will get the name @1RXS_COUNTS in the output catalogue. Quantities in the counterpart catalogue that already have a prefix will not be prefixed again.


cptCatQty = * [string]


Specifies which quantities of the counterpart catalogue should be extracted into the output catalogue.

Quantity extraction is useful for keeping track of important counterpart parameters, and is mandatory for deriving new quantities. Quantities are specified by a comma-separated list, i.e., 3EG,RAJ2000,DEJ2000. 

If cptCatQty = *, all quantities of the counterpart catalogue will be extracted.

If cptCatQty is left blank no quantity will be extracted.

This is a hidden parameter. (default: *)


cptPosError = 0.0 [double]

    If no positional uncertanties are given in the counterpart catalogue, cptPosError specifies the positional uncertainty for all objects (in units of degrees). This is a hidden parameter. (default: 0.0)

Output Catalogue Parameters


outCatName [string]

    Name of the output catalogue FITS file.

(outCatQty01) [string]


Allows a new quantity to be derived from quantities that exist in the output catalog.

Quantities in the output catalogue may be either generic quantities (such as the counterpart candidate name, position, and position uncertainty), or quantities that have been extracted from the source or the counterpart catalogs.

A quantity is derived using the syntax <Q_NEW> = <FCT_Q>, where <Q_NEW> is the name of the new quantity, and <FCT_Q> is an arithmetic function that describes how the quantity is derived (the allowed arithmetic is the FTOOLS column evaluation interface).

For example: outCatQty01 = "RATIO = $@LAT_FLUX$ / $@1RXS_COUNTS$" derives a new quantity RATIO that describes the ratio between the LAT source flux and the 1RXS counterpart count rate.

Note the enclosure of the source and counterpart quantities within $...$. This syntax is mandatory in order to correctly interpret the presence of a non-alphanumeric letter (i.e., the @ prefix) in the specified quantity names. If the parameter is left blank, no new quantity will be derived.


outCatQty02, ..., outCatQyt09 = [string]


These parameters allow additional new quantities to be derived, similar to outCatQty01.

In addition, quantities derived using these parameters may be included in the arithmetic function.

For example: outCatQty02 = "PROB_RATIO = exp(-0.5 * ((RATIO - 2.7)/0.5)^2)" is a valid parameter that uses the result of outCatQty01 to assign a Gaussian shaped probability density function for the quantity RATIO. If the parameters are left blank, no new quantities will be derived.

Task Parameters


probMethod = POSITION [string]


Method used to define the counterpart probability (or function of merit).

The method may be either POSITION (e.g. the probability of positional coincidence), or any output catalogue quantity that is comprised between 0 and 1.

Methods can be combined using the multiplication symbol *. In this case, the probabilities of the specified methods are multiplied.

For example: probMethod = "POSITION * PROB_RATIO" specifies a counterpart probability that is the product between the spatial coincidence probability and the flux ratio probability function PROB_RATIO, as derived by parameter outCatQty02. (default: POSITION)


probThres = 0.01 [double]


Probability threshold for counterpart candidates.

Only objects with counterpart probabilities larger than this threshold will be included in the output catalog. (default 0.01)


maxNumCpt = 100 [int]


Maximum number of counterpart candidates per source that are included in the output catalog.

Since counterpart candidates are stored in decreasing order of probability, the less probable counterpart candidates will be suppressed if necessary. If maxNumCpt = 0, no limitation will be applied. (default: 100)


(select01 = )[string]


Selection criterion on output catalogue quantities.

Counterpart candidates that do not meet the selection criterion will be excluded from the output catalogue. The syntax of this parameter corresponds to the FTOOLS row filtering specification. All quantities present in the output catalog (including, in particular, derived quantities) may be used for selection. If the parameter is left blank, no selection criterion will be applied. This is a hidden parameter.


select02, ..., select09 = [string]

    Additional selection criteria, similar to the one specified by the parameter select01. If the parameters are left blank, no selection will be applied. These are hidden parameters.

Standard Parameters




This parameter fixes the output verbosity:
chatter = 0: no information will be logged
chatter = 1: only errors will be logged
chatter = 2: errors and actions will be logged
chatter = 3: report about the task execution
chatter = 4: detailed report about the task execution

This is a hidden parameter. (default: 1)


clobber = yes

    If true, an existing file of the same name will be overwritten.
This is a hidden parameter. (default: yes)

debug = no


Activate debugging mode. (default: no)

When debug is "no", all exceptions that are not caught and handled by individual tool-specific code are caught by a top-level exception handler that displays information about the exception and then exits.

When debug is "yes", such exceptions are not caught by the top level code. Instead, the tool produces a segmentation violation, which is more useful for debugging. When debugging mode is enabled, the tool produces more verbose output describing any errors or exceptions that are encountered.

  (gui = no)
    Graphical user Interface (GUI) mode activated if "yes" is specified.
(default: no)

mode = ql [string]

    Mode of automatic parameters. (default: ql)

Owned by: Jürgen Knödlseder

Last updated by: Chuck Patterson 02/08/2011