gtltsum Help File

Usage: gtltsum infile1 infile2 outfile

Adds together livetime cubes produced by gtltcube.

The gtltcube tool facilitates multi-epoch analyses by summing the livetime contributions from each of two or more user specific input files and merges their GTI extensions. It checks to ensure that the input data sets are based on compatible HEALPix projection before they are summed. This is the only consistency check that is made between files. The input livetime cube files can be generated by gtltcube, or obtained from the SLAC Data Portal.

Example: gtltsum

Parameters are passed following the FTOOLs model (i.e., they can be passed interactively by: answering a prompt; as a list in a command line; or by editing the parameter file). To be prompted for gtltsum parameter values, enter (at the command line): gtltsum

Note: "Hidden" parameters are not prompted. If you want to change one of the "hidden" parameters, specify the values in the command line. For example, if you do not want to overwrite the output file, set the clobber parameter "clobber=no" ( e.g., gtltsum clobber=no).

An example of how to run the tool is given below:

> gtltsum
Livetime cube 1 or list of files [] : expCube_000001.fits
Livetime cube 2 [none] : expCube_000002.fits
Output file [] : expCube.fits

The above example can also be run from the command line as follows:

>gtltsum infile1=expCube_000001.fits infile2=expCube_000002.fits
outfile= expCube.fits

Owned by: J. Chiang


Last updated by: Analia Cillis and Chuck Patterson 01/18/2011