Set ROOT Environment Variables: Linux

To set up your ROOT environment, modify your .cshrc (or .bashrc) file to include:

setenv ROOTSYS /afs/slac/g/glast/ground/GLAST_EXT/rh9_gcc32/ROOT/v5.20.00-gl3/root
setenv PATH ${PATH}:${ROOTSYS}/bin


  • If modifying a .bashrc environment, substitute the export command for the setenv in the example shown above.
  • While GLAST Offline Software releases use a specific version of ROOT, this does not necessarily limit the user to running the same version of ROOT for analysis.

Caution: A specific version of any release of Glast software uses a specific version of ROOT; any and all documentation assumes that the appropriate version of ROOT is being used.

For version numbers used with a specific release of Glast software, see Glast Package and External Library Content.


Last updated by: Chuck Patterson 06/12/2009