// ---------------------------------------------------------
// Options for Gleam that are specific to reading ROOT files and using the GUI
// $Id: fred_popup_jobOptionsFile_01b.htm,v 1.1 2008/07/11 19:43:42 chuckp Exp $
// Job options file for Reading in the root output files and displaying events in FRED

ApplicationMgr.DLLs+= { "GaudiAlg", "GaudiAud", "FluxSvc", "GlastSvc"};
ApplicationMgr.ExtSvc += {"ChronoStatSvc"};
AuditorSvc.Auditors = {"ChronoAuditor"};

ApplicationMgr.DLLs+= {"TkrUtil","G4Propagator", "G4Generator", "CalibSvc"};
ApplicationMgr.DLLs+= {"HepRepSvc", "HepRepXml", "HepRepCorba"};
ApplicationMgr.ExtSvc += {"HepRepSvc","EventSelector/EventSelector"};
ApplicationMgr.Runable = "HepRepSvc";

// Uncomment this if you want to save xml files with the event
//HepRepSvc.autoStream = "xml";

// The default value 4 is not enought for the integration geometry
HepRepSvc.geometryDepth = 6;

EventPersistencySvc.CnvServices = {"EventCnvSvc"};
EventSelector.Input = "SVC='DbEvtSelector'";
EventSelector.PrintFreq = -1;

ApplicationMgr.TopAlg = {
"Sequencer/Top" };

ApplicationMgr.DLLs += { "RootIo" };

//Top.Members = { "mcRootReaderAlg"};
Top.Members += { "digiRootReaderAlg"};
Top.Members += { "reconRootReaderAlg"};
//Top.Members += { "relationRootReaderAlg"};

ApplicationMgr.ExtSvc += { "RootIoSvc", "ParticlePropertySvc", "GlastDetSvc" };

// Stuff for detModel
GlastDetSvc.topVolume="LAT"; // the whole schebang
// select one of the following for a top volume

ApplicationMgr.EvtMax = 100000;

// tell it to automatically start the version of FRED
HepRepSvc.startFred = "$Fred_DIR";

// Names of input ROOT files - note that you can supply a list of input files
// as a comma delimited list

// From time to time, the test files below become outdated. If this job doesn't
// run out of the box, please notify Leon or Heather.

//mcRootReaderAlg.mcRootFileList = { "$(ROOTTESTDATAROOT)/data/default/mc.root" } ;
digiRootReaderAlg.digiRootFileList = { "c:\glast\work\digi-237187655.root" } ; [5]
reconRootReaderAlg.reconRootFileList = { "c:\glast\work\recon-237187655.root" } ; [6]
//relationRootReaderAlg.relationRootFileList = { "$(ROOTTESTDATAROOT)/data/default/relations.root" } ;
ApplicationMgr.EvtMax = 10;

// -------end readAndDisplay-specific-------
// ----------------------------------