Real Photon Collaboration Engineering Meeting 5/28/02 Minutes Attendees: R. Arnold, P. Bosted, W. Olson, T. Fieguth, D. Walz, T. Weber. J. Weisend, C. Wilder Items Discussed: 1. The E160 concept design review was discussed, along with a list of topics and presenters. W. Olson will put together a strawman agenda. 2. Cabling issues and the need for a cable list were discussed. J. Weisend will come up with a responsible person. 3. The small iron wedge size (140cm x 80cm - 120cm) was confirmed by LBL rerunning 2 magnet wedge cases. C. Wilder estimated material volumes and T. Weber got prices for copper and graphite. Spot price for copper is $0.75 per pound in bulk, and graphite/carbon is $2.90 per pound for 1.55 density. 4. P. Bosted is considering expanding the beam pipe diameter from 2cm to 4cm in the area of the LASS magnet. Note that this will require wedge design changes if done in front of the magnet. 5. W. Ng is making a cartoon of the spectrometer detectors. 6. The magnet field on/in the first front panel of photo-multiplier tubes is still a concern, and is being worked on. It may be necessary to move the front detector further away from the magnet. 7. W. Olson contacted A. Prinz and S. Mao about the shielding requirements to move the SEQ, ION chamber, and Cerenkov from the BDE area to the E-158 detector cart. S. Mao indicated that it would not be a problem, but will require some additional shielding in the cart area. C. Wilder is making the changes to the general arrangement drawing. Having these detectors in the ESA provides much easier installation and access. Decisions Reached 1. The small iron wedge (140cm x 80cm - 120cm) will be used in the LASS magnet. New Action Items 1. CDR strawman agenda by W. Olson. 2. Cable list responsible person determined by J. Weisend. 3. T. Weber will get prices for cast copper and tin. 4. P. Bosted to determine material to be in front of the middle spectrometer detector panel. Ongoing Action Items 1. J. Weisend will work with D. Crabb and R. Principe to develop a detailed drawing showing the dilution refrigerator and the proposed superconducting magnet. 2. Number of cables required from the counting house to ESA and overall cable list. 3. P. Bosted will continue the physics simulations of the proposed change to the RPC design. (In progress) 4. The interaction of the LASS magnet and all its iron with the E161/ E159 7-T target magnet needs to be carefully modeled using a 3-D field simulation. (In progress) 5. Serious engineering of the shielding and earthquake supports associated with the LASS magnet must be started. 6. T. Weber will investigate other E160 target materials to replace the Pb and Au for example Tantalum or Platinum. (In progress) W. Olson