SLAC Experiment E150 Home Page

SLAC Experiment E150 Home Page

A Plasma Lens Experiment at the Final Focus Test Beam

About the Experiment:

This experiment - now completed - studied how a high-energy electron beam can be focused by a small (3 millimeter long) plasma volume, with a plasma density of 2 to 100 times 10^16 per cubic centimeter. The electron beam, of an energy of 30 GeV, was delivered by the Final Focus Test Beam (FFTB) beamline at the end of SLAC's SLC [Stanford Linear Collider]. It was expected that the plasma lens will focus the beam from about 5 micrometer (in absence of plasma lens) to about 2 micrometer. For more detail, see the proposal or recent publications (under Publications and Public Documents below).
This experiment had been approved in September 1997. After further design of the apparatus during 1998, construction of the apparatus and installation in the FFTB began in January 1999; the experiment took first data during summer 1999, in runs in the beginning of July, beginning of August, and another two weeks at the end of September.
During the year 2000, we had two more runs using positrons, and one more with the electron beam. (The theory predicts, that positron beams should be focused as well as electron beams by a plasma; so we tested this, too. By reversing the currents in all magnets in the FFTB beamline, this beamline could also transport and focus positrons.)
This experiment had been proposed and was done by a collaboration of about 25 physicists from 10 national laboratories and university groups in the U.S. and Japan (see list of collaborators below).

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This page was created by Achim W. Weidemann).
For questions or suggestions regarding this page, please send email to achim@SLAC.Stanford.EDU
This page was last modified on November 30, 2001 by Achim W. Weidemann.(broken links fixed 19-Jan-2004)