Upper Limits and Contour Curves from CDMS II Si http://lanl.arxiv.org/abs/1304.4279 Each file in this directory has two columns of data. Each row is a data point of Log_10(WIMP mass [GeV/c^2]) and Log_10(WIMP-nucleon SI cross section [cm^2]. c58 refers to the data analyzed in arXiv:1304.4279 c34 refers to the data analyzed in arXiv:1304.3706 The files are: Upper Limit of data in 1304.4279: CDMS_Si_c58_UpperLimit.dat Combined Upper Limit of data in 1304.4279 and 1304.3706: CDMS_Si_c34_c58_CombinedUpperLimit.dat Contours at 1-sigma, 90%, 2-sigma, and 3-sigma for data in 1304.4279: CDMS_Si_c58_ContoursLogLikelihood_68.dat CDMS_Si_c58_ContoursLogLikelihood_90.dat CDMS_Si_c58_ContoursLogLikelihood_95.dat CDMS_Si_c58_ContoursLogLikelihood_99.dat