SLAC eConf C151102.1 edited by James E. Brau, University of Oregon





Workshop home


Pilar Casado Status and prospects for BSM ( (N)MSSM) Higgs searches at the LHC [ hep-ex/1602.08970 ]
S. Heinemeyer Neutral Higgs Boson Production at e^+e^- Colliders in the Complex MSSM: Towards the LC Precision [ hep-ph/1602.08041 ]
Ivanka Bozovic-Jelisavcic Measurement of the Higgs decay to electroweak bosons at low and intermediate CLIC energies [ hep-ex/1603.08681v1 ]
Graham Wilson Updated Study of a Precision Measurement of the W Mass from a Threshold Scan Using Polarized e- and e+ at ILC [ hep-ex/1603.06016 ]
Michele Faucci Giannelli Higgs decay to two muons at ILC [ hep-ex/1603.04718 ]

Beyond the Standard Model
Juergen Reuter The BSM Physics Case of the ILC [ hep-ph/1602.08352 ]
C.T. Potter DSiD: a Delphes Detector for ILC Physics Studies [ hep-ex/1602.07748 ]
S. Heinemeyer SUSY Fits and their Implications for ILC and CLIC [ hep-ph/1602.08040 ]
Suvi-Leena Lehtinen Dark matter relic density from observations of supersymmetry at the ILC [ hep-ex/1602.08439 ]
Ken-ichi Okumura TeV scale mirage mediation in NMSSM and precision Higgs measurement [ hep-ph/1603.04205 ]

Simulation/Detector Performance/Reconstruction
Boruo Xu Improvement of photon reconstruction in PandoraPFA [ physics.ins-det/1603.00013 ]
Hiroki Sumida Optimization of layer composition for ILD ECAL [ hep-ex/1603.04521 ]

Machine Detector Interface/Integration/Polarization
L.I. Malysheva Design of Pre-Dumping Ring Spin Rotator with a Possibility of Helicity Switching for Polarized Positrons at the ILC [ physics.acc-ph/1602.09050 ]

S. Murai Recent status of FPCCD vertex detector R&D [ physics.ins-det/1603.00009 ]

Calorimetry/Muon Systems
Bruce Schumm Updated Results of a Solid-State Sensor Irradiation Study for ILC Extreme Forward Calorimetry [ physics.ins-det/1602.08552 ]
Corrado Gatto Status of Dual-readout R&D for a linear collider in T1015 Collaboration [ physics.ins-det/1603.00909 ]
Gerald Eigen SiPM Gain Stabilization Studies for Adaptive Power Supply [ physics.ins-det/ 1603.00016 ]
Aharon Levy Results from the October 2014 CERN test beam of LumiCal [ physics.ins-det/ 1604.00276 ]

J. Reuter Top Physics in WHIZARD [ hep-ph/1602.08035v2 ]
Frank Simon A First Look at the Impact of NNNLO Theory Uncertainties on Top Mass Measurements at the ILC [ hep-ex/1603.04764 ]