Plenary Sessions
Invited Talks
Jinlong Zhang |
LHC Run-2 Startup. |
......... ............. |
Sheldon Stone |
Pentaquarks and Tetraquarks at LHCb. |
[ hep-ph/1509.04051] |
[ PDF] |
Josh Ruderman |
BSM: Theory. |
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John Alison |
Searches for New Physics at the Energy Frontier. |
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Glen Crawford |
DOE-HEP Program and FOAs. |
[ Conference Indico] |
[ PDF] |
Kevin Lannon |
Top Physics. |
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Junjie Zhu |
Latest Electroweak Results. |
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Christopher Neu |
Higgs Physics: Highlights from the Post-Discovery Era. |
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William Detmold |
Lattice QCD at the Particle Frontiers. |
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Christine Aidala |
Advancing the Era of Quantitative QCD: Experiment. |
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Susan Gardner |
Sculpting the BSM Landscape with low-energy Precision Physics. |
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J. Michael Williams |
Quark Flavor Physics. |
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Mateusz Ploskon |
Heavy-Ion Collisions - Hot QCD in Laboratory. |
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Jocelyn Monroe |
Cosmology Experiment: Dark Matter Direct Detection. |
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Kathryn Zurek |
Beyond the WIMP: New Detectors for New Dark Matter Ideas. |
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David Schlegel |
The State of Dark Energy in 2015. |
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Oliver Gutsche |
Exascale and Exabytes: Future directions in HEP Software and Computing. |
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Mark Messier |
Exploring Neutrinos Via Oscillations in the Atmosphere, at Reactors, and at Accelerators. |
......... ............. |
Mu-Chun Chen |
Neutrinos and Beyond the Standard Model Physics. |
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Joseph Formaggio |
Weighing Neutrinos. |
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Crystal Bailey |
Breaking the Myth of the Non-Traditional Physicist: The Real Story about Employment for Physics Graduates. |
......... ............. |
Stephane Coutu |
The Highest Energy Frontier. |
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Samir Mathur |
Black Holes in String Theory. |
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Vladimir Shiltsev |
Future Accelerators. |
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Erik Ramberg |
The Future (Near and Far) of Particle Detectors. |
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Paul Collier |
The Vision of CERN. |
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Joseph Lykken |
Fermilab Vision. |
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Jim Siegrist |
The U.S. High Energy Physics Program in a Global Vision of Particle Physics. |
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Andrew Lankford |
P5: One Year Later. |
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Jim Shank |
Status of the NSF Particle Physics Program. |
......... ............. |
Parallel Sessions
Accelerators, Detectors, Computing
Session Chairs: Rainer Bartoldus, Joel England, Michael Kagan, Toyoko Orimoto, Torre Wenaus, and Daniel Winklehner
Joshua Spitz |
IsoDAR and DAEdALUS: The next generation of cyclotrons for neutrino physics. |
......... ............. |
Chandra Bhat |
Early Beam Injection Scheme for the Fermilab Booster: A Path for Intensity Upgrade. |
[ hep-ph/1510.08427] |
[ PDF] |
James Brau |
500 GeV ILC Operating Scenarios. |
[ hep-ph/1510.05739] |
[ PDF] |
Don Hartill |
HEPAP Accelerator R&D Subpanel. |
......... ............. |
Vladimir Shiltsev |
On the Future High Energy Colliders |
[ hep-ph/1509.08369] |
[ PDF] |
Robert Stringer |
TPilot System for the CMS Phase I Pixel Upgrade. |
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Hongtao Yang |
Studies on the prototype of ATLAS Phase-2 pixel module. |
......... ............. |
K.K. Gan |
Radiation-Hard/High-Speed Parallel Optical Engine. |
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E. Craig Dukes |
A Cosmic Ray Veto Detector for the Mu2e Experiment at Fermilab. |
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Yongyi Wu |
Performance of Scintillation Counters with Silicon Photomultiplier Readout. |
[ hep-ph/1511.00374] |
[ PDF] |
Vishnu Zutshi |
Radiation Damage Testing of Silicon Photomultipliers for the Mu2e Experiment. |
......... ............. |
Bin Gui |
Beam Test Results of the Dependence of Signal Size on Incident Particle Rate in Diamond Pixel and Pad Detectors. |
......... ............. |
Jamie Antonelli |
The qualification of the forward pixel detector modules for the CMS phase 1 upgrade. |
......... ............. |
David Velazquez |
Surface-Engineered Photocathode for Tunable Photoemissive Properties. |
......... ............. |
Mary Anne Cummings |
Muon cooling progress and prospects for an S-channel muon collider Higgs factory. |
[ hep-ph/1511.01423] |
[ PDF] |
Sergey Shchelkunov |
Diagnostic and Detectors for Charging and Damage of Dielectrics in High-gradient Accelerators |
[ hep-ph/1510.05507] |
[ PDF] |
Sergey Shchelkunov |
Compact Low-Voltage, High-Power, Multi-beam Klystron for ILC: Initial Test Results |
[ hep-ph/1510.06065] |
[ PDF] |
Ryan Hooper |
Beam Extinction and Monitoring at the Upcoming Mu2e Experiment. |
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Joseph Warner |
New Beam Profile Monitoring System for the Proton Irradiation Facility at the CERN PS East Area. |
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Ryan Edgar |
Low Voltage Power for the ATLAS New Small Wheel. |
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Merlin Davies |
Micro-pattern detectors based on plasma panels: Past, present,and future developments. |
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Jim Popp |
A Straw Tube Tracker for the Mu2e Experiment. |
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Daniel Ambrose |
Straw Leak Testing for the Mu2e Tracker. |
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Thomas Browder |
Status of Belle II and SuperKEKB. |
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Thomas Browder |
The iTOP particle identification detector at Belle II. |
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Leo Piilonen |
The upgraded KLM detector at Belle II. |
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Andrew White |
The SiD Detector for the International Linear Collider. |
[ hep-ph/1511.00134] |
[ PDF] |
Kenneth Bloom |
CMS Software and Computing: Ready for Run 2. |
[ hep-ph/1509.08180] |
[ PDF] |
Doris Kim |
Software and Physics Simulation at Belle II. |
[ hep-ph/1510.09008] |
[ PDF] |
Malachi Schram |
GRID computing at Belle II. |
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Alexander Undrus |
Code Management in the ATLAS Collaboration. |
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Torre Wenaus |
The HEP Software Foundation. |
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Pushpalatha Bhat |
New Developments in Multivariate Machine Learning Methods and their Applications in HEP. |
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Bo Jayatilaka |
Data Preservation at the Fermilab Tevatron. |
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Soo Ryu |
FELIX: the detector readout upgrade of the ATLAS experiment. |
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Jay Chapman |
Upgrade of the ATLAS Muon Drift Tube (MDT) electronics for the Phase-II upgrade. |
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Liang Guan |
Characterization of the Trigger Data Serializer ASIC Prototype for the ATLAS Forward Muon Detector Upgrade. |
......... ............. |
Xueye Hu |
Design and Test of a Signal Packet Router Board Prototype for the ATLAS Forward Muon Detector Upgrade. |
......... ............. |
Niklaus Lehmann |
Real Time Tracker Based Upon Local Hit Correlation Circuit for Silicon Strip Sensors. |
......... ............. |
Tao Huang |
Impact of the GEM-based Upgrade of the CMS Forward Muon System on Trigger Performance. |
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Brian Winer |
A Level-1 Track Trigger for the CMS Phase-2 Upgrade. |
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Eric Mannel |
The sPHENIX Calorimeter Readout Electronics. |
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Michelle Dolinski |
Solid xenon bolometers. |
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Denver Whittington |
Development of a Photon Detection System in Liquid Argon for the Deep Underground Neutrino Experiment. |
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Tomonari Miyashita |
The Mu2e electromagnetic calorimeter. |
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Yuri Oksuzian |
Studies of Beam Induced Radiation Backgrounds at the Mu2e Experiment and Implications for the Cosmic Ray Veto Detector Operations. |
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Jingbo Wang |
Progress on the development of 6cm x 6cm micro channel plate photodetectors at Argonne National Laboratory. |
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Ranjan Dharmapalan |
Cryogenic Application of MCP-PMTs. |
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Michael Litos |
High-efficiency acceleration of an electron beam in a plasma wakefield accelerator. |
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Pushpalatha Bhat |
Future HEP Accelerators: The US Perspective. |
[ hep-ph/1511.00390] |
[ PDF] |
Alexander Thomas |
Particle Acceleration - Laser Wakefield Experiments at U. Michigan. |
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Toshiba Tajima |
TeV on a chip: X-ray wakefield accelerator in nanomaterials. |
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Sergey Kuzikov |
High-Gradient, Millimeter Wave Accelerating Structure. |
[ hep-ph/1511.00415] |
[ PDF] |
Manoel Conde |
Two-Beam-Acceleration Experiments at the Argonne Wakefield Accelerator Facility (AWA). |
......... ............. |
Astroparticle, Cosmology, Dark Matter Searches, and CMB
Session Chairs: Hugh Lippincott, Marilena Loverde, Rachel Mandelbaum, Stefano Profumo, and Michael Schubnell
Eric Huff |
New Science with the Dark Energy Survey. |
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Rachel Wolf |
Supernovae & The Dark Energy Survey. |
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Rutuparna Das |
The Dark Energy Survey - First Results in Galaxy Cluster Weak Lensing. |
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Ting Li |
Discovery of Milky Way dwarf galaxies in the Dark Energy Survey and implications for cosmological models. |
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Alex Geringer-Sameth |
A search for dark matter annihilation in the newly discovered dwarf galaxy Reticulum 2. |
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Matthew Walker |
Dark matter inferred from stellar kinematics in the smallest galaxies. |
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Alejandro Lopez |
Fermi/LAT observations of Dwarf Galaxies highly constrain a Dark Matter Interpretation of Excess Positrons seen in AMS-02, HEAT, and PAMELA. |
......... ............. |
Stephen Portillo |
Constraining Unresolved Point Source Contributions to the GeV Excess with Probabilistic Catalogues. |
......... ............. |
Kerstin Perez |
Antineutron Signatures of Dark Matter with the GAPS Experiment. |
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Peter Karn |
Prospects for Measuring the Positron Excess with the Cherenkov Telescope Array. |
......... ............. |
Leila Hamdan |
Bound on the variation in the fine structure constant implied by Oklo data. |
[ hep-ph/1510.00856] |
[ PDF] |
Amy Bender |
SPT-3G: The Next Generation Receiver for Polarized Cosmic Microwave Background Measurements with the South Pole Telescope. |
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Jeffrey Filippini |
SPIDER: Exploring the dawn of time from above the clouds. |
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Chi-Ting Chang |
Position-dependent power spectrum: a new observable in the large-scale structure. |
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Julia Vogel |
Axion and ALP Dark Matter Search with the International Axion Observatory (IAXO). |
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Fuquan Wang |
Search for new phenomena in final states with an energetic photon or jet and large missing transverse momentum in pp collisions with the ATLAS detector. |
......... ............. |
Samuel McDermott |
Probing Theories of Dark Matter with Direct Detection. |
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Junhui Liao |
DAMIC results: Low Mass WIMP (~<5Gev) direct detection with scientific CCDs. |
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Orin Harris |
World-leading Dark Matter Limits with PICO-2L and PICO-60. |
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Kyungeun Lim |
Results of DM-Ice17 and Prospects of the DM-Ice Experiment. |
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Kyungwon Kim |
Status of the KIMS-Nal experiment. |
[ hep-ph/1511.00023] |
[ PDF] |
Patrick De Perio |
XENON: New Results and Prospects. |
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Sahar Bahrami |
Neutrino Dark Matter in the Higgs triplet model. |
[ hep-ph/1509.04763] |
[ PDF] |
Richard Hill |
Soft-collinear effective theory for heavy WIMP annihilation. |
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Matteo Fasiello |
Cosmology of Massive Gravity. |
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Hayato Motohashi |
Optimized evaluation approach for inflationary power spectra. |
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Evangelos Sfakianakis |
Gauge and fermion preheating and the end of axion inflation. |
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Tansu Daylan |
Contribution of Dark Matter Annihilations to the Low-Redshift Metagalactic Ionization Rate. |
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Tanja Rindler-Daller |
How dark matter conspires to facilitate baryogenesis at the electroweak scale. |
[ hep-ph/1510.08369] |
[ PDF] |
Daniel Grin |
Cosmological tests of ultra-light axions. |
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Joshua Eby |
Axion Stars and Bose-Einstein Condensate Dark Matter. |
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Niayesh Afshordi |
Cosmological Non-Constant Problem: Cosmological bounds on TeV-scale physics and beyond. |
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Kristen Anne Tollefson |
TeV Astrophysics with the HAWC Observatory. |
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Augusto Ghiotto |
A Deep Observation of Gamma-ray Emission from Cassiopeia A using VERITAS. |
[ hep-ph/1511.00309] |
[ PDF] |
James Linnemann |
Searching for Primordial Black Holes with TeV Gamma Ray Detectors. |
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James Linnemann |
Observational Characteristics of the Final Stages of Evaporating
Primordial Black Holes. |
[ hep-ph/1507.01648] |
[ PDF] |
J Patrick Harding |
First Limits on the Dark Matter Cross-Section with the High Altitude Water Cherenkov (HAWC) Observatory. |
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Kataryzna Frankiewicz |
Searching for Dark Matter Annihilation into Neutrinos with Super-Kamiokande. |
[ hep-ph/1510.07999] |
[ PDF] |
Tom Caldwell |
Status of the MiniCLEAN Experiment. |
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Bei Cai |
The DEAP-3600 Dark Matter Experiment. |
[ hep-ph/1511.00949] |
[ PDF] |
Alden Fan |
Status and Results from DarkSide-50. |
[ hep-ph/1511.00676] |
[ PDF] |
Tomasz Biesiadzinski |
The LUX Dark Matter Experiment and an Updated Analysis of its First Results. |
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Carter Hall |
Progress of the LZ Dark Matter Experiment. |
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Andi Tan |
The PandaX Dark Matter Experiment. |
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Matthew Szydagis |
Scintillating Bubble Chambers for Direct Dark Matter Detection. |
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BSM Physics
Session Chair: Kevin Black, Nathaniel Craig, and Rouven Essig
Allison Renae McCarn |
ATLAS results in the search for a charged Higgs boson. |
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Sven Dildick |
Search for non Standard Model Higgs boson decays in events with displaced muon-jets. |
[ hep-ph/1510.02764] |
[ PDF] |
Laser Seymour Kaplan |
Search for a heavy Higgs boson decaying to ZZ diboson with the ATLAS Detector. |
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Benjamin Kaplan |
Search for Higgs bosons decaying to aa in the μμττ final state in pp collisions at √s = 8 TeV with the ATLAS experiment. |
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Allison Renae McCarn |
ATLAS results in the search for a CP-odd Higgs boson decaying to Zh, in final states with 2 taus and 2 electrons or muons. |
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Deepanjali Goswami |
Type-III Seesaw Sermonic Triplets at the International Linear Collider. |
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Pawandeep Jandir |
Estimating the QCD Background in Searches for New Physics in Events with Missing Energy and Large Hadronic Activity in pp collisions at 13 TeV. |
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Jamie Antonelli |
Search for Displaced Supersymmetry in Events with an Electron and a Muon with Large Impact Parameters. |
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Carlos Andres Florez Bustos |
Search for Chargino and Neutralino using Two Jets in Vector-Boson-Fusion Topology at CMS. |
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Evelyn Thomson |
Search for Direct Scalar Top Production with R-Parity Violating Decay in pp Collisions at √=8 TeV with ATLAS. |
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Sadia Khalil |
Searches for RPV SUSY via LQD Couplings at the CMS Experiment. |
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Stefania Gori |
Exploration of Physics Beyond the Standard Model at the International Linear Collider. |
[ hep-ph/1511.00405] |
[ PDF] |
Bob Zheng |
Producing Heavy Squarks at 100 TeV. |
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Yanlin Liu |
Prospects for a Search for Z′ to the Dimuon Final State in Run 2 of the LHC. |
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Daniel Hayden |
A First Look at 13 TeV Data for the Exotic Dilepton Channel Search using the ATLAS Detector. |
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David Norvil Brown |
Search a Dark Photon at BABAR. |
Alexandre Beaulieu |
Search for a new π0-like particle at BABAR. |
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Richard Kass |
Search for light CP-odd Higgs decay with a charm tag at BABAR. |
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Richard Kass |
Search for long-lived particles at BABAR. |
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James Mott |
Status of the Fermilab Muon g-2 experiment. |
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Joseph Grange |
Current status and Prospects of the FNAL muon g-2 Storage Ring. |
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Prajwal Mohanmurthy |
Test of Lorentz Invariance from Compton Scattering. |
[ hep-ph/1509.08297] |
[ PDF] |
Zhirui Xu |
Radiative B decays as probes of Physics beyond the Standard Model. |
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Lashkar Kashif |
Dark Matter search in ATLAS in the H →γγ + MET channel: Run 1 Results and Run 2 Prospects. |
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Yangyang Cheng |
Search for Dark Matter produced in association with a Higgs Boson decaying to two bottom quarks in √s= 8TeV pp collisions with the ATLAS detector. |
......... ............. |
Andrea Mauri |
Search for a Light Dark Sector Particle at LHCb. |
[ hep-ph/1511.00281] |
[ PDF] |
Preema Rennee Pais |
Search for long-lived, weakly-interacting particles that decay to displaced hadronic jets in proton-proton collisions at √=8 TeV with the ATLAS detector. |
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Toyoko Orimoto |
Search for New Physics in the low MET Monophoton Channel with the CMS Detector. |
[ hep-ph/1511.00337] |
[ PDF] |
Justin Pilot |
Search for tt Resonances at CMS. |
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Wells Wulsin |
Recent CMS searches for Exotic Phenomena Beyond the Standard Model. |
[ hep-ph/1510.08898] |
[ PDF] |
Sarah Jones |
Prospects for a Search for Vector-Like Quarks with Events that have Two Leptons of the Same Charge + b-Jets at √ = 13 TeV at ATLAS. |
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Robert Stringer |
Searches for Vector-Like Quarks at CMS. |
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K.C. Kong |
Model-Independent Production of a Top-Philip Resonance at the LHC. |
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Nathan Bernard |
Searches for Micro Black Holes and String Balls with the ATLAS Detector During Run 1. |
......... ............. |
Wells Wulsin |
Search for Disappearing Tracks. |
[ hep-ph/1510.08909] |
[ PDF] |
Andrew Mc Rae Chegwidden |
Search for Monotop Production in Semi-Leptonic Decays of Top Quarks at √= 8 TeV Using the ATLAS Detector. |
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Christopher Willis |
Constructing an Inclusive Lepton Early Warning System. |
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Jared Evans |
The Most Important Searches Missing from Run 1. |
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David Kaplan |
A Cosmological Solution to the Electroweak Hierarchy Problem. |
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Florian Lyonnet |
Automation of non-SUSY two-loop RGEs with PyR@TE: latest developments. |
[ hep-ph/1510.08841] |
[ PDF] |
Nausheen Shah |
Phenomenological Implications of the Naturally Aligned NMSSM. |
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Satyanarayan Nandi |
Supersymmetry versus Extra Dimensions at the LHC. |
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Pawin Ittisami |
Color Discriminant Variable to Separate Dijet Resonances at the LHC. |
[ hep-ph/1510.08753] |
[ PDF] |
Aaron Pierce |
Anatomy of Coannihilation with a Scalar Top Partner. |
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Zhen Liu |
Long-Lived Superparticles with Hadronic Decays at the LHC. |
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Zhen Liu |
Anatomizing BSM effects with differential Higgsstrahlung observables. |
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Bibhushan Shakya |
Hints of a PeV Scale Supersymmetric Neutrino Sector: Neutrino Masses, Dark Matter, keV and PeV Anomalies. |
[ hep-ph/1510.08540] |
[ PDF] |
Education and Outreach
Session Chair: Don Lincoln and Nicole Michelotti
Colin Barras |
How to be a successful Freelance Science Reporter. |
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April Jakubowski and Sophia Nasr |
Enhancing Scientific Outreach with Social Media. |
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Breese Quinn |
HEP User Community Government Outreach. |
......... ............. |
Claire Adam Bourdarios |
ATLAS Virtual Visits. |
......... ............. |
Marjorie Bardeen |
The International Particle Physics Outreach Group. |
......... ............. |
Kenneth Cecire |
Discovery and the QuarkNet Data Portfolio. |
[ hep-ph/1510.08913] |
[ PDF] |
Zach Constan and Renee Leone |
Reaching the Public with Science Festivals. |
......... ............. |
Elyse Aurbach and Katherine Prater |
How to run a Science Cafe. |
......... ............. |
EWK and Higgs Sector
Session Chair: Sally Dawson and Shih-Chieh Hsu
Tyler Corbett |
Effective Lagrangians for Higgs Physics. |
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Fangzhou Zhang |
Measurement of the Higgs boson coupling strengths in the ATLAS experiment. |
......... ............. |
Nan Lu |
Study of the Spin and Parity of the Higgs boson in diboson Decays with the ATLAS Detector. |
......... ............. |
Meshy Roskes |
Tools for the Higgs boson CP studies: JHUGen and MELA. |
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Biswaranjan Das |
125 GeV Higgs Signal at the LHC in the CP-violating MSSM. |
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Yusheng Wu |
Recent Standard Model electroweak measurements at ATLAS. |
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Joshua Milo Kunkle |
Multiboson Measurements and Limits on Anomalous Gauge Couplings with the CMS experiment. |
[ hep-ph/1511.00143] |
[ PDF] |
Jacob Alexander Searcy |
Deep Learning and Vector Boson Scattering. |
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Hongtao Yang |
Combined Measurement of the Higgs Boson Mass in pp Collisions at √s=7 and 8 TeV with the ATLAS and CMS Experiments. |
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Christopher Martin |
Lifetime and Quantum Numbers of the Higgs Boson using the Decay H→4l>. |
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Marc Sher |
The Lifetime of the Electroweak Vacuum. |
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Cong Geng |
Physics prospects of the ZZ production measurements with the ATLAS experiment at LHC Run2. |
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Hasan Ogul |
Measurement of the Muon Charge Asymmetry for W Bosons Produced in Inclusive pp → W(μν) + X at √s = 8 TeV. |
[ hep-ph/1510.04166] |
[ PDF] |
Zack Sullivan |
Improving Parton Distribution Uncertainties in a W Mass Measurement at the LHC. |
[ hep-ph/1508.04081] |
[ PDF] |
Ian Lewis |
Usefulness of Effective Field Theory in Higgs plus jet Production. |
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Ahmed Ismail |
New Physics in Double Higgs Production. |
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Kenneth Bloom |
Search for Associated Production of a Higgs boson with a single top quark. |
t[ hep-ph/1510.00894] |
[ PDF] |
Peter Onyisi |
Searches for associated top quark and Higgs boson production at the ATLAS experiment. |
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Baris Altunkaynak |
Flavor Violating Heavy Higgs Decays at the LHC. |
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Robert Clarke |
Search for LFV decays with Hadronic Taus of the Higgs with 2012 Data (ATLAS). |
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Nathan Kellams |
Search for Lepton Flavor Violating Decays of the Higgs Boson. |
......... ............. |
Lorenzo Diaz-Cruz |
Probing Flavon-Higgs mixing effects at Future Colliders. |
......... ............. |
Hong Zhang |
Inclusive Higgs Production at Large Transverse Momentum. |
[ hep-ph/1510.07007] |
[ PDF] |
Jan Strube |
The Higgs Physics Program at the International Linear Collider. |
[ hep-ph/1511.00286] |
[ PDF] |
Field and String Theory
Session Chair: David Berenstein and Christopher Herzog
Matteo Lotito |
Geometric constraints on the space of N=2 SCFTs. |
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Cyril Closset |
Guaged linear sigma models on the Omega-deformed two-sphere. |
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Christopher Winterowd |
Magnetic Catalysis in Graphene. |
[ hep-ph/1509.06432] |
[ PDF] |
Roland Allen |
Predicted Higgs-related spin 1/2 particles as a new Dark Matter Candidate. |
[ hep-ph/1511.00301] |
[ PDF] |
Yongchao Lv |
On the classification of 4d rank1 N=2 SCFT. |
[ hep-ph/1511.00669] |
[ PDF] |
Martin Polacek |
T-Duality off shell in 3D Type II superspace. |
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Zaq Carson |
Thermalization in the D1D5 Black Hole. |
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Michael Spillane |
Thermal Corrections to Renyi Entropies on the n-Sphere. |
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David Berenstein |
Spinning the fuzzy sphere. |
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LHC Run-2 Detector Performance
Session Chair: Petra Merkel and Aynes Taffard
Gabriele Benelli |
The CMS Silicon Tracker Performance during early LHC Run II. |
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Eric Feng |
ATLAS Inner Detector Alignment for LHC Run 2. |
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Shih-Chieh Hsu |
Commissioning and Performance of the upgraded ATLAS Pixel Detector for Run 2. |
......... ............. |
Heshy Roskes |
CMS Silicon Tracker Alignment: First Run2 Results. |
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Espen Bowen |
Novel real-time calibration & alignment and tracking performance for LHCb Run II. |
......... ............. |
Kelly Stifter |
The CMS Beam halo Monitor Detector System. |
[ hep-ph/1511.00264] |
[ PDF] |
Michael Clark |
Improvements to ATLAS track reconstruction for Run-2. |
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Benjamin Sowden |
The performance and development of the Inner Detector Trigger Algorithms at ATLAS for LHC Run 2. |
[ hep-ph/1511.01136] |
[ PDF] |
Grant Riley |
Commissioning and Alignment of the Pixel Luminosity Telescope of CMS. |
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Kevin Black |
The upgraded ATLAS Trigger and DAQ system for the second LHC run. |
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Gabriella Pasztor |
The Upgrade of the ATLAS Electron and Photo Triggers toward LHC Run 2 and their Performance. |
[ hep-ph/1511.00334] |
[ PDF] |
Andrea Massironi |
Precision Electromagnetic Calorimetry at the Energy Frontier: CMS ECAL at LHC Run 2. |
[ hep-ph/1510.02745] |
[ PDF] |
David Miller |
Jets and Missing Transverse Energy Performance in ATLAS with early Run 2 data. |
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Sebastien Prince |
The updated ATLAS Jet Trigger for the LHC Run II. |
[ hep-ph/1511.00972] |
[ PDF] |
John Alison |
Real-time Flavour Tagging Selection in ATLAS: ready for LHC Run-2. |
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Wells Wulsin |
Performance of the CMS Endcap Muon Detector in Run 2. |
[ hep-ph/1510.08908] |
[ PDF] |
Dongliang Zhang |
Muon Reconstruction and Identification Performance in ATLAS at Run-II. |
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Neutrino Physics
Session Chair: Daniel Hernandez, Lisa Kaufman, Irina Mocioiu, and Lindley Winslow
Guang Yang |
Latest results/analysis in Double Chooz. |
[ hep-ph/1511.00068] |
[ PDF] |
Chris Kachulis |
Super Kamiokande Atmospheric Neutrino Analysis. |
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Marianna Gabrielyan |
Search for Exotic Transitions of muon neutrinos to electron neutrinos with MINOS. |
[ hep-ph/1511.00179] |
[ PDF] |
Nicholas Graf |
Search for Flavor Changing non-standard Interactions with the MINOS+ Experiment. |
[ hep-ph/1511.00204] |
[ PDF] |
Maury Goodman |
An Experimental Program in Neutrinos, Nucleon Decay and Astroparticle Physics Enabled by the Fermilab Long-Baseline Neutrino Facility. |
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Chris Grant |
DUNE: The Physics Potential of a Large, Underground, Liquid Argon Neutrino. |
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Maury Goodman |
The LBNF Beamline. |
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Sebastien Murphy |
LBNO-DEMO (WA105): a large demonstrator of the Liquid Argon double phase TPC. |
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Jarrett Moon |
Characterization of New Meter Scale Light Guides for Liquid Argon TPC Light Collection. |
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William Foreman |
First Run of the LAIAT Testbeam Experiment. |
[ hep-ph/1511.00305] |
[ PDF] |
Michael Mooney |
The MicroBooNE Experiment and the Impact of Space Charge Effects. |
[ hep-ph/1511.01563] |
[ PDF] |
Jyoti Joshi |
Signal Processing in the MicroBooNE LAr TPC. |
[ hep-ph/1511.00317] |
[ PDF] |
Jianming Bian |
The CAPTAIN experiment. |
[ hep-ph/1509.07739] |
[ PDF] |
Julieta Gruszko |
Status Update of the MAJORCAN DEMONSTRATOR Neutrinoless Double Beta Decay Experiment. |
[ hep-ph/1511.00395] |
[ PDF] |
Christopher Chambers |
Barium Tagging in Solid Xenon for the nEXO Experiment. |
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Emrah Tiras |
Search for heavy Majorana neutrinos in same-sign dilepton + jets events in pp collisions at √s = 8 TeV. |
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Emrah Tiras |
Radiation Hard & High Light Yield Scintillator Search for CMS Phase II Upgrade. |
[ hep-ph/1510.08572] |
[ PDF] |
Spencer N. Axani |
KPipe: a Decisive Test for muon neutrino Disappearance |
[ hep-ph/1510.06994] |
[ PDF] |
Shaokai Yang |
Looking for Sterile Neutrinos with NOvA. |
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Danielle Norcini |
Development of PROSPECT detectors for precision antineutrino studies. |
[ hep-ph/1510.09082] |
[ PDF] |
Karin Gilje |
Sensitivity and Discovery Potential of the PROSPECT Experiment. |
[ hep-ph/1511.00177] |
[ PDF] |
Marjon Moulai |
Fast Neutron Detection with MITPC. |
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Matthew Strait |
Cosmogenic isotope production by stopping muons in Double Chooz. |
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Richard Hill |
Elementary target data and precision neutrino-nucleus cross sections. |
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Jay Hyun Jo |
Measurement of the Charged Current Electron Neutrino Interaction Rate on Water with the T2K Pi-zero Detector. |
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Jeremy Lopez |
Measurement of the νμ Charged Current Quasielastic Scattering Cross Section on Water with the T2K Off-Axis Near Detector. |
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Don Athula |
HARP targets π+ production measurements and νμ flux for MiniBooNE. |
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Kuldeep Maan |
Neutrino Flux Studies at NOνA. |
[ hep-ph/1511.00287] |
[ PDF] |
Andrew Cudd |
Neutrino CCQE Cross Section Discrepancies with Data and Generators. |
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Gregorio Ponti |
nuPRISM. |
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Joel Mousseau |
First Search for EMC Effect and Shadowing in Neutrino Scattering at MINERvA. |
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Jeremy Wolcott |
Electron neutrino charged-current quasi-elastic scattering in the MINERvA experiment. |
[ hep-ph/1510.08342] |
[ PDF] |
Aaron Mislivec |
Coherent Charged Pion Production at MINERvA. |
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Tomohiro Hayakawa |
Results from the OPERA experiment at the CNGS beam. |
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Joao Pedro |
Prospects for measuring tau neutrino appearance in DeepCore. |
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Tyce Deyoung |
Neutrino Physics Prospects with PINGU. |
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Joshua Hignight |
Numu Disappearance with IceCube/DeepCore. |
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Kevin Labe |
Nucleon Decay Search in SNO+ Water Phase using a Likelihood Approach. |
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Kirk Bays |
Muon neutrino disappearance at NOvA. |
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Louise Suter |
Extrapolation techniques and systematic uncertainties in the NOvA muon neutrino disappearance anaysis. |
[ hep-ph/1511.00181] |
[ PDF] |
Jianming Bian |
First Results of NuE Appearance Analysis and Electron Neutrino Identification at NOvA. |
[ hep-ph/1510.05708] |
[ PDF] |
Tian Xin |
Cosmic Ray Background Rejection in NOvA. |
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Hongyue Duyang |
Muon Induced EM Showers in NOvA Detectors. |
[ hep-ph/1511.00351] |
[ PDF] |
Daniel Pershey |
Predicting the Far Detector Event Rate in the NOvA Electron Neutrino Appearance Channel. |
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Robert Mina |
A first look at data from the NOvA upward-going muon trigger. |
[ hep-ph/1511.00155] |
[ PDF] |
QCD and Heavy Ions
Session Chair: Aaron Angerami, Radja Boughezal, Joey Huston, and Nikos Varelas
Emanuela Barberis |
QCD results from ATLAS and CMS. |
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Xiaohui Liu |
Overview of Precision QCD. |
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Fred Olness |
Precision QCD for LHC New Physics Searches: the nCTEQ15 PDFs
| [ hep-ph/1511.00372] |
[ PDF] |
Ben Nachman |
Recent Jet Substructure Results from the LHC. |
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Tie-Jiun Hou |
PDF Overview. |
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Eric Godat |
Mathematica Toolbox for PDF Uncertainties and Application to New Physics Searches. |
[ hep-ph/1510.06009] |
[ PDF] |
Emanuela Barberis |
Vector Boson Production in association with jets and Heavy Flavor Quarks at CMS. |
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David Clark |
Drell-Yan Production of W/Z at the LHC with Protons and Neavy Nuclei. |
[ hep-ph/1510.09200] |
[ PDF] |
Konstantinos Vellidis |
Recent QCD Results from the Tevatron. |
[ hep-ph/1510.02992] |
[ PDF] |
Stefan Prestel |
Parton Shower overview. |
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Keith Pedersen |
Flavor Tagging TeV Jets for BSM and QCD. |
[ hep-ph/1509.07551] |
[ PDF] |
Eric Braaten |
Making Sense of the XYZ Mesons from QCD. |
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Nathan Jurik |
Exotic hadron spectroscopy in LHCb. |
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Last Feremenga |
Searches for the exclusive double diffractive Higgs. |
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Peilian Liu |
Exotic and Charmonium(-like) states at BESIII. |
[ hep-ph/1509.08042] |
[ PDF] |
Luigi Marchese |
Measurement of low pT D+ meson production cross section at CDF. |
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Hok Chuen Cheng |
Measurement of Correlation of Lambda Pairs with the ATLAS Detector. |
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Joydeep Roy |
Model Independent Analysis of the Proton Magnetic Radius. |
[ hep-ph/1511.00664] |
[ PDF] |
David Brown |
Measurement of Collins asymmetries for kaons and pions in e+e- annihilation at BABAR. |
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Jacob Berg |
Study of inclusive charmonium production in e+e- annihilation and B decays at BABAR. |
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Richard Hill |
Extraction of the proton radius from electron-proton scattering data. |
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Joseph Osborn |
Parton Dynamics at PHENIX. |
[ hep-ph/1511.00016] |
[ PDF] |
David Zaslavsky |
Saturation physics on the energy frontier. |
[ hep-ph/1511.00386] |
[ PDF] |
John Haggerty |
The sPHENIX Experiment. |
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Peter Arnold |
The LPM Effect in Sequential Bremsstrahlung. |
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Jian Sun |
Open heavy flavor measurements in heavy ion collisions with CMS. |
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Quark and Lepton Flavor Physics
Session Chair: J Michael Williams and Jure Zupan
Wolfgang Altmannshofer |
BSM and Flavor. |
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Espen Bowen |
Rare electroweak B decays at LHCb. |
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Michael Kolpin |
Bs0 → φμ+μ- at LHCb. |
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Tomonari Miyashita |
Study of CP asymmetry in B0B0 Mixing using Inclusive Dilepton Samples in BABAR. |
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Edward Kearns |
Searching for Nucleon Decay with Super-Kamiokande. |
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Marc Buehler |
The Mu2e Experiment at Fermilab. |
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Daping De |
Lattice Inputs for Flavor. |
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Marco Fiore |
New Results on Semileptonic B Decays from LHCb. |
[ hep-ph/1511.00105] |
[ PDF] |
Bob Kowalewski |
Inclusive Electron Spectrum from B-meson Decays and Determination of |Vub|. |
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Tobias Tekampe |
First Measurement of the Differential Branching Fraction and CP Asymmetry of the B+ → π+μ+μ- Decay. |
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Paula Alvarez Caretelle |
Amplitude Analysis of Charmless B Decays at LHCb. |
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Bilas Pal |
Recent Results on Charmless Hadronic B decays at Belle. |
[ hep-ph/1511.00164] |
[ PDF] |
Yao Li |
Study of B± → π±π+π- decays at Belle. |
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Peter Garbincius |
Recent D0 Measurements of the Forward-Backward Asymmetries for pp→ B±, ΛB, and Λ Production. |
[ hep-ph/1509.06665] |
[ PDF] |
Dongliang Zhang |
Measurement of the Λb Polarization and Decay Helicity Amplitude. |
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Maksat Haytmyradov |
Double Quarkonium Production at CMS. |
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Bob Kowalewski |
Exclusive semileptonic B decays to a D or D* meson and one or two pions. |
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Liming Zhang |
Control penguin effect in Bs→J/ψΦ at LHCb. |
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Aaron Taylor |
A Selection of Three ATLAS B-Physics Results: A Search Beyond the Standard Model, A Precision Measurement, and the Discovery of a New Heavy Meson. |
[ hep-ph/1510.01212] |
[ PDF] |
Reddy Pratap Gandrajula |
Observation of B+ → ψ(2S)K+. |
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Soeren Prell |
Observation of CP violation in B0 → D*CP h0 decays in a combined analysis using BABAR and Belle data. |
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Brian Hamilton |
Experimental Overview of Lepton Non-universality Results and Prospects. |
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Kevin Dungs |
LHCb data taking strategy for the upcoming LHC runs. |
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Boqun Wang |
Searches for New Physics at the Belle II Experiment. |
[ hep-ph/1511.00373] |
[ PDF] |
Lucio Anderlini |
Study of BC Mesons at LHCb. |
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David Brown |
Study of baryonic decays of B mesons at BABAR. |
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David Brown |
Study of three-body charmonium decays in BABAR. |
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Xiaolong Wang |
Update on e+e- → π+ π- φ(2S) via initial state radiation at Belle. |
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Top Physics
Session Chair: Andrew Ivanov and Christopher Neu
Nikolaos Kidonakis |
High-order threshold corrections for top-pair and single-top production |
[ hep-ph/1509.07848] |
[ PDF] |
Thomas Schwarz |
Measurements of the Top Quark Cross Section with the ATLAS Experiment. |
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Gabriele Benelli |
Top pair production inclusive and differential production cross section measurements in pp collisions. |
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Rebeca Gonzalez Suarez |
Run-1 Single-top measurements at CMS. |
[ hep-ph/1510.05235] |
[ PDF] |
Kenneth Bloom |
Recent results on top-quark physics at D0. |
[ hep-ph/1510.06993] |
[ PDF] |
Philip Ilten |
Forward W + c, b-jet and Top Measurements with LHCb. |
[ hep-ph/1511.00644] |
[ PDF] |
Graham Wilson |
Top Quark Physics at a Future Linear Collider. |
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Zhi Liu |
Lorentz and CPT Violation in Top-Quark Production. |
[ hep-ph/1511.00630] |
[ PDF] |
Ziqing Hong |
Forward-backward asymmetry in top pair production at CDF. |
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Daniel Marley |
Measurement of the charge asymmetry in top quark pair production in 8 TeV pp collision data collected by the ATLAS experiment. |
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Andrew Brinkerhoff |
Observation of ttZ and measurement of ttW at CMS. |
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Chen Zhou |
Measurement of the Production Cross Sections of top quark pairs in association with a W or Z boson using proton-proton collisions at √=8 TeV with the ATLAS detector. |
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Andrew Ivanov |
Measurement of ttγ production cross section at CMS. |
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Jesse Heilman |
Search for Standard Model Production of Four Top Quarks. |
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DOE Program Manager Sessions
Session Chairs:
Carl Akerlof |
How to include cosmology experiments in upper level undergraduate physics lab courses. |
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Andrew Gerhart Brandt |
Development of a Long Life Photomultiplier Tube for High Flux Applications. |
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Ralf Ehrlich |
Cosmic Ray Backgrounds in the Mu2e Experiment at Fermilab. |
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Minyu Feng |
Searches for New Physics in Run 2 at the LHC using Vγ Production. |
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Sophia Kim |
An Analog Beamformer for a Prototype Radio Phased Array for Detection of High Energy Neutrinos. |
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Alex Kwiatkowski |
Design and Optimization of a Cylindrical Bragg Accelerator Structure and Input Coupler. |
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Chungun Lee |
Novel Fabrication of 3D Silicon Woodpile Structure for Dielectric Laser Accelerators (DLAs). |
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Wayne Randy Lundberg |
Neutrino Oscillations: a natural effect of Band Theory. |
[ viXra/1510.0382] |
[ PDF] |
John Myers |
Studies of Pileup Suppression to Improve the Missing Transverse Energy Trigger Performance in the ATLAS Phase-I Upgrade. |
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Paul O'Brien |
Scale invariance in our universe. |
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Connor Richards |
Search for Gluino-Mediated Pair Production of Higgsinos in pp Collisions at 13 TeV in the CMS Detector. |
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Thomas Roberts |
MuSim, a Graphical User Interface for Multiple Simulation Programs. |
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Jaime Ruz Armendariz |
X-ray optics for the International Axion Observatory (IAXO). |
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Tom Schwartz |
Status of the DAMIC Direct Detection Dark Matter Experiment. |
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Ilija Vukotic |
ATLASrift - a Virtual Reality application. |
[ hep-ph/1511.00047] |
[ PDF] |
Shouting Wang |
A new blackhole theorem and its applications to cosmology and astrophysics. |
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