Invited Talks
Introduction and keynote
Session Chair: Frédéric DELIOT (CEA Salcay)
Frank KRAUSS (University of Durham) |
A theory perspective on Top2014 |
[ hep-ph/1412.7343 ] |
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ttbar cross section: theory and experimental results
Session Chair: Dimitris VAROUCHAS (LPNHE Paris)
Javier BROCHERO CIFUENTES (Universidad de Cantabria) |
Measurement of the inclusive ttbar cross section in the LHC |
[ hep-ex/1412.7176 ] |
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single top cross section: theory and experimental results
Session Chair: Timothée THEVENEAUX-PELZER (LPC Clermont)
Abideh JAFARI (Université Catholique de Louvain) |
Single top measurements and the |Vtb| extraction at the LHC |
[ hep-ex/1411.7521 ] |
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Manfredi RONZANI (Albert-Ludwigs Universitaet Freiburg) |
Single top measurements at the Tevatron |
[ hep-ex/1412.0500 ] |
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Differential cross sections
Session Chair: Julien DONINI (LPSC Grenoble)
Latest results on differential cross sections as a function of kinematic variables at the LHC and Tevatron |
[ hep-ex/1411.7791 ] |
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Jan WINTER (MPI Munich) |
NLO QCD corrections to W+b W-antib production at hadron colliders: new developments and new issues |
[ hep-ex/1412.4276 ] |
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Alexander MITOV (University of Cambridge) |
Summary of the Topical Workshop on Top Quark Differential Distributions 2014 |
[ hep-ex/1501.01112 ] |
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Properties (spin, asymmetries)
Session Chair: Jeremy ANDREA (IPHC Strasbourg)
Juan Antonio AGUILAR SAAVEDRA (Universidad de Granada) |
Missing Top properties |
[ hep-ph/1411.5697 ] |
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Andreas JUNG (Fermilab) |
Top quark properties at the Tevatron |
[ hep-ex/1412.4060 ] |
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Top quark property measurements at the LHC |
[ hep-ex/1410.8053 ] |
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Mass: theory and experimental results
Session Chair: Roberto CHIERICI (IPNL Lyon)
Andre HOANG (University of Vienna) |
The Top Mass: Interpretation and Theoretical Uncertainties |
[ hep-ex/1412.3649 ] |
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Stefanie ADOMEIT (Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München) |
Top-quark mass measurements: Alternative techniques (LHC + Tevatron) |
[ hep-ex/1411.7917 ] |
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Combinations: tools, methods and systematic comparison
Session Chair: Roberto CHIERICI (IPNL Lyon)
Maria COSTA (IFIC Valencia) |
Experimental systematic uncertainties (and object reconstruction) on top physics, their correlations, comparison ATLAS vs CMS (vs Tevatron) and common agreements |
[ hep-ph/1412.0875 ] |
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Markus SEIDEL (University of Hamburg) |
Model uncertainties in top-quark physics |
[ hep-ex/1410.6994 ] |
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Giorgio CORTIANA (Max-Planck-Institut fuer Physik) |
Review of recent top-quark LHC combinations |
[ hep-ex/1411.7642 ] |
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Yvonne PETERS (Manchester University) |
Tevatron Top-Quark Combinations and World Top-Quark Mass Combination |
[ hep-ex/1411.0820 ] |
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Boosted tops
Session Chair: Sabine CREPE-RENAUDIN (LPSC Grenoble)
Emanuele USAI (University of Hamburg) |
Boosted top: experimental tools overview |
[ hep-ex/1501.00900 ] |
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Johannes ERDMANN (TU Dortmund) |
Experimental results with boosted top quarks in the final state |
[ hep-ex/1412.0104 ] |
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Properties and new physics
Session Chair: Jeremy ANDREA (IPHC Strasbourg)
Tamara VAZQUEZ SCHROEDER (Georg-August-Universität Göttingen) |
Experimental results on ttbar+W/Z/γ and SM top couplings from the Tevatron and the LHC |
[ hep-ex/1412.0139 ] |
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Reza GOLDOUZIAN (Institute for Research in Fundamental Sciences) |
Search for FCNC in top production and decays |
[ hep-ex/1412.2524 ] |
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Cen ZHANG (Université catholique de Louvain) |
Top couplings and new physics: theoretical overview and developments |
[ hep-ph/1411.7685 ] |
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Top and Higgs
Session Chair: Stéphanie BEAUCERON (IPNL Lyon)
Mark OWEN (University of Manchester) |
Search for $t{\bar t}$H production at the LHC |
[ hep-ex/1412.4560 ] |
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Christian BÖSER (KIT) |
Experimental searches for tHq |
[ hep-ex/1411.2988 ] |
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Top and SUSY/Exotics
Session Chair: Samuel CALVET (LPC Clermont)
Experimental results on SUSY searches with top |
[ hep-ex/1412.7694 ] |
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Florencia CANELLI (Universität Zürich) |
Experimental results on top exotic searches (not SUSY) with top |
[ hep-ex/1501.02141 ] |
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Session Chair: Dominique PALLIN (LPC Clermont)
Experimental results on top exotic (non-SUSY) from the LHC |
[ hep-ph/1411.7053 ] |
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Frank SIMON (MPI Munich) |
Perspectives for Top Quark Physics at the (I)LC |
[ hep-ex/1411.7517 ] |
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Benjamin FUKS (IPHC Strasbourg) |
Opportunities with top quarks at future circular colliders |
[ hep-ph/1412.1685 ] |
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Session Chair: Frédéric DELIOT (CEA-Saclay)
Fabian BACH |
Top pair threshold production at a linear collider with WHIZARD |
[ hep-ex/1411.7318 ] |
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Kelly BEERNAERT (Ghent University) |
Measurements of ttbar spin correlations in CMS |
[ hep-ex/1411.7203 ] |
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Alexis DESCROIX (Institut für Experimentelle Kernphysik) |
Jet Multiplicity in Top-Quark Pair Events at CMS |
[ hep-ph/1411.2764 ] |
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Cécile Deterre (DESY) |
Measurement of the charge asymmetry in dileptonic decays of top quark pairs in proton-proton collisions at 7 TeV using the ATLAS detector |
[ hep-ex/1412.0570 ] |
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Hendrik ESCH (TU Dortmund) |
Measurement of the top quark mass in topologies enhanced with single top quarks produced in the t-channel at sqrt(s)=8$TeV using the ATLAS experiment |
[ hep-ex/1411.3879 ] |
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Jiří FRANC (Czech Technical University in Prague) |
New Statistical Techniques in the Measurement of the inclusive Top Pair Production Cross Section |
[ hep-ex/1412.1076 ] |
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Geoffrey GILLES (LPC Clermont) |
Search for W'→tbbar in the lepton plus jets final states with the ATLAS detector at the LHC |
[ hep-ex/1411.7856 ] |
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Dominic HIRSCHBÜHL (Bergische Universität Wuppertal) |
Measurements of t-channel single top-quark production cross sections at sqrt(s)=7$ TeV with the ATLAS detector |
[ hep-ex/1412.2400 ] |
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James KEAVENEY (Vrije Universiteit Brussels) |
Search for standard model production of four top quarks in the lepton + jets channel in pp collisions at sqrt(s)=8 TeV |
[ hep-ex/1412.4641 ] |
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Matthias KOMM (Université Catholique de Louvain) |
Measurement of Top-Quark Polarization in t-channel Single-Top Production |
[ hep-ex/1412.0106 ] |
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Boris LEMMER (Univertisty of Goettingen) |
First Measurements of Spin Correlation Using Semi-leptonic ttbar Events at ATLAS |
[ hep-ex/1411.5529 ] |
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Jaehoon LIM (Korea University) |
Measurement of the fraction of top quark pair events produced via gluon-gluon fusion at the Tevatron in lepton+jets final states |
[ hep-ex/1412.0227 ] |
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Benedict MAIER (Karlsruhe Institute of Technology) |
Search for H→bbbar in association with single top quarks as a test of Higgs couplings |
[ hep-ex/1411.7786 ] |
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Maria MORENO-LLACER (Universitä:t Goettingen, II. Physikalisches Institut) |
Search for the Standard Model Higgs boson production in association with top quarks in pp collisions at 8 TeV with the ATLAS detector |
[ hep-ex/1411.7638 ] |
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Richard NALLY (Brown University) |
Measurement of the Top Quark Mass From Dileptonic ttbar Decays With 2012 CMS Data |
[ hep-ex/1411.7347 ] |
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Anne Laure PEQUEGNOT (IPNL Lyon) |
Search for ttbar resonances in the semileptonic final state using pp collisions at $\sqrt{s}=8$ TeV recorded with the CMS detector |
[ hep-ex/1411.7576 ] |
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Andrey POPOV (Université Catholique de Louvain) |
Identification of signal events in a search for H→bbbar produced in association with single top quarks |
[ hep-ex/1411.7170 ] |
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Steffen RÖCKER (IEKP, KIT) |
Measurement of differential cross sections of single top-quark production in the t channel in proton-proton collisions at $\sqrt{s}=8$ TeV |
[ hep-ex/1411.6780 ] |
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Pratishruti SAHA (University of Montreal) |
Search for New Physics in Rare Top Decays |
[ hep-ex/1411.7686 ] |
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Markus SEIDEL (Universität Hamburg) |
Model uncertainties in top-quark physics |
[ hep-ex/1410.6994 ] |
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Benjamin STIEGER (CERN) |
Underlying Event and B-Hadron Decays in $t{\bar t}$ Events |
[ hep-ex/1412.4047 ] |
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Fabian Phillipp TEPEL (Bergische Universität Wuppertal) |
Measurement of the Inclusive and Fiducial Cross-Section of Single Top-Quark t-Channel Events in pp Collisions at sqrt(s)=8 TeV |
[ hep-ex/1411.7627 ] |
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Timothée THEVENEAUX-PELZER (LPC Clermont) |
Search for monotop events using the ATLAS detector at the LHC |
[ hep-ex/1412.3629 ] |
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