Speaker/contributor |
Title |
Proceedings paper |
pdf version |
A. László |
A Linear Iterative Unfolding Method |
arXiv:1404.2787] |
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S. Todorova |
Quantization of the QCD string with a helical structure |
[arXiv:1309.6761] |
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V. Shapoval et al. |
Extracting pΛ scattering lengths from heavy ion collisions |
[arxiv:1405.3594] |
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F. Nemes et al. |
LHC Optics Measurement with Proton Tracks Detected by the Roman Pots
of the TOTEM Experiment |
[arXiv:1406.0546] |
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K. Kreutzfeldt, for the ATLAS Collaboration |
Measurement of the total cross section from elastic scattering in pp
collisions at 7 TeV with the ATLAS detector |
[arXiv:1408.5778] |
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W. Broniowski et al. |
Alpha clusters and collective flow in ultra-relativistic nuclear
collisions |
arXiv:1409.2160, arXiv:1312.0289] |
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W. Metzger |
Multiplicity, Jet, and Transverse Mass dependence of Bose-Einstein
Correlations in e+e- Annihilation |
[arXiv:1411.3898] |
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F. Siklér, for the CMS Collaboration |
Femtoscopy with identified hadrons in pp, pPb, and peripheral PbPb
collisions in CMS |
[arXiv:1411.6609] |
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R. Ryblewski |
Transport coefficients in second-order non-conformal viscous
hydrodynamics |
[arXiv:1411.7184] |
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A. Nath Mishra et al. |
Multiparticle production in nuclear collisions using effective-energy
approach |
[arXiv:1411.7792] |
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F. CsörĹ‘ et al. |
Excitation function of elastic pp scattering from a unitarily extended
Bialas-Bzdak model |
[arXiv:1412.0813] |
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J. Yang et al. |
Pion Transverse Momentum Spectrum, Elliptic Flow and Interferometry in
the Granular Source Model in Ultra-Relativistic Heavy Ion Collisions |
[arxiv:1501.03651] |
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R. Gupta |
A Monte Carlo Study of Multiplicity Fluctuations in Pb-Pb Collisions
at LHC Energies |
[arxiv:1501.03773] |
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S. Velle et al. |
Two particle correlation effects and Differential HBT for rotation in
heavy ion collisions |
[arxiv:1501.03804] |
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L. Jenkovszky et al. |
Extracting the Odderon from pp and pbarp scattering data |
[arXiv:1501.03860] |
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C-Y. Wong et al. |
Chaoticity and Coherence in Bose-Einstein Condensation and
Correlations |
[arXiv:1501.04530] |
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K. Ürmössy et al. |
v2 of charged hadrons in a soft+hard model for PbPb collisions at 2.76
ATeV |
[arXiv:1501.05959] |
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T. Niida |
Event geometrical anisotropy and fluctuation viewed by HBT
interferometry |
[arXiv:1501.06782] |
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A. Goldschmidt et al. |
Collision Geometry and Flow in Uranium+Uranium Collisions |
[arXiv:1502.00603] |
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A. Kazuya, for the J-PARC E16 Collaboration |
Study of in-medium mass modification at J-PARC |
[arXiv:1502.00703] |
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H. Beck, for the ALICE Collaboration |
Femtoscopic Proton-Lambda Correlations in Pb-Pb Collisions at 2.76 TeV
with ALICE |
[arXiv:1502.00848] |
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I. Melo et al. |
Reconstructing the final state of Pb+Pb collisions at 2.76 TeV |
[arXiv:1502.01247] |
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A. Rybiczki et al. |
Charge splitting of directed flow and charge-dependent effects in pion
spectra in heavy ion collisions |
[arXiv:1502.03689] |
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Z. Tarics et al. |
Three-component Pomeron model in high energy pp- and pp- elastic
scattering |
[arXiv:1502.05344] |
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S. S. Padula, for the CMS Collaboration |
Multidimensional analysis of Bose-Einstein correlations in pp
collisions at 2.76 and 7 TeV in CMS |
[arXiv:1502.05757] |
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A. Bialas |
Finite size of hadrons and Bose-Einstein Correlations |
[arXiv:1504.01382] |
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M. Csanád et al. |
Higher order anisotropies in hydrodynamics |
[arXiv:1504.07932] |
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V. A. Okorokov |
Energy dependence of space-time extent of pion source in nuclear
collisions |
[arXiv:1504.08336] |
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S. Kiss |
Educational Challenges of Rubik's Cube |
[arXiv:1505.00750] |
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A. Ster et al. |
Total, inelastic and (quasi-)elastic cross sections of high energy pA
and gamma-A reactions with the dipole formalism |
[arXiv:1506.09095] |
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