SLAC eConf C120514 edited by T. E. Browder, F. A. Harris, and J. Kumar University of Hawai'i at Manoa


Plenary Session

Parallel Sessions

Conference Website



The purpose of CHARM2012 is to bring together physicists working in the field of Charm physics to discuss recent results in the field, including the impact on and from theory, as well as projections for results to be expected from upcoming facilities.

Plenary Sessions

Monday, May 14
Chairs: Fred Harris (UHM), Mike Peters (UHM), Jeff Appel (FNAL) and Yangheng Zheng (GUCAS)
Andrew York (UTK) LHC results on charmonium production (psi, psi' and chi_c)  
Patrick Robbe (LAL/Orsay) LHC results on open charm, sigma (J/psi J/psi) and X(3872) production  
Brendan Casey (Fermilab) Review of Charmonium production and polarization at the Tevatron  
Geoffrey Bodwin (ANL) Theory of Charmonium Production [ arXiv:1208.5506 ]
Massimo Masera (Univ. of Torino and INFN) LHC results on charm in heavy ions  
Byungsik Hong (Korea U) LHC Results on Charmonium in Heavy Ions [ arXiv:1208.1615 ]
Celso Franco (LIP-Lisboa) Deltagg results from the Open Charm production at COMPASS [ arXiv:1208.6567 ]
Nora Brambilla (Technical University Munich) Theory of alpha_s, m_c extraction  
Xiaoyan Shen (IHEP) Radiative decays of the psi, psi'  
Ryan Mitchell (Indiana U) A Review of chi_cJ Decays at CLEO-c and BESIII [ arXiv:1208.6542 ]
Jianming Bian (Univ. of Minnesota) A Review of h_c(1P1), eta_c(1S) and eta_c(2S) [ arXiv:1209.0397 ]
Daniel Mohler (TRIUMF) Lattice results on charmonium [ arXiv:1209.5790 ]
ByungGu Cheon (Hanyang U) Charmed Baryon Decays and Their Symmetries  

Tuesday, May 15
Chairs: Z. Zhao (USTC) and Haibo Li (IHEP)
Chunlei Liu (CMU) Review of D Semi-leptonic Decays [ arXiv:1207.1171 ]
Zupanc Anze (KIT) New Belle result on f_Ds (+ short overview of exp status of f_Ds, f_D)  
Cecilia Tarantino (Univ. Roma) Flavor Lattice QCD in the Precision Era [ arXiv:1210.0474 ]
Milind Purohit (SC) Amplitude Analyses of D Decay Dalitz Plots [ arXiv:1210.1393 ]
Francesco Dettori (NIKHEF) Rare charm decays: an experimental review [ arXiv:1208.6539 ]
Giovanni Punzi (INFN-Pisa) CPV in D -> h h, D^0 -> K_s pi pi  
Angelo Carbone (INFN-U and UNIBO) CPV in D -> h h from LHCb [ arXiv:1210.8257 ]
Eric White (Univ. of Cincinnati) CPV in D->h h and new R_WS(K 3pi) [ arXiv:1301.4615 ]
Zoltan Ligeti (LBL) Theory of CPV in D -> h h  
Hai-Yang Cheng (Academia Sinica) Direct CP Violation in D --> hh Decays [ arXiv:1206.4369 ]
Bhubanjyoti Bhattacharya (Univ. of Montreal) Nonleptonic Charm decays and CP violation [ arXiv:1207.6390 ]

Wednesday, May 16
Chair: Tom Broder (UHM)
Markus Bobrowski (KIT) Short distance D-Dbar mixing [ arXiv:1208.6438 ]
Marko Staric (Jozef Stefan Insitute) New Belle results on D-Dbar mixing [ arXiv:1212.3478 ]
Nicola Neri (INFN-Sezione di Milano) Recent results for Dz-Dzb mixing and CP violation, and HFAG averages [ arXiv:1208.5877 ]
Roy Briere (CMU) Phases and mixing using quantum correlations at CLEOc and BESIII  
Alexey Petrov (Wayne State) Long distance mixing, CPV and rare charm  
Joerg Marks (Heidelberg Univ.) LHC and Tevatron mixing results  

Thursday, May 17
Roberto Mussa (UHM/Torino), Ulrich Weidner (Bochum) and Gene Golowich (U Mass)
Wolfgang Gradl (Univ. of Mainz) New results on X, Y, Z states  
Leo Piilonen (VPI) New results on X, Y, Z states  
A. Augusto Alves Jr. (INFN-Sezione di Roma) New results on the spectroscopy of XYZ states from LHC experiments [ arXiv:1209.0118 ]
Antonello Polosa (Sapienza Univ. - Rome) Theory of X, Y, Z  
Eric Braaten (Ohio State Univ.) Theory of X, Y, Z  
Milind Purohit (SC) Charm Physics Program at SuperB  
Alan Schwartz (Univ. of Cincinnati) Charm Physics Program at BelleII  
Marc Pelizaeus (Ruhr-Universitaet Bochum) Prospects for PANDA in Charmonium and Charm Physics [ arXiv:1210.4701 ]
Anton Bogomyagkov (Budker Ins. of Nuclear Phyics) BINP tau charm plans and other projects in Turkey/China  
Marco Gersabeck (CERN) The charm physics programme at the LHCb upgrade, and Atlas and CMS upgrades [ arXiv:1209.5878 ]
Gang Rong (IHEP) Review and Report on Results of Leptonic Decays of $D^+$ and $D^+_s$ Mesons [ arXiv:1209.0085 ]
Yuval Grossman (Cornell) Theory Summary  
Stephen Olsen (Seoul National Univ.) Experimental Summary  
Marco Gersabeck (CERN) Final remarks and CHARM2013  

Parallel Sessions

Mixing, CPV, Rare, Charm Amplitudes
Convener: Jason Kumar (UH), Tata Xerxes (UH)
Jonna Koponen (U of Glasgow) D to K and D to pi semileptonic form factors from Lattice QCD [ arXiv:1208.6242 ]
Giulia Casarosa (SLAC NAL/Pisa) Measurement of D0-D0bar Mixing and CP Violation at BaBar [ arXiv:1208.6436 ]
Gagik Yeghiyan (Grand Valley State Univ.) Dominant 1/m_c Contribution To The Mass Difference in D0-D0bar Mixing [ arXiv:1209.1854 ]
Riccardo Cenci (Univ. of Maryland) Search for CP Violation in the Decays ${D^{\pm} \to K^0_{_S} K^\pm$, ${D_s^{\pm} \to K^0_{_S} K^\pm$, and ${D_s^{\pm} \to K^0_{_S} p^\pm$ [ arXiv:1209.0138 ]
Hamish Gordon (Univ. of Oxford) Model-independent searches for CP violation in multi-body charm decays [ arXiv:1208.1170 ]
Chih-hsiang Cheng (Caltech) Quantum correlated D decays at SuperB [ arXiv:1209.3035 ]
Hajime Muramatsu (Univ. of Rochester) Search for D0 -> gamma gamma at BESIII [ arXiv:1208.4744 ]
Daniele Pedrini (INFN Milano-Bicocca, Italy) Search for the flavour-changing neutral current decay D0 to mu+mu- in pp collisions at sqrt(s) = 7 TeV with CMS [ arXiv:1208.5908 ]
Owen Long (UC-Riverside) Rare and Forbidden Charm Meson Decays at BaBar  
Kurtis Nishimura (UHM) New Physics Prospects in Mixing and CPV at Belle II [ arXiv:1212.4112 ]
Gianluca Inguglia (Queen Mary, Univ of London) Charm Mesons at the SuperB Experiment: Rare Decays, Mixing and CP Violation Potential [ arXiv:1209.1591 ]

New Hadrons and Spectroscopy
Conveners: X. Lou (IHEP/UT Dallas)
Zachary Huard (Univ. of Cincinnati) Precision measurements of charm hadron properties at Babar [ arXiv:1209.0861 ]
Yasuhiro Yamaguchi (RCNP, Osaka) Exotic baryons from a heavy meson and a nucleon [ arXiv:1209.0187 ]
Tomoko Iwashita (Nara Women's Univ.) Search for a J/psi eta resonance in B+- to J/psi eta K+- decay at Belle [ arXiv:1209.0886 ]
Shunsuke Ohkoda (Osaka Univ.) Exotic mesons with hidden charm and bottom near thresholds [ arXiv:1209.0144 ]
Elisabetta Prencipe (Univ. of Mainz) Recent Charmonium Results from BABAR [ arXiv:1208.3081 ]
Kirill Chilikin (ITEP) Search for a Z state in B->J/psi K pi Dalitz analysis  
Ailin Zhang (Shanghai Univ.) Strong decays of Ds1(2700) and DsJ(2860)  
Pedro Gonzalez (Univ. of Valencia) Non Perturbative One Gluon Excahge Potential from Dyson-Schwinger Equations [ arXiv:1207.4314 ]
Vishal Bhardwaj (Nara Women's Univ.) Studies of radiative X(3872) decays at Belle [ arXiv:1208.6354 ]
Chengping Shen (Nagoya Univ.) Search for charmonium(-like) states in Y(1S) and Y(2S) decays [ arXiv:1208.0900 ]
Taichi Kawanai (Univ. of Tokyo) Charmonium potential from lattice QCD  

Charm Production Session
Convener: Sven Vahsen (UHM)
Maddalena Frosini (INFN Firenze, CERN) J/psi production and polarization [ arXiv:1208.6570 ]
Laura Tolos (IEEC-CSIC, Barcelona) Charm and Strangeness with Heavy-Quark Spin Symmetry [ arXiv:1209.0907 ]
Raquel Molina (Valencia Univ./IFIC - Osaka Univ./RCNP) J/psi reaction mechanisms and suppression in the nuclear medium  
Chaehyun Yu (KIAS) Higher-order corrections to exclusive production of charmonia at B factories [ arXiv:1209.1875 ]
Yi Yang (Indiana Univ.) Production of J/psi and related topics at ATLAS  


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