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Charm Production | Leptonic and Semileptonic Decays |
Rare Charm Processes | Charm Baryons |
Charmonium | Charm Meson Spectroscopy |
Hadronic Charm Meson Decays | Future Experimental Charm Facilities |
B. Lang | Charm-Production in e+e- Annihilation around 4 GeV | 0710.0165[hep-ex] | [PDF] | [SPIRES] |
H. Hu | Determination of the Excited Charmonia Parameters | 0705.4500[hep-ex] | [PDF] | [SPIRES] |
B. Yabsley | Double c anti-c Production in e+e- Annihilations at High Energy | 0712.3183[hep-ex] | [PDF] | [SPIRES] |
J. Rademacker | Charm (and Beauty) Production at the Tevatron | 0711.4375[hep-ex] | [PDF] | [SPIRES] |
A. Knospe | Charm Production at RHIC | 0710.1051[nucl-ex] | [PDF] | [SPIRES] |
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A. Seiden | D0-D0bar Mixing at BaBar | 0710.1211[hep-ex] | [PDF] | [SPIRES] |
L.M. Zhang | D0 Mixing at Belle | 0711.0785[hep-ex] | [PDF] | [SPIRES] |
W. Sun | Measurement of the Strong Phase in D0 -> K+pi- using Quantum Correlations | 0712.0498[hep-ex] | [PDF] | [SPIRES] |
B. Petersen | HFAG Charm Mixing Averages | 0712.1589[hep-ex] | [PDF] | [SPIRES] |
E. Golowich | Charm Mixing - Theory | 0710.0151[hep-ph] | [PDF] | [SPIRES] |
A. Petrov | CP Violation in Charm | 0711.1564[hep-ph] | [PDF] | [SPIRES] |
G. Mancinelli | Experimental Prospects for CP and T Violation Studies in Charm | 0711.1571[hep-ex] | [PDF] | [SPIRES] |
B. Casey | Rare D Decays | 0711.2977[hep-ex] | [PDF] | [SPIRES] |
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H. Muramatsu | Recent Studies of Charmonium Decays at CLEO | 0711.1927[hep-ex] | [PDF] | [SPIRES] |
R.G. Ping | Experimental Charmonium Decay Results from BES | 0711.3671[hep-ex] | [PDF] | [SPIRES] |
Z. Metreveli | Charmonium Spectroscopy Below Open Flavor Threshold | 0710.1884[hep-ex] | [PDF] | [SPIRES] |
D. Kreinick | Recent Results in Bottomonium / Ties to Charmonium | 0710.5929[hep-ex] | [PDF] | [SPIRES] |
B. McElrath | Light Higgses and Dark Matter at Bottom and Charm Factories | 0712.0016[hep-ph] | [PDF] | [SPIRES] |
N. Brambilla | Extraction of alpha_s and m_Q from Onia | 0711.1689[hep-ph] | [PDF] | [SPIRES] |
J. Dudek | Charmonium from Lattice QCD | 0711.1600[hep-ph] | [PDF] | [SPIRES] |
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A. Ryd | Determination of Charm Hadronic Branching Fractions at CLEO-c | 0711.3817[hep-ex] | [PDF] | [SPIRES] |
M. Pappagallo | D and Ds Hadronic Branching Fractions at B Factories | 0711.4769[hep-ex] | [PDF] | [SPIRES] |
J. Rosner | Flavor Symmetry and Charm Decays | 0710.0336[hep-ph] | [PDF] | [SPIRES] |
A. Bondar | Study of a Model-independent Method for the Measurement of the Angle phi(3) | 0711.1509[hep-ph] | [PDF] | [SPIRES] |
E. White | Impact on gamma/phi(3) from CLEO-c using CP-tagged D -> K(S,L)pi+pi- Decays | 0711.2285[hep-ex] | [PDF] | [SPIRES] |
B. Meadows | Low Mass S-wave K pi and pi pi Systems | 0712.1605[hep-ex] | [PDF] | [SPIRES] |
S. Malvezzi | K-matrix and Dalitz Plot Analysis from FOCUS | 0710.0138[hep-ex] | [PDF] | [SPIRES] |
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L. Widhalm | Leptonic and Semileptonic D and D_s Decays at B-factories | 0710.0420[hep-ex] | [PDF] | [SPIRES] |
S. Blusk | Leptonic D and D_s Decays near ccbar Threshold | 0711.2660[hep-ex] | [PDF] | [SPIRES] |
A. El-Khadra | Weak Charm Decays with Lattice QCD | 0711.1616[hep-ph] | [PDF] | [SPIRES] |
E. Follana | Precision Lattice Calculation of D and D_s Decay Constants | 0709.4628[hep-lat] | [PDF] | [SPIRES] |
R. Hill | Update on Semileptonic Charm Decays | 0712.3817[hep-ph] | [PDF] | [SPIRES] |
J. Wiss | Recent Results on 4-body, Charm Semileptonic Decays | 0709.3247[hep-ex] | [PDF] | [SPIRES] |
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H.Y. Cheng | Spectroscopy and Strong Decays of Charmed Baryons | 0709.0958[hep-ph] | [PDF] | [SPIRES] |
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A. Polosa | Hints of a New Spectroscopy | 0712.1691[hep-ph] | [PDF] | [SPIRES] |
A. Zghiche | Charm Meson Spectroscopy at BaBar and CLEO-c | 0710.0314[hep-ex] | [PDF] | [SPIRES] |
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Y.F. Wang | The BES-III Experiment at the High Luminosity Tau-Charm Factory | 0711.4199[hep-ex] | [PDF] | [SPIRES] |
D. Bettoni | The PANDA Experiment at FAIR | 0710.5664[hep-ex] | [PDF] | [SPIRES] |
P. Spradlin | LHCb Status and Charm Physics Program | 0711.1661[hep-ex] | [PDF] | [SPIRES] |
D. Asner | Charm Physics Opportunities at a Super Flavor Factory | 0711.3044[hep-ex] | [PDF] | [SPIRES] |
B. Yabsley | The Future of Charm Physics: a Discussion | 0711.1636[hep-ex] | [PDF] | [SPIRES] |
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