For two weeks in August of 2005, 668 physicists gathered in the
Rocky Mountains of Colorado to study the physics, the detectors and
the accelerator of the International Linear Collider. For the first
time, a fully international physics and detector workshop
was held in conjunction with the ILC Accelerator workshop. This
joint workshop was designed expressly with international
participation in all the advisory
committees and in the scientific
program committees that organized the accelerator, detector, and
physics activities. The physics and detector workshop was hosted by
the American Linear Collider Physics Group (ALCPG), while the
International Linear Collider Steering Committee sponsored the Second ILC
Accelerator Workshop to address both accelerator and
machine-detector interface issues. The success of this endeavor owes
much to the hard work of the local
organizing committee, co-chaired by Ed Berger and Uriel
Nauenberg, with ALCPG Co-Chairs Jim Brau and Mark Oreglia
representing the physics and detector community along with
accelerator community representatives Shekhar Mishra
and Nan Phinney.
From the opening overview and
charge to the concluding
remarks, more than 700 talks were
presented. Out of this meeting arose the seeds for the machine
Baseline Configuration Design and the
Outline Documents. These proceedings attempt to capture that
intensity of effort and provide a provenance for the decisions which
were arrived at.
The workshop was made possible by grants from the US Department of
Energy (DOE) and the US National Science Foundation (NSF).
Additional financial contributions from Argonne National Laboratory,
Cornell Laboratory for Elementary Particle Physics, Brookhaven
National Laboratory, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, and
Thomas Jefferson Laboratory to assist with workshop expenses are
gratefully acknowledged. Grants from the Universities Research
Association (URA) and from Stanford University subsidized the
opening reception and the two workshop dinners. Support for
participants from Europe was received from DESY, PPARC (UK), IN2P3
(France), and CERN. The workshop could not have taken place
without the enormous in-kind contributions from Fermilab (leadership
of the secretariat, members of the secretariat and computer support
teams, and equipment), SLAC (proceedings, and members of the
secretariat and computer support team), and Cornell (leadership of
the computer support team). The web site was developed and regularly
updated by Will Ruddick from the University of Colorado.
I appreciate the dedication and professionalism of the SLAC
InfoMedia Solutions staff led by Sharon West for the publication of
these proceedings.
eConf: C0508141
This work was supported in part by the U.S. Department of Energy under Contract No. DE-AC02-76SF00515.
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