Monday, August 21, 2000 - Steinbeck Forum Invited Talks8:30-9:00 Welcome and Announcements 9:00-10:00 Session MO1 Session Chair: R. Ruth, SLAC MO101 High Energy Physics in the Next Century Jonathan Dorfan, SLAC MO102 SLC Final Performance and Lessons Nan Phinney, SLAC 10:00-10:30 Refreshment Break 10:30-12:30 Session MO2 Session Chair: K. Takata, KEK MO201 CLIC, a Two-Beam e+e- Linear Collider in the TeV Range Jean-Pierre Delahaye, CERN MO202 TESLA Linear Collider Design and R&D Status Reinhard Brinkmann, DESY MO203 Progress in the Next Linear Collider design Tor Raubenheimer, SLAC MO204 JLC Progress Nobu Toge, KEK 12:30-14:00 Working Lunch 14:00-14:20 Session MO3 Session Chair: H. Haseroth, CERN MO301 New Developments in Linear Colliders Final Focus Systems. Pantaleo Raimondi, SLAC Monday, August 21, 2000 - Steinbeck Forum Oral Posters
14:20-15:20 Session M04 - Oral Posters Session Chair: H. Haseroth, CERN MOA03 Beam Dynamics Simulations for the CTF3 Drive Beam Accelerator Daniel Schulte, CERN MOA09 Direct Measurement of Geometric Wakefields from Tapered Rectangular Collimators Peter Tenenbaum, SLAC MOA13 Ground Motion Model of the SLAC Site Andrei Seryi, SLAC MOB02 An Injector for the CLIC Test Facility (CTF3) Louis Rinolfi, CERN MOB04 (WITHDRAWN by authors) The Generation of Polarized Positrons in the NLC Injector System David Schultz, SLAC MOC03 Photo-electron BeamEfs Longitudinal Phase Space Tomography Studies at the ATF Shigeru Kashiwagi, Waseda Univ. MOC15 Beam Diagnostics Instrumentation for a 6.7-MeV Proton Beam Halo Experiment J. Douglas Gilpatrick, LANL MOD14 Commissioning of the High Current Ion Sources at the New GSI Injector (HSI) Hartmut Reich, GSI MOD17 ISAC at TRIUMF: Recent Achievements and Future Goals Robert Laxdal, TRIUMF MOD19 Evolution of the LEBT Layout for SNS Jani Reijonen, LBNL MOE01 Analysis and Simulation on the Enhancement of the CSR Effects Rui Li, Jefferson Lab MOE20 DFQ--Double Frequency RFQ Yoshihisa Iwashita, Institute for Chemical Research 15:20-15:30 Refreshment Break Monday, August 21, 2000 - De Anza Ballroom II & III Posters
15:30-18:00 Session MO5 MOA01 Theory and Suppression of Multibunch Beam Breakup in Linear Colliders Courtlandt Bohn, Fermilab MOA02 Simulations of an Intra-Pulse Interaction Point Feedback for Future Linear Colliders Daniel Schulte, CERN MOA03 Beam Dynamics Simulations for the CTF3 Drive Beam Accelerator Daniel Schulte, CERN MOA04 Beam Loading Compensation in the Main Linac of CLIC Daniel Schulte, CERN MOA05 A Low Charge Demonstration of Electron Pulse Compression for the CLIC RF Power Source Roberto Corsini, CERN MOA06 Single Pulse Damage in Copper Marc Ross, SLAC MOA07 Quadrupole Centering and Beam Steering in the Next Linear Collider Main Linacs Peter Tenenbaum, SLAC MOA08 Studies of Beam Optics and Scattering in the Next Linear Collider Post-Linac Collimation System Peter Tenenbaum, SLAC MOA09 Direct Measurement of Geometric Wakefields from Tapered Rectangular Collimators Peter Tenenbaum, SLAC MOA10 Advanced Collimator Systems for the NLC Josef Frisch, SLAC MOA11 Investigations of Slow Motions of the SLAC Linac Tunnel Andrei Seryi, SLAC MOA12 Ground Motion Studies and Modeling for the Linear Collider Andrei Seryi, SLAC MOA13 Ground Motion Model of the SLAC Site Andrei Seryi, SLAC MOA14 Simulation Studies of the NLC with Improved Ground Motion Models Andrei Seryi, SLAC MOA15 Beam-based Feedback Simulations for the NLC Linac Linda Hendrickson, SLAC MOA16 Double Kicker System in ATF Takayuki Imai, KEK MOA17 Estimates of Dispersive Effects in a Bent NLC Main Linac Michael Syphers, FNAL MOA18 CDS Structure for the Normal Conducting Accelerating Cavities in TESLA Linear Collider. Valentin Paramonov, INR MOA19 Large-Scale Simulation of Beam Dynamics in High Intensity Ion Linacs using Parallel Supercomputers Robert D. Ryne, LANL MOA20 A Second-Order Stochastic Leap-Frog Algorithm for Langevin Simulation of Intrabeam Scattering Ji Qiang, LANL MOA21 Impedance of a Beam Tube with Small Corrugations K.L.F. Bane, SLAC MOB01 Design Studies for a High Current Bunching System for CLIC/CTF3 Drive Beam Joel Le Duff, LAL MOB02 An Injector for the CLIC Test Facility (CTF3) Louis Rinolfi, CERN MOB03 (WITHDRAWN by authors) Analysis of Beam-Induced Damage to the SLC Positron Production Target Vinod Bharadwaj, SLAC MOB04 (WITHDRAWN by authors) The Generation of Polarized Positrons in the NLC Injector System David Schultz, SLAC MOB05 Development of the Electron Gun for the JNC High Power Linac Yoshio Yamazaki, KEK MOB06 Emittance Measurements at the A0 Photoinjector Jean-Paul Carneiro, FNAL MOB07 The FaBrE Project at Trieste Gerardo D'Auria, Sincrotrone Trieste MOB08 Production and Studies of Photocathodes for High Intensity Electron Beams Heiko Trautner, CERN MOB09 The SPEAR Injector RF Gun and Linac Performance Sam Park, SLAC MOB10 RF Results and Beam Dynamics Simulations of a Prototype S-Band Photocathode Gun K. K. Pant, Center for Advanced Technology, Indore, India MOB11 Development of a Novel Superconducting RF Photocathode Electron Gun Michael Cole, Advanced Energy Systems MOB12 Thermal/Structural Analysis of an SCRF Photocathode Electron Gun Cavity Thomas Schultheiss, Advanced Energy Systems MOB13 The Flat Beam Experiment at the FNAL Photoinjector (Revised title) Don Edwards, FNAL MOB14 Setting and Measuring of the Longitudinal Optics in CEBAF Injector Reza Kazimi, TJNAF MOB15 Initial Results of the New High Intensity Electron Gun at the Argonne Wakefield Accelerator Manoel Conde, ANL MOB16 Compression of High-Charge Electron Bunches Michael Fitch, FNAL MOB17 Use of Coherent Transition Radiation to Set Up the APS RF Thermionic Gun to Produce High-Brightness Beams for SASE FEL Experiments Nicholas Sereno, ANL MOB18 2.856-GHz Modulation of Conventional Triode Electron Gun Sung-Ju Park, POSTECH MOB19 New S-band Buncher for IREN Electron Linac. N.S. Dikansky, BINP MOB20 High-Intensity Single-Bunch Electron Beam Generation with the 38 MeV L-Band Linac in Osaka University Shuichi Okuda, Osaka University MOB21 Experimental Determination of the Characteristics of a Positron Source Using Channeling () Robert Chehab, LAL-IN2P3 (CNRS) MOC01 Wire Scanners for Small Emittance Beam Measurement in ATF Hitoshi Hayano, KEK MOC02 Non-destructive Single Pass Monitor of Longitudinal Charge-Distribution Pavel Logatchev, BINP MOC03 Photo-electron BeamEfs Longitudinal Phase Space Tomography Studies at the ATF Shigeru Kashiwagi, Waseda Univ. MOC04 Latest Developments from the S-DALINAC Bernd Schweizer, Darmstadt University of Technology MOC05 Electro-Optic Sampling of Transient Fields from the Passage of High-Charge Electron Bunches. Michael Fitch, FNAL MOC06 Characterization of Ce-Doped Scintillating Crystals for Imaging Electron Beams at the APS Linac William Berg, ANL MOC07 Ellipitical X-Ray Spot Measurement Roger Richardson, LLNL MOC08 Measurement of RF Cavity Voltages by X-Ray Spectrum Measurements David Findlay, Rutherford Appleton Laboratory MOC09 Measurement of the 6 dimensional Phase Space at the New GSI High Current LINAC Peter Forck, GSI MOC10 Measurement of the Temporal Response of Ferroelectric Photocathodes. Franco Tazzioli, INFN MOC11 Beam Position-Phase Monitors for SNS Linac Sergey Kurennoy, LANL MOC12 SNS Front End Diagnostics Larry Doolittle, LBNL MOC13 Space Charge Effects in Bunch Shape Monitors Alexander Feschenko, INR, Moscow MOC14 Intense Proton Core and Halo Beam Profile Measurement: Beam Line Component Mechanical Design Robert Valdiviez, LANL MOC15 Beam Diagnostics Instrumentation for a 6.7-MeV Proton Beam Halo Experiment J. Douglas Gilpatrick, LANL MOC16 Optical Transition Radiation Measurements of an Intense Pulsed 20 MeV Electron Beam Christophe Vermare, LANL MOC17 A BPM System for the SPRING-8 Linac Kenichi Yanagida, JASRI MOC18 A Real-Time Energy Monitor System for the IPNS LINAC Jeffrey Dooling, ANL MOC19 Measurement and Correction of Cross-Plane Coupling in Transport Lines Mark Woodley, SLAC MOC20 Numerical Analysis of a Beam-Energy-Spread Monitor Using Multi-Stripline Electrodes Tsuyoshi Suwada, KEK MOD01 Two-Charge State Heavy Ion Beam Acceleration in Front End of RIA Driver Linac Peter Ostroumov, ANL MOD02 Multiple Charge State Beam Acceleration at ATLAS Peter Ostroumov, ANL MOD03 Status Report on the Construction of the ISAC Drift Tube LINAC Pierre Bricault, TRIUMF MOD04 A Charge State Breeder Based on a Low Frequency RFQ for the ISAC Accelerator Complex Pierre Bricault, TRIUMF MOD05 Ion Sources and Injectors for HIF Induction Linacs E. Henestroza, LBNL MOD06 The Status of DESY H - Sources Jens Peters, DESY MOD07 An ECR Hydrogen Negative Ion Source at CEA/Saclay: Preliminary Results. Raphael Gobin, CEA-Saclay MOD08 (WITHDRAWN by authors) Performance of a High Intensity Polarized H- Source on the Brookhaven 200 MeV Linac James Alessi, BNL MOD09 Measurements on the H- Ion Source and Low Energy Beam Transport Section for the SNS Front-End Systems Rainer Thomae, LBNL MOD10 Design of the 7 MeV/u, 217 MHz Injector Linac for the Proposed Ion Beam Facility for Cancer Therapy at the Clinic in Heidelberg Bernhard Schlitt, GSI MOD11 Commissioning of the IH-RFQ and IH-DTL for the GSI High Current Linac Ulrich Ratzinger, GSI Darmstadt, Germany MOD12 Operational Aspects of the High Current Upgrade at the UNILAC Juergen Klabunde, GSI MOD13 The New Gas Stripper and Charge State Separator of the GSI High Current Injector Winfried Barth, GSI MOD14 Commissioning of the High Current Ion Sources at the New GSI Injector (HSI) Hartmut Reich, GSI MOD15 The Low Energy Beam Transport System of the New GSI High Current Injector Ludwig Dahl, GSI MOD16 First Beam Test with the ISAC Separated Function DTL Robert Laxdal, TRIUMF MOD17 ISAC at TRIUMF: Recent Achievements and Future Goals Robert Laxdal, TRIUMF MOD18 Design of the SNS MEBT John Staples, LBNL MOD19 Evolution of the LEBT Layout for SNS Jani Reijonen, LBNL MOD20 First Beam Test of a Volume Production H- Ion Source with a LEBT Akira Ueno, KEK MOD21 IHEP Experience on Creation and Operation of RFQs. A. Zherebtsov, IHEP MOE01 Analysis and Simulation on the Enhancement of the CSR Effects Rui Li, Jefferson Lab MOE02 Short High Charge Bunches in the SLAC Linac Franz-Josef Decker, SLAC MOE03 Quadrupole Misalignments and Steering in Long Linacs Gennady Stupakov, SLAC MOE04 Suppression of Beam Breakup Instability in a Long Train by Introducing Energy Spread Between the Bunches Gennady Stupakov, SLAC MOE05 Optimized Circuit-based Wakefield Computations Jean-Francois Ostiguy, FNL MOE06 The Diffraction Model And Its Applicability for Wakefield Calculations Wolfgang F.O. Mueller, U. Frankfurt MOE07 Lattice Matching with a Quadrupole Missing Rainer Wanzenberg, DESY MOE08 A Novel Approach to Transient Beam Loading Compensation in Pulsed Linear Electron Accelerators Wim Mondelaers, Department of Subatomic Radiation Physics, Ghent University MOE09 Simulating Accelerator Reliability Christopher Piaszczyk, AES MOE10 Experimental Study of System for a Simultaneous Bend of Unidirectional Electron and Proton Beams Alexander Nesterovich, Moscow Engineering Physics Institute MOE11 Emittance Growth in Space-Charge Dominated Beams Due to the Thermalization of Normal Mode Perturbations Steven Lund, LLNL MOE12 Envelope Modes of Beams with Angular Momentum John Barnard, LLNL MOE13 Investigation of Halo Formation Using Perturbational Analysis, Weighted Polynomial Expansion of the Self-Fields, and the Particle-Core Model Christopher Allen, LANL MOE14 Multiscale Analysis of RMS Envelope Dynamics Michael Zeitlin, IPME RAS MOE15 Multiresolution Representations for Solutions of Vlasov-Maxwell Equations for Intense Beam Propagation Mrs. Antonina Fedorova, IPME RAS MOE16 Some New Approaches to Solving Constrained Transfer Line Matching Problems George Gillespie, G.H. Gillespie Associates MOE17 Self-Consistent Model of 3-Dimensional Time-Dependent Ellipsoid Yuri Batygin, American Sciences and Engineering MOE18 High-Brightness Beam Current Limit in RF Field Yuri Batygin, American Sciences and Engineering MOE19 Energy Transfer Mechanisms and Equipartitioning in non-Equilibrium Space-Charge-Dominated Beams Rami Kishek, Institute for Plasma Research, U. Maryland MOE20 DFQ--Double Frequency RFQ Yoshihisa Iwashita, Institute for Chemical Research MOE21 Stability of Non-Equipartitioned Bunched Beams Ingo Hofmann, GSI Darmstadt Tuesday, August 22, 2000 - Steinbeck Forum Invited Talks
8:30-10:00 Session TU1 Session Chair: H. Klein, IAP TU101 An Overview of the Spallation Neutron Source Project Robert Kustom, ORNL TU102 The KEK/JAERI Joint Project: Status of Design and Development Kazuo Hasegawa, JAERI TU103 RIA Project Christoph Leemann, Jefferson Lab 10:00-10:30 Refreshment Break 10:30-12:30 Session TU2 Session Chair: Y. Yamazaki, KEK TU201 High Power Operations of LEDA Lloyd Young, LANL TU202 Beam Halo in Proton Linac Beams Thomas Wangler, LANL TU203 Exotic Ion-Beams Targets and Sources Jacques Lettry, CERN TU204 Test Measurements with the REX-ISOLDE LINAC Structures Oliver Kester, LMU Munich TU205 PIAVE the Legnaro New Positive Ion Injector Based on Superconducting RFQs Augusto Lombardi, INFN TU206 A High Intensity H- Linac at CERN Based on LEP-2 Cavities Maurizio Vretenar, CERN 12:30-14:00 Working Lunch 14:00-14:20 Session TU3 Session Chair: G. McMichael, ANL TU301 Accelerator Structures for Linear Colliders Roger H. Miller, SLAC Tuesday, August 22, 2000 - Steinbeck Forum Oral Posters
14:20-15:20 Session TU4 - Oral Posters Session Chair: G. McMichael, ANL TUA02 Meeting Tight Frequency Requirement of Rounded Damped Detuned Structure Toshiyasu Higo, KEK TUA03 Design, Fabrication and Measurement of the First Rounded Damped Detuned Accelerator Structure (RDDS1) Juwen Wang, SLAC TUB03 The DARHT-II Electron injector Enrique Henestroza, LBNL TUB19 Physics Design of the ETA-II/Snowtron Double Pulse Target Experiment Yu-Jiuan Chen, LLNL TUC03 Transport optimization and characterization of the 2kA AIRIX electron beam Eric Merle, CEA TUC12 RF Control Requirements for the CEBAF Energy Upgrade Cavities Curt Hovater, TJNAF TUC16 Analysis and Synthesis of the SNS Superconducting RF Control System Yi-Ming Wang, LANL TUD06 Overview of the APT Accelerator Design Joseph Tooker, General Atomics TUD19 A Super-Conducting Linac Driver for the BNL-HFBR Reactor Alessandro G Ruggiero, BNL TUE03 Acoustic Measurements of RF breakdown in High Gradient X-Band Structures Josef Frisch, SLAC TUE09 Towards Reliable Acceleration of High-energy and High- intensity Electron Beams (Commissioning and Operation Experiences at KEKB 8-GeV Linac) Kazuro Furukawa, KEK TUE17 Status of the HIMAC Injector Yukio Sato, National Institute of Radiological Sciences 15:20-15:30 Refreshment Break Tuesday, August 22, 2000 - De Anza Ballroom II & III Posters
15:30-18:00 Session TU5 TUA01 Fabricating Process of Rounded Damped Detuned Structure Yoshisato Funahashi, KEK TUA02 Meeting Tight Frequency Requirement of Rounded Damped Detuned Structure Toshiyasu Higo, KEK TUA03 Design, Fabrication and Measurement of the First Rounded Damped Detuned Accelerator Structure (RDDS1) Juwen Wang, SLAC TUA04 Design of the JLC/NLC RDDS Structure Using Parallel Eigensolver Omega3P Zenghai Li, SLAC TUA05 Numerical Studies on Locally Damped Structures Zenghai Li, SLAC TUA06 Design Considerations for the Accelerator Structures of the JLC/NLC Injector Linacs Karl Bane, SLAC TUA07 Fabrication and Tolerance Issues and Their Influence on BBU and on Emittance Dilution in the Construction of X-Band RDDS Linacs for the NLC Roger Jones, SLAC TUA08 An Investigation of Optimised Frequency Distributions for Damping Wakefields in X-Band Linacs for the NLC Roger Jones, SLAC TUA09 Local and Fundamental Mode Coupler Damping of the Transverse Wakefield in the RDDS1 Linacs Roger Jones, SLAC TUA10 Accelerated Wakefield Reduction in Damped Detuned X- Band Linacs from An Optimised Frequency Distribution Roger Jones, SLAC TUA11 General Relations for Neighbour Modes Parameters of Compensated Structures in the Vicinity of Operating Point. Valentin Paramonov, INR TUA12 The Compensated Periodical Structure for Charge Particle RF Deflector. V.V. Paramonov, INR TUA13 Rectangular Waveguide HOM Couplers for a TESLA Superstructure Nicolay Sobenin, MEPhI, Russia TUA14 A Fast Switchyard for the TESLA FEL-Beam Using a Superconducting Transverse Mode Cavity Rainer Wanzenberg, DESY TUA15 Superconducting Superstructure for the TESLA Collider: New Results Matthias Liepe, DESY TUA16 Design of a 3 GHz Accelerator Structure for the CLIC Test Facility (CTF 3) Drive Beam Erk Jensen, CERN TUA17 The CLIC Main Linac Accelerating Structure Walter Wuensch, CERN TUA18 Scattering Matrix Approach to Investigating the Beam- Cavity Interaction of Modes in the Higher Dipole Bands in the NLC Accelerating Structure Valery Dolgashev, SLAC TUA19 Equivalent Circuit Predictions and Microwave Measurements of S Matrix Parameters for the RDDS Damped Detuned Structure Roger Miller, SLAC TUA20 Microwave Quality Assurance for Single Cells of the Next Linear Collider Roger Miller, SLAC TUA21 Test of Accelerating Structure for VEPP-5 Preinjector Viatcheslav Pavlov, BINP TUA22 High Power Model Fabrication of Biperiodic L-support Disk-and-Washer Structure Yoshihisa Iwashita, Institute for Chemical Research TUB01 A Precise, 3.2 MV 2.0 ms, Marxed PFN for Radiography James Fockler, LBNL TUB02 Electrical Design of the DARHT-2 Injector Insulator Column and Associated Fault Modes David Anderson, ORNL TUB03 The DARHT-II Electron injector Enrique Henestroza, LBNL TUB04 Design and Construction of the 3.2 MeV Cathode Assembly for DARHT II Craig Peters, LBNL TUB05 Design and Construction of the 3.2 MeV High Voltage Column for DARHT II Craig Peters, LBNL TUB06 Electron Beam Injector Diode Diagnostics for the DARHT-II Facility Shmuel Eylon, LBNL TUB07 Design and Performance of the DARHT Second Axis Induction Cells and Drivers William Waldron, LBNL TUB08 The DARHT Phase 2 Linac Henry Rutkowski, LBNL TUB09 RF Cell Modeling and Experiments for Wakefield Minimization in DARHT-II Scott Nelson, LLNL TUB10 Reconstruction of Initial Beam Conditions at the Exit of the DARHT II Accelerator Arthur Paul, LLNL TUB11 Effect of Backscattered Electrons on Electron Beam Focus Steven Falabella, LLNL TUB12 The Effect of Asymmetric Plasma Plumes on the Transport of High-Current Electron Beams James McCarrick, LLNL TUB13 Beam-Target Interaction Experiments For Bremsstrahlung Converters Applications S. Sampayan, LLNL TUB14 Faraday Cup Measurements of Ions Backstreaming into an Electron Beam Impinging on a Plasma Plume Tim Houck, LLNL TUB15 The RTA Betatron-Node Experiment: Limiting Cumulative BBU Growth In A Linear Periodic System Tim Houck, LLNL TUB16 The Mechanical Design for the DARHT-II Downstream Beam Transport Line Glen Westenskow, LLNL TUB17 Particle Simulation of DARHT-II Downstream Transport Brian Poole, LLNL TUB18 Particle Simulations of a Long Pulse Electron Beam in a Bend Brian Poole, LLNL TUB19 Physics Design of the ETA-II/Snowtron Double Pulse Target Experiment Yu-Jiuan Chen, LLNL TUB20 Physics Design Considerations of Diagnostic X Beam Transport System Yu-Jiuan Chen, LLNL TUC01 RBF neural net based classifier for the AIRIX accelerator fault diagnosis Jean Christophe Ribes, CEA TUC02 First results of the AIRIX induction accelerator Marc Mouillet, CEA TUC03 Transport optimization and characterization of the 2kA AIRIX electron beam Eric Merle, CEA TUC04 Alignment Techniques of Magnetic Axis for SL-I Linac Dai Zhiyong TUC05 A New Linear Induction Voltage Adder Driver for the Saturn Accelerator Michael G. Mazarakis, Sandia National Labs TUC06 Ion-Hose Instability in Long Pulse Induction Accelerators George Caporaso, LLNL TUC07 The Effect of an Under-dense Plasma Density Gradient on the Backstreaming Ion Mechanism George Caporaso, LLNL TUC08 Dipole Septum Magnet in the Fast Kicker System for Multi-Axis Advanced Radiography Li-Fang Wang, LLNL TUC09 Modeling of an Inductive Adder Kicker Pulser for DARHT-2 Ms. Li-Fang Wang, LLNL TUC10 Inductive-Adder Kicker Modulator for DARHT-2 Edward Cook, LLNL TUC11 Beam-based Feedback Testing and Simulations for the SLC Linac Linda Hendrickson, SLAC TUC12 RF Control Requirements for the CEBAF Energy Upgrade Cavities Curt Hovater, TJNAF TUC13 An Iterative Learning Control of a Pulsed Linear Accelerator Sung-il Kwon, LANL TUC14 Automated Operation of the APS Linac Using the Procedure Execution Manager Stanley Pasky, ANL TUC15 Control System for the LEDA 6.7-MeV Proton Beam Halo Experiment Martin Pieck, LANL TUC16 Analysis and Synthesis of the SNS Superconducting RF Control System Yi-Ming Wang, LANL TUC17 Design of the SNS Normal Conducting RF Control System Tony Rohlev, LANL TUC18 RF Control System for the NLC Linacs Paul Corredoura, SLAC TUC19 Frequency Response Measurements of LEDA RF Control System T.S. Rohlev, LANL TUD01 A 3.0MeV KOMAC/KTF RFQ Linac Jang-Min Han, Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute TUD02 RF-test of a 324-MHz, 3-MeV, H- RFQ Stabilized with PISL's Akira Ueno, KEK TUD03 Design of the ESS RFQs and Chopping Ligne. Robin Ferdinand, CEA TUD04 Status reports on the IPHI RFQ. Robin Ferdinand, CEA TUD05 RFQD - a Decelerating RFQ for the CERN Antiproton Facility AD Werner Pirkl, CERN TUD06 Overview of the APT Accelerator Design Joseph Tooker, General Atomics TUD07 The Construction of the Low-Energy Front 60-MeV Linac for the JAERI/KEK Joint Project Yoshishige Yamazaki, KEK TUD08 Development of the 50-MeV DTL for the KEK/JAERI Joint Project Fujio Naito, KEK TUD09 Development of Superconducting linac for the KEK/JAERI Joint Project Motoharu Mizumoto, JAERI TUD10 Development of the DTL Quadrupole magnet with New Electroforming Hollow Coil for the KEK/JAERI Joint Project Kazuo Yoshino, KEK TUD11 High Power Proton Linacs for Different Applications Boris Murin, Moscow Radiotechnical Institute TUD12 Beam Emittance Measurements of the LEDA RFQ Martin E. Schulze, LANL TUD13 LEDA q A High-Power Test Bed of Innovation and Opportunity J. David Schneider, LANL TUD14 Status Update on the Low-Energy Demonstration Accelerator (LEDA) H. Vernon Smith, LANL TUD15 LEDA Beam Operations Milestone and Observed Beam Transmission Characteristics Lawrence Rybarcyk, LANL TUD16 High Current H+ Test at Fermilab Linac Milorad Popovic, FNAL TUD17 Tests of the CERN Proton Linac Performance for LHC- Type Beams Richard Scrivens, CERN TUD18 A Super-Conducting Linac Injector to the BNL-AGS Alessandro G Ruggiero, BNL TUD19 A Super-Conducting Linac Driver for the BNL-HFBR Reactor Alessandro G Ruggiero, BNL TUD20 Reliability History and Improvements to the ANL 50 MeV H- Accelerator Lawrence Donley, ANL TUD21 Development of the Low Energy Accelerator for KOMAC Byung-Ho Choi, Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute TUD22 Superconducting-Linac for the SNS J. Stovall, LANL TUE01 RF Processing of X-Band Accelerator Structures at the NLCTA Chris Adolphsen, SLAC TUE02 Simulation of RF breakdown in X-Band Accelerator Structures and Its Implications for the Design of High Gradient Structures Chris Adolphsen, SLAC TUE03 Acoustic Measurements of RF breakdown in High Gradient X-Band Structures Josef Frisch, SLAC TUE04 Surface Field Reduction in Coupler Cells for Accelerator Structures Norman Kroll, SLAC TUE05 A Plasma Model for RF Breakdown in Accelerating Structures Perry Wilson, SLAC TUE06 Pulsed Neutron Source using 100-MeV Electron Linac at Pohang Accelerator Laboratory Won Namkung, POSTECH TUE07 Stretcher Operation of the 100 MeV disc-load type s- band electron linac Akira Noda, Institute for Chemical Research TUE08 Status of the SPring-8 LINAC Kenichi Yanagida, JASRI TUE09 Towards Reliable Acceleration of High-energy and High- intensity Electron Beams (Commissioning and Operation Experiences at KEKB 8-GeV Linac) Kazuro Furukawa, KEK TUE10 Beam Switching and Beam Feedback Systems at the KEKB Injector Kazuro Furukawa, KEK TUE11 Linac LUE200. First Testing Results Anatoli Soumbaev, SOUMBAEV, FrankLab, JINR TUE12 NPK LUTS Project of Contraband Detection System Yuri Svistunov, D.V. Efremov Institute TUE13 Experiments on Material Recognition for 8 MeV Customs Inspection System for Trucks and Large-Scale Containers Michael Vorogushin, D.V. Efremov Institute TUE14 Critical Analysis of Industrial Electron Linacs Sergey Korenev, STERIS Isomedix Services TUE15 Commissioning of the 100 MeV Swiss Light Source Injector Linac C. Piel, ACCEL Instruments GmbH TUE16 Concept of Staged Approach for International Fusion Materials Irradiation Facility Masayoshi Sugimoto, Japan Atomic Energy Research Institute TUE17 Status of the HIMAC Injector Yukio Sato, National Institute of Radiological Sciences TUE18 R & D of an X-Band Linear Accelerator of 4 MeV for Industrial Applications Yuan Ji Pei, National Synchrotron Radiation Laboratory, Univ. Science & Technology of China TUE19 Study of Ion Source Emittance of an ELS-PIG Source Used for Ion Implantation D.R. Swenson, Eaton Corporation TUE20 Simulations and cold-test results of a prototype PWT linac structure K. K. Pant, Centre for Advanced Technology, Indore, INDIA Wednesday, August 23, 2000 - Steinbeck Forum Invited Talks
8:30-10:00 Session WE1 Dan Birx Memorial Session Session Chair: R. Briggs, SAIC WE101 Progress in Induction Linacs George Caporaso, LLNL WE102 Beam Dynamics in the DARHT-II Accelerator William Fawley, LBNL WE103 Review of Solid-State Modulators Edward Cook, LLNL 10:00-10:30 Refreshment Break 10:30-12:30 Session WE2 Session Chair: F. Tazzioli, INFN,LNF WE201 High Performance Computing in Accelerator Physics Kwok Ko, SLAC WE202 Overview of the Heavy Ion Fusion Program C.M. Celata, LBNL WE203 New Development in RF Pulse Compression Sami Tantawi, SLAC WE204 Pulsed Superconductivity Acceleration Matthias Liepe, DESY WE205 Pulsed SC Proton Linac N. Ouchi, JAERI
12:30-13:30 Working Lunch
13:30 Conference Excursion
Thursday, August 24, 2000 - Steinbeck Forum Invited Talks
8:30-10:00 Session TH1 Session Chair: D. Sutter, US DOE TH101 Highlights from AAC 2000 J. Rosenzweig, UCLA TH102 Acceleration for the mu-Storage Ring Neutrino Source (revised title) David Neuffer, FNAL TH103 Overview of SASE Experiments Pedro Castro, DESY 10:00-10:30 Refreshment Break 10:30-12:30 Session TH2 Session Chair: L. Kravchuk, INR TH201 All-Optical Plasma Based Acceleration Wim Leemans, LBNL TH202 E-157: a Plasma Wakefield Acceleration Experiment Patrick Muggli, USC TH203 Simulation of the Ionization Cooling of Muons in Linear RF Systems Gregg Penn, LBNL TH204 The Jefferson Lab 1 kW IR FEL David Douglas, TJNAF TH205 Measuring and Controlling Energy Spread in CEBAF Geoffrey Krafft, TJNAF TH206 Coherent Synchrotron Radiation Measurements in the CLIC Test Facility (CFT2). Roberto Corsini, CERN 12:30-14:00 Working Lunch 14:00-14:20 Session TH3 Session Chair: N. Holtkamp, FNAL TH301 RAFEL Dinh Nguyen, LANL Thursday, August 24, 2000 - Steinbeck Forum Oral Posters
14:20-15:20 Session TH4 - Oral Posters Session Chair: N. Holtkamp, FNAL THA03 The Next Linear Collider Klystron Development Program Erik Jongewaard, SLAC THA08 A Planar, Rectangular Waveguide Launcher and Extractor for a Dual-Moded RF Power Distribution System Christopher Nantista, SLAC THA10 Development of 2x2 DLDS System and New RF Components for JLC Yong Ho Chin, KEK THB12 Multipactoring Code for 3D Accelerating Structures Leonid Kravchuk, INR, Moscow THB22 Observations of a H-Beam - Ion Instability Milorad Popovic, FNAL THC04 Specifying HOM-power extraction efficiency in high average current, short bunch length srf environment (revised title) Lia Merminga, TJNAF THC12 A W-Band Two Beam Composite Accelerator Marc Hill, SLAC THD05 Fabrication and Testing of the First Module of the SNS RFQ Alessandro Ratti, LBNL THD17 Status of Superconducting RF Linac Development for APT K. C. Dominic Chan, LANL THD20 The Use of Dispersion-Strengthened Copper in Accelerator Designs Robert Valdiviez, LANL THE01 The Spallation Neutron Source (SNS) Linac RF System Michael Lynch, LANL THE11 Progress on the 140 Kv, 10 Megawatt Peak, 1 Megawatt Average Polyphase Quasi-Resonant Bridge, Boost Converter/Modulator for the Spallation Neutron Source (SNS) Klystron Power System William Reass, LANL THE18 Investigation of Twisted Waveguides as Slow Wave Structures Yoon Kang, ANL 15:20-15:30 Refreshment Break Thursday, August 24, 2000 - De Anza Ballroom II & III Posters
15:30-18:00 Session TH5 THA01 Operation of a Second Harmonic Coaxial Gyroklystron Wes Lawson, U. of Maryland THA02 High Power Testing Results of the X-Band Mixed-Mode RF Windows for Linear Colliders Shu-ichi Tokumoto, KEK THA03 The Next Linear Collider Klystron Development Program Erik Jongewaard, SLAC THA04 Development of rf reference system for the linear collider Takashi Naito, KEK THA05 The RF Phase Distribution and Timing System for the NLC. Josef Frisch, SLAC THA06 2D Simulation of High-Efficiency Cross-Field RF Power Sources Valery Dolgashev, SLAC THA07 Development of High Power X-Band Semiconductor RF Switch for Pulse Compression Systems of Future Linear Colliders Fumihiko Tamura, SLAC THA08 A Planar, Rectangular Waveguide Launcher and Extractor for a Dual-Moded RF Power Distribution System Christopher Nantista, SLAC THA09 An Alternate Dual-Moded DLDS Utilizing the TE01 and TE02 Modes Christopher Nantista, SLAC THA10 Development of 2x2 DLDS System and New RF Components for JLC Yong Ho Chin, KEK THA11 Energy stabilization of 1.5 GeV S-Band linac Masao Kuriki, KEK THA12 Development of a Smart Modulator and Efficiency Evaluation of 500 GeV e+e- C-band Linear Collider Jong-Seok Oh, KEK THA13 Solid State Induction Modulator Replacement for the Conventional SLAC 5045 Klystrons Modulator Richard Cassel, SLAC THA14 Improvement of Waveform Efficiency Using a Compensation Circuit Mitsuo Akemoto, KEK THA15 Comparative Analysis of Klystron Modulator Approaches for NLC Anatoly Krasnykh, SLAC THA16 SLAC Parallel Tracking Code Development & Applications B. McCandless, SLAC THA17 SLAC Parallel Electromagnetic Code Development & Applications N. Folwell, SLAC THA18 Results on RF Pulsed Heating Experiment at SLAC David Pritzkau, SLAC THA19 A New Configuration for Two-Beam Linear Colliders R. Ruth, SLAC THA20 Design for a One-Gigawatt, Annular-Beam Klystron M.V. Fazio, LANL THB01 A 'Hybrid'-Type System for an Achromatic Focusing of Ions Alexander Nesterovich, Moscow Engineering Physics Institute THB02 Funneling with the Two-Beam RFQ Holger Zimmermann, IAP, Frankfurt THB03 High Current Beam Dynamics in the ESS Superconducting Linac Michael Pabst, F-Z Juelich THB04 Study of Nonlinearities and Small Particle Losses in High Power Linac Stepan Yaramishev, ITEP THB05 Influence of space charge fluctuations on low energy beam transport of high current ion beams. Juergen Pozimski, IAP, Frankfurt THB06 Beam Dynamics Studies for a High Current Ion Injector Horst Deitinghoff, IAP, Frankfurt THB07 The Beam Halo Experiment at the LEDA Facility: a First Test of the Core-Halo Model Patrick L. Colestock, LANL THB08 Determining Phase-Space Properties of the LEDA RFQ Output Beam Walter Lysenko, LANL THB09 Beam Energy Stabilization of the KEK 40MeV Proton Linac Zenei Igarashi, KEK THB10 Energy Stability in a High Intensity Pulsed SC Proton Linac Alban Mosnier, CEA THB11 RFQ Parameter Choice by Multi-Parameter Optimization Alexander Durkin, Moscow Radiotechnical Institute THB12 Multipactoring Code for 3D Accelerating Structures Leonid Kravchuk, INR, Moscow THB13 Using Trace 3-D in the Particle Beam Optics Laboratory Barrey Hill, G.H. Gillespie Assoc. THB14 CCT - a Code to Automate the Design of Coupled Cavities Peter D. Smith, General Atomics THB15 New Tasks and New Codes for RFQ Beam Simulation Boris Bondarev, Moscow Radiotechnical Institute THB16 Design and Performance Simulations of the Bunch Compressor for the APS LEUTL FEL Michael Borland, ANL THB17 RFQFAST - A New Desktop Tool for RFQ Designers Christopher Piaszczyk, AES THB18 Beam Dynamics On-Line Simulation Mikhail Krassilnikov, Darmstadt University of Technology THB19 TOUTATIS, the CEA-Saclay RFQ code. Robin Ferdinand, CEA THB20 Improvement in 3D computation of RF-losses in resonant cavities Pascal Balleyguier, CEA THB21 The Method for the Fields Distribution Description in Periodical Structures. V.V. Paramonov, INR THB22 Observations of a H-Beam - Ion Instability Milorad Popovic, FNAL THC01 Wakefield Effects in the Advanced Photon Source Linac Eliane Lessner, ANL THC02 The JAERI superconducting linac based FEL Toshiyuki Shizuma, JAERI THC03 Driver Accelerator Design for the 10 kW Upgrade of the Jefferson Lab IR FEL David Douglas, TJNAF THC04 Specifying HOM-power extraction efficiency in high average current, short bunch length srf environment (revised title) Lia Merminga, TJNAF THC05 A Highly Flexible Bunch Compressor for the APS LEUTL FEL Michael Borland, ANL THC06 2 GeV Superconducting Muon Linac Milorad Popovic, FNAL THC07 the FEL Driven Two-Beam Accelerator Project at CESTA Jean-Luc Rullier, CEA THC08 Recent Results from the FEL Driven Two-Beam Accelerator Project at CESTA Jean-Luc Rullier, CEA THC09 Analysis of Longitudinal Bunching in an FEL Driven Two-Beam Accelerator Jean-Luc Rullier, CEA THC10 Rf System Upgrades to the Advanced Photon Source (APS) Linear Accelerator (Linac) in Support of the Free-Electron Laser (FEL) Operation Terry Smith, ANL THC11 SLAC Linac RF Performance for LCLS Ron Akre, SLAC THC12 A W-Band Two Beam Composite Accelerator Marc Hill, SLAC THC13 Results on Plasma Focusing of High Energy Density Electron and Positron Beams Johnny S.T. Ng, SLAC THC14 Collective Acceleration of Ions by Means of Plasmoids in RF Wells of Frequency-Modulated Laser Field Stanislav Vinogradov, MRTI THC15 Design of a 2 MV, 15 Hz, Four Pulse Induction Linac Module for Phase-energy Rotation of a Muon Beam James Fockler, LBNL THC16 A 15 Mev Linear Electron Accelerator Based Tunable Monochromatic Hard X-Ray Source Wim Mondelaers, Department of Subatomic Radiation Physics, Ghent University THC17 Phase Rotation, Cooling and Acceleration of Muon Beams: a Comparison of Different Approaches. Alessandra Lombardi, CERN THC18 Rf Cavities for the Muon Collider and Neutrino Factory Collaboration Study Al Moretti, FNLA THC19 High-Brightness Beams from a Light Source Injector: The Advanced Photon Source Low-Energy Undulator Test Line LINAC G. Travish, ANL THD01 RF Design, Tuning and Measurements of a 3 GHz Side- coupled Structure for Proton Therapy Maurizio Vretenar, CERN THD02 TRASCO RFQ P Pisent, INFN-LNL THD03 Main steps for fabrication of the IPHI RFQ Michel Painchault, CEA THD04 Analysis of Thermally Induced Frequency Shift for the Spallation Neutron Source RFQ Steve Virostek, LBNL THD05 Fabrication and Testing of the First Module of the SNS RFQ Alessandro Ratti, LBNL THD06 Industrial Fabrication of Medium-Beta SCRF Cavities for a High-Intensity Proton Linac Jozef Kuzminski, General Atomics THD07 Structural Analysis of Superconducting Accelerator Cavities Dale Schrage, LANL THD08 Superconducting Accelerating Structures for a Multi- beam Driver Linac for RIA, K.W. Shepard, ANL THD09 Efficient Design Scheme of Superconducting Cavity Sang-ho Kim, ORNL THD10 Superconducting H-mode Structures for Medium Energy Beams Ralf Eichhorn, GSI THD11 A Superconductive, Low Beta Single Gap Cavity for a High Intensity Proton Linac Alberto Facco, INFN THD12 Meander-Line Current Structure Development for SNS Fast Chopper Sergey Kurennoy, LANL THD13 Status of the RFD Linac Structure Development Donald Swenson, Linac Systems THD14 Development of rebunching cavities at IAP (Revised title) Kai Uwe Kphnel, IAP, Frankfurt THD15 Design of 11.8 MHz Buncher for ISAC at TRIUMF Amiya Mitra, TRIUMF THD16 High-Power Testing of APT Coupler K. C. Dominic Chan, LANL THD17 Status of Superconducting RF Linac Development for APT K. C. Dominic Chan, LANL THD18 Studies of CCL Accelerating Structures with 3-D Codes. George Spalek, General Atomics THD19 Bridge Coupler for APT George Spalek, General Atomics THD20 The Use of Dispersion-Strengthened Copper in Accelerator Designs Robert Valdiviez, LANL THD21 Applications of Superconducting RFQ linear accelerators Andrea Pisent, INFN- Laboratori Nazionali di Legnaro THD22 The IH-7-Gap resonators of the Munich Accelerator for Fission Fragments (MAFF) LINAC Alwin Schempp, IAP, Frankfurt THE01 The Spallation Neutron Source (SNS) Linac RF System Michael Lynch, LANL THE02 The RF source of the 60-MeV Linac for the KEK/JAERI Joint Project Shigeki Fukuda, KEK THE03 Simulation of Back-going Electrons from a Collector of Klystron Zhigao Fang, KEK THE04 Lifetime Testing 700 MHz RF Windows for the Accelerator Production of Tritium Program Karen Cummings, LANL THE05 The RF-System of the new GSI High Current Linac HSI Gerald Hutter, GSI THE06 High-power Circulator Test Results at 350 MHz and 700 MHz William Roybal, LANL THE07 Testing and Implementation Progress on the Advanced Photon Source (APS) Linear Accelerator (Linac) High-Power S-band Switching System Arthur Grelick, ANL THE08 RF, Thermal, and Structural Analysis of a CW RF Window Thomas Schultheiss, Advanced Energy Systems THE09 Development of High Power CW RF Windows Michael Cole, Advanced Energy Systems THE10 3D Design of the IPHI RFQ Cavity Pascal Balleyguier, CEA THE11 Progress on the 140 Kv, 10 Megawatt Peak, 1 Megawatt Average Polyphase Quasi-Resonant Bridge, Boost Converter/Modulator for the Spallation Neutron Source (SNS) Klystron Power System William Reass, LANL THE12 Collector Failures on 350 MHz, 1.2 MW CW Klystrons at the Low Energy Demonstration Accelerator. Daniel Rees, LANL THE13 A RF Chopped Electron Beam Driver for H-Type Cavities Stefan Setzer, Darmstadt University of Technology THE14 (WITHDRAWN by authors) Progress on the New High Power 200 MHz RF System for the LANSCE DTL John Lyles, LANL THE15 Continued Monitoring of the Sparking Rate of the Fermilab Linac 805 MHz Cavities Elliott McCrory, FNAL THE16 Testing A Hot Model of the Coupled-Cavity Drift Tube LINAC Richard Wood, LANL THE17 A Compact Waveguide-Type Cavity Input Coupler for Shielding a Ceramic Window and Near Uniform Aperture Fields Yoon Kang, ANL THE18 Investigation of Twisted Waveguides as Slow Wave Structures Yoon Kang, ANL THE19 Investigation of 805 Mhz High Power Fast Ferrite Phase Shifter for Superconducting Linac of the Spallation Neutron Source (SNS) Yoon Kang, ANL THE20 Advanced Copper Lining for Accelerator Components Hiroshi Ino, Mitsubishi Heavy Industries, Ltd. Friday, August 25, 2000 - Steinbeck Forum Invited Talks
8:30-10:00 Session FR1 Session Chair: S. Yu, LBNL FR101 Multiple-Charge Beam Dynamics in an Ion Linac Peter Ostroumov, ANL FR102 CW Performance of the TRIUMF 8 Meter Long RFQ for Exotic Ions Roger Poirier, TRIUMF FR103 Linac Architecture for High Power Proton Sources Jean-Michel Lagniel, CEA 10:00-10:30 Refreshment Break 10:30-12:30 Session FR2 Session Chair: W. Namkung, POSTECH FR201 Commissioning of the 1.4 MeV/u High Current Heavy Ion Linac at GSI Winfried Barth, GSI FR202 Why Accelerator-Driven Transmutation of Wastes Enables Future Nuclear Power? Waclaw Gudowski, Technical University Sweden FR203 The Spallation Neutron Source: A Powerful Tool for Materials Research Thomas Mason, ONL 12:00 Closing Remarks