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XX International Linac Conference

WE201 (Invited)

Presenter: Kwok Ko (SLAC)
Status: Incomplete - No full text

High Performance Computing in Accelerator Physics*

Kwok Ko (SLAC)

High performance computing powered by increased investments in software and hardware infrastructure is beginning to have a significant impact on accelerator design and analysis. The US DOE funded Accelerator Grand Challenge has laid the groundwork for a suite of parallel codes in beam dynamics and electromagnetics that run on supercomputers such as the Cray T3E and IBM SP2 as well as commodity PC clusters. We will show how this powerful capability has enabled some of the most challenging problems to be solved in resolution and turnaround time never before possible, and we will describe the technologies developed to support such large-scale computations. The benefits to present and future accelerator facilities from advancing simulation as the third tool of science, accompanying theory and experiment, will be discussed.
* Work supported by the Department of Energy, contract DE-AC03-76SF00515.

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