The International Fusion Materials Irradiation Facility (IFMIF) is an IEA collaboration work to construct an intense neutron source for development of fusion materials. The 250-mA, 40-MeV deuteron beam is required to satisfy the neutron intensity and the volume size of irradiation space. As the basic concept discussed during these five years, a set of two identical 175-MHz, 125-mA linacs is employed to achieve the beam current requirement. However, in the latest proposal which was raised by Japan initially, the construction is divided into three stages, (1) 50-mA operation of a full performance linac, (2) full power 125-mA operation of the first linac, and (3) 250-mA operation with an addition of the second linac. These steps are requested to support a near term milestones of the fusion program along with the final objective of DEMO (demonstration fusion reactor)-relevant materials development. From the accelerator technology viewpoints, some essential key issues need to be solved before starting the construction, i.e. 160-mA deuteron injector, 175-MHz coupled cavity RFQ, precise beam dynamics simulation to realize the beam loss control, possibility of superconducting linac option, etc. The paper describes the Japanese activity about the design and development study about IFMIF accelerator in this year and overviews the schedule of next several years.
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